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Marie H asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Can I somehow force my sister to get help for her son that is behaving like a sociopath?

My nephew was diagnosed bipolar several years ago and she never got him help. When he was around 6 he killed and mutilated a kitten then his sisters told me that he killed a bird and mutilated it a couple years later but when I told my sister she said the girls were lying to get him in trouble because that's what he told her. Throughout the years I've noticed that he's violent and his sisters claim that he used to poke at dead animals he would find in the desert and sometimes choke his younger sister until she "fell asleep".

Just yesterday he was left alone at my brother's house for 2 hours and he killed my brother's ferret and horribly mutilated it's body then dumped it in the garbage. When my brother asked him where his ferret was he told my brother that it bit him so he walked out to the desert and let it go. My brother thought it sounded fishy since his kitchen was covered in blood so he looked and found it in the dumpster and said that it looked as if it had been tortured for a long time before it died.

My brother talked to my sister about this and she said she would "get him in to therapy in a few weeks" but we don't believe that she will.

Can we force her to get him help? My brother says that if she doesn't get him help then he will turn my nephew in to the police for killing his animal but he's not actually sure if they would do anything about it at all.

I'm really worried about this because he has a little sister that is coming to live with him and his mother in a few months and I'm scared he could hurt her or worse. He is almost 14 and his little sister is 7 so he could easily overpower her.

What can I do? Would the police see that he gets help if my brother turned him in?


Don't worry about offending me about my sister. I am so upset about the kind of mother she is. He should have had help a long time ago but she didn't care enough. There is a reason that most of her children don't live with her.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would definitely contact the police, school counselor, CPS, all of those agencies should be able to help your nephew get or seek, the proper help that he needs. Your sister could get into trouble for child neglect, it's obvious there is a problem, as his parent she should be looking out for his welfare, not sweeping the problems under the rug. I hope that you & your brother will do the right thing by getting some type of agency involved. Doing the right thing isn't easy, but it's better to do the right thing, rather than let something completely worse happen, and feel responsible for sitting back and letting things escalate further out of control. He is under 18, so more than likely he can be taken to juvenile hall for cruelty to animals.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 7 year-old sister must NOT be brought into this home. I agree that you are absolutely right to be scared that this boy could hurt her. In fact, judging from what you have written, it is almost to be expected that some sort of assault will occur.

    I would tell your sister point-blank that she is not to bring the 7 year-old girl into this environment. You will not allow it. You can call the police or call social services if she continues to talk about bringing the little girl into the same home as this dangerous teenager.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would call the local mental health clinic, or the psych section of the local hospital, and ask them who you can contact.

    Honestly, I think you could press charges on him for mutilating your ferret if you have any proof or pictures. Maybe him getting in trouble from the police would wake your sister up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow..that's disgusting and sad.

    Social Services definitely needs to step in.

    I'm not putting your sister down in ANY WAY, but she seems to be way too nonchalant about all of this...

    He needs help! Killing animals at a young age is a huge signal that something is wrong! Usually psychopaths and serial killers start out killing helpless animals in their younger years.

    Your sister needs to get a grip before her son kills someone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This boy needs residential treatment, and he needs it NOW. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do on your own to compel his mother to get this treatment for him.

    Your best bet at this point (though I understand that this might be difficult) is to get child protective services involved. Tell them exactly what you've written here, and that you believe this child is being neglected (he is if his mother has taken no action at this point).

    Hang in there,

    ~Dr. B.~

    p.s. You can call CPS anonymously. The number is typically found in the blue pages of your local phone book.

  • 1 decade ago

    call your local human services department and talk to an intake worker about it and they can point you in the right direction. if she isn't willing, they are.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    call the police

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