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Marie H

Favorite Answers16%
  • Poll: Do you think that nonreligious businesses should take religious and/or political stances?

    Example: Chick-Fil-A's recent stance on gay marriage.

    Do you think that is appropriate? I'm not asking about your opinion on gay marriage, I'm only using that as an example.

    Polls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why does Hulu only have the pilot episode of "Touch"?

    I know there have been 2 more episodes but they still only have the pilot. What's the deal? Why even have the pilot if they aren't going to have more?

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • Do you think in-laws should call before they come over?

    Or is unreasonable for me to ask them to call first since they're family? My mother-in-law just stops by without calling first all the time. She does live less than a mile away but I have a toddler that still takes naps and I just want a little notice. Sometimes I take a nap with him when I haven't had enough sleep. It's embarrassing to answer the door with messy hair. I just want 5 minutes notice but is that unreasonable since she's family?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Where can I watch episodes 7 through 9 of The Secret Circle?

    These episodes are missing from every where including the cw website, hulu, and yahoo. I don't want to give out my credit card information or do any downloading. I just want to watch these episodes. Hulu has the rest. Anyone know a website where I can watch these instantly?

    1 AnswerDrama9 years ago
  • What can sending money possibly do to help the problem with polar bears?

    There are these commercials all over TV, made by the organization WWF(world wildlife foundation) and they want us to send money to "help" these polar bears that are dying due to global warming. How can sending money possibly help with global warming?! Shouldn't they be commercials for recycling or not driving a hummer or something that would really help? Aren't we just paying for more useless commercials? How would we stop global warming by sending them money? They don't elaborate on how we could help.

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Can I somehow force my sister to get help for her son that is behaving like a sociopath?

    My nephew was diagnosed bipolar several years ago and she never got him help. When he was around 6 he killed and mutilated a kitten then his sisters told me that he killed a bird and mutilated it a couple years later but when I told my sister she said the girls were lying to get him in trouble because that's what he told her. Throughout the years I've noticed that he's violent and his sisters claim that he used to poke at dead animals he would find in the desert and sometimes choke his younger sister until she "fell asleep".

    Just yesterday he was left alone at my brother's house for 2 hours and he killed my brother's ferret and horribly mutilated it's body then dumped it in the garbage. When my brother asked him where his ferret was he told my brother that it bit him so he walked out to the desert and let it go. My brother thought it sounded fishy since his kitchen was covered in blood so he looked and found it in the dumpster and said that it looked as if it had been tortured for a long time before it died.

    My brother talked to my sister about this and she said she would "get him in to therapy in a few weeks" but we don't believe that she will.

    Can we force her to get him help? My brother says that if she doesn't get him help then he will turn my nephew in to the police for killing his animal but he's not actually sure if they would do anything about it at all.

    I'm really worried about this because he has a little sister that is coming to live with him and his mother in a few months and I'm scared he could hurt her or worse. He is almost 14 and his little sister is 7 so he could easily overpower her.

    What can I do? Would the police see that he gets help if my brother turned him in?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How can I find information on a prison inmate?

    I want to know when this creep is getting out so I can be prepared to protect myself. He is in an Arizona State Prison, in Florence, I believe. How can I find out his release date?

    6 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • What sounds yummy for dinner?

    I'm thinking something with mashed potatoes and gravy. What do you think?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can bring my toddler for extremely part time care?

    My son is 28 months old and I have always taken care of him at home. Now I need care for him 1 or 2 days a week while I'm at the Doctor's office. All the day cares I have called offer weekly/monthly prices for all day. I only want to leave him for 3 hours at the most. I like the idea of toddler classes but they are all day as well. Does anyone know where I can find short classes once or twice a week in the Phoenix/Surprise area?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I need help with baby girl names.?

    I don't like crazy celebrity names or overused names. I want classical, cute names. My brother stole my girl name, Adeline for his daughter so now I'm stuck. Can anyone give me a list of sweet baby names like Lillian or Grace?

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • When did the LDS church stop caring about the importance of family?

    What does this church stand for? I was 20 when I stopped going to church because I found that I disagreed with certain beliefs. I still always believed they were good people with good hearts.

    My parents have been very devout LDS congregants. They always paid their tithing and they held various positions in the church.

    My father has been going through a battle of cancer. When he went to visit my brother in Seattle for Thanksgiving, we knew he had only 3-6 months left to live. But when he got there he had to go to the hospital. We were told he had 2 days left to live. He wanted to see his family before he died but we all live in Arizona and everybody was broke. Every spare penny had been used to help our parents out with bills, etc. We were heartbroken and we had to find money fast to get to Seattle. After calling friends and family for help with no luck, we tried the bishop of our parents ward, and the ward that my sister and her family are in. We were told that they were "in no position" to help us out. They really didn't even seem to care. It even took a long time to get in touch with them and they wouldn't return our calls.

    So how can a church that claims to be all about family not care when one of it's faithful and true servants(both financially and physically) will have to die without family? How can they take my father's money every paycheck, making it difficult to pay medical bills and then not offer a few hundred to make his last moments on this earth peaceful?

    I really don't understand. I thought they were good people. We ended up turning to my brother's church for help and they immediately jumped at the chance to do so.

    It wasn't just the one bishop that would not help, it was two different bishops in two different cities, so please don't tell me it was just bad judgement on the part of that 1 bishop. They both gave the exact same answer, as though they were quoting some higher up authority.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about "Troll" in response to questions here?

    I think it is unoriginal and ridiculous. I don't know who started it or why, but what is with all the lemmings following this trend?! Doesn't anyone have a mind of their own?

    Why do I get the feeling that I will get "Troll" as a response?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What was your most memorable Christmas?

    What made your favorite Christmas so special? What specific memories do you have? I want to create the perfect Christmas, from the food to music to activities and clothes. I appreciate all memories, long or short.

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How can I make this Christmas special for my dad?

    We just found out that this will be Dad's last Christmas. He has 3-6 months left. I want this to be the perfect Christmas. What can I get him that will be special? Can anyone think of anything special to do for him? I want my entire family to remember it forever and I want my Dad to feel loved and happy.

    All his kids are grown and have kids of their own. He is really in to family and ancestry. But he is in too much pain to move around a lot or do anything requiring sitting up too much.

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • At what age do you think children should start sleeping in their own bed?

    My son just turned two and still sleeps with my husband and I at night. We never intended to start having him sleep with us but he had night terrors and after spending many sleepless nights getting him back to sleep, we just started having him sleep with us.

    He is "thriving" according to his doctor. He's happy, well-adjusted, and although he has his moments, he is well-behaved(everybody agrees). This is our only issue and he is getting too big(and our bed too small). We have tried several times to get him back in his bed but he won't stay there at night(only naptime).

    So what do you all think is "too old" for a child to still sleep with his parents? And does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about doind it?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago