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Do you think in-laws should call before they come over?

Or is unreasonable for me to ask them to call first since they're family? My mother-in-law just stops by without calling first all the time. She does live less than a mile away but I have a toddler that still takes naps and I just want a little notice. Sometimes I take a nap with him when I haven't had enough sleep. It's embarrassing to answer the door with messy hair. I just want 5 minutes notice but is that unreasonable since she's family?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think its unreasonable. I like the sign that you can put on your door that says, Please do not is sleeping. Maybe they would take the hint.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Not unreasonable at all. In the future, don't answer the door, and through the door, tell her you'll be glad to see her if she'll come back later and call first so you can take care of some stuff you're doing right now.

    Then sit your husband down, tell him that it's his mama, and therrefore is HIS job to establish boundaries with her: she calls before she comes over, or you'll continue to not answer the door.

    Source(s): I live next door to my MIL. She and my husband are mostly re-trained, with the exception of a few relapses from time to time.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    OMG - yes - they should absolutely call first!

    Make sure your doors are locked and don't give them the key.

    Wow - show up at her house at 10pm and at 8am and 3 times a day - see how see likes it.

    Take control of your household. She is manipulating you.

    What a pain in the A$$

  • 9 years ago

    It's 100% reasonable for you to ask that ANYONE, family or not, call before coming to your home.

    She needs to understand that you and her son have a family of your own.

    Just say:

    I hope your not going to be offended about what I am about to say. Would you mind calling before you come over just to give us some notice or to see if we are even available to hang out?

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  • boj
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No its not unreasonable to ask in-laws to call before dropping by.

  • 9 years ago

    Mine do now, but that may have something to do with the time I answered the door in lingerie & a hastily thrown on robe & told them their son was "busy"...

    Source(s): No problems now!
  • Poppet
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, I think they should call. I call my mom before I come over to her house. I call my in-laws when I would like to visit. It's called being courteous.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and so should everyone else.

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