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How can I make this Christmas special for my dad?

We just found out that this will be Dad's last Christmas. He has 3-6 months left. I want this to be the perfect Christmas. What can I get him that will be special? Can anyone think of anything special to do for him? I want my entire family to remember it forever and I want my Dad to feel loved and happy.

All his kids are grown and have kids of their own. He is really in to family and ancestry. But he is in too much pain to move around a lot or do anything requiring sitting up too much.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get everyone in your family to write a heartfelt letter to your Dad telling him everything they wanted to say and how much they love him. Put it together in a nice book and it would be very nice if you included pictures as well. You could also get him a very special keepsake, such as a large printed off version of the family tree or something you know he would enjoy. Make sure to spend a lot of time together on the holiday and have fun instead of focusing on it being his last.

    I am deeply sorry to hear about your dad's illness, especially at this time of year. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one, especially to a terrible disease. But be thankful you get time to say goodbye, make the most of it and happy holidays anyway!

  • Lilly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It may not be perfect but you just have to make the best of this sad news. We got word on Christmas eve that my dad did not have long to live, it was a very melancholy time. I hope you can get your whole family together for one picture to give to your dad. Make it big and easy to see with a non breakable frame. That way when he is in one of those days he can be uplifted by the pictures. A digital frame is a good idea too, already loaded but I'm afraid that could get lifted in the hospital and not pack in a bag real easy.

    If thats no good how about getting an inexpensive mp3 player and have Dads favorite music pre loaded on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I almost want to cry from reading your question. I'm so sorry. I really like the idea about uploading music. I worked with dying patients and music was so sentimental and therapeutic for them. Lots of hugs and kisses and sharing memories will make him feel so loved as well. I'm sure all of his family being around him on Christmas day is going to be so special. Merry Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    why dont you make some sort of dvd for him.... My friends dad died from cancer, and she made him a dvd of home videos of them together, and it had music playing in the background. then, she would get poictures and put them on the dvd like a slide show. (this was all one dvd) it was really special. he loved it, and so did the family. she made copies for each person in the family. when her dad died, she put it in his casket with him. every year when she gets sad or mad, and misses him, she just watches the dvd she made for him, and it makes her think back to the time when her dad got that for a gift, and how happy he was... i am so sorry about your dad. but, i think this is a good gift for him. there are places that will do this for you. you just have to find the tapes, and pictures, and pick out the songs... if you dont have any home video tapes, now is a good time to start.... video tape you telling your dad how much you love him, and have each person in the family do the same so you can put this all on one dvd. God bless.

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  • maggie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ok we dont have much time but here we go make a beeline into all the drawers and school records military or whatever he ever joined and make a big photo picture signature collage of photos either on a poster board or in a frame.It is something he can lay and look at and remember.Find lots of different age photos and things he might of forgot about.Find out his favorite friends and see if one or two of themwould stp in and see him.So very sorry to hear.I lost my husband 2 years ago to cancer of lung so i know how you feel make it all a very special memory and after hes not with you anymore you will have the pictures and the memories of all he will tell you about the pictures to hold close to you.Memories never replace one we love so much but we still have them close to our heart.Best to you and your family.......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have everyone share a memory with your dad. Tape record it then write them down in a journal that your dad can read. Be sure to tell him how much you love him and appreciate everything he's done for you. God bless you and your dad.

  • 1 decade ago

    scrapbook of everyone close to him

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