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Does anyone know where I can bring my toddler for extremely part time care?

My son is 28 months old and I have always taken care of him at home. Now I need care for him 1 or 2 days a week while I'm at the Doctor's office. All the day cares I have called offer weekly/monthly prices for all day. I only want to leave him for 3 hours at the most. I like the idea of toddler classes but they are all day as well. Does anyone know where I can find short classes once or twice a week in the Phoenix/Surprise area?


I don't like the idea of an in-home babysitter because I don't trust people I don't know in private environment with my child. Public classes where lots of people are around are ideal for me.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I personally would never put my child in a center, but everyone has their own reasons for what they prefer. Do you have any friends with children? A parent's coop may be just what you need. I have a network of parents that I am friends with, and we take turns watching each other's kids as needed. I also have access to a couple of neighborhood teenagers. If you don't have any close friends then a mother's day out program is likely your best option.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your best bet really is a babysitter who can come to your home. Do you have friends who have great babysitters you could poach? (You have to approach this subject very delicately with your friends ... :))

    Where I live, we have a couple clean, reputable drop-in daycare centers. I've used one of them for several years now, and it's been great -- not to mention affordable. I don't know how I would feel about using a drop-in center in a larger metropolitan area, but you could always call around and check them out. The one I use has pretty strict security policies and a well-qualified staff.

    A half-day preschool program would be great for you, too, but I'm guessing your son may be too young?

  • 1 decade ago

    The council has occassional care. I left my daughter there last term. You can leave them from 1 to 5 hours and it cost me 5 dollars australian an hour. Its a childcare centre so there are lots of people around. Ring your local council and see if they have one

  • 1 decade ago

    I think your best bet would be a babysitter who could come to your house just for the few hours when you'd need her, or an in-home daycare who would be flexible like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    See if any of your local churches have "Mothers Day Out". I've lived several places in the southeast and northeast - they were common place.

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