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What was your most memorable Christmas?

What made your favorite Christmas so special? What specific memories do you have? I want to create the perfect Christmas, from the food to music to activities and clothes. I appreciate all memories, long or short.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i guess it has to be when i was about 10, we went to my father's best friend christmas party. and there was a well decorated tree, and gifts on the floor. stockings on the chimney or wall. they had a couple of scented candles. there was a lot decorations in the house. they made snow on the gifts with cotton, it was lovely. and then they baked cookies for everyone. and for dinner it was something simple rice, ham, corn, and the drinks were varied. then they had this piano and some one new how to play so we sang christmas carols all together. then we went outside had a cup of Chocolate. and then exchanged gifts and opened them. the must was classical by the way. and we played some board games like monopoly, scramble, and ETC. the clothes were casual by the way like some very nice jeans with boots and an expensive shirt with a lot of jewelery.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There all memorable but my when I was 17 was the best Christmas ever for me. My now husband Buddy propose to me Christmas morning both of our families were together. Have your self a Merry little Christmas playing in the back ground. And no one on either side of the families knew he was going to do this. Every one was surprise and extremely happy! We've been married for 30 years!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every Christmas is memorable. Christmas is memorable. The colours, the decorations, the presents, the happiness, the excitement, the laughter, the food, the surprise, the magic. Everything. You remember every detail about Christmas because it's the best part of the year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2001, when I spent Christmas in Illinois, America. I was 7 years old, the snow was up to knees. And we visited Sears Tower in Chicago, I still remember the amazing view :) And I must of got more toys than ever :p My cousins live over there, and I would really love to go back and visit again!

    What an amaaazing Christmas that was haha :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    When i was about 5, back in the 1960s i was desperate for a bride doll. i begged father christmas for a bride doll when he came to our school, i wrote loads of letters and put them up the chimney and also posted some.

    I went to bed early so he would come quicker and in the morning found what looked like a shoe box, wrapped up, i was so excited i ripped all the paper of and there through the plastic front of the box i could see the most beautiful bride-doll i had ever seen in all my life. I ripped the box open to see her properly and was over-whelmed by the smell of plastic/rubber, the smell made me sick all over her.

    I just cried and cried.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    last year it was the first christmas i got to spend with my dad!! it was the high light of my christmas!!

  • 1 decade ago

    i once got a keyboard and know i make videos on youtube

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