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Marie H asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

At what age do you think children should start sleeping in their own bed?

My son just turned two and still sleeps with my husband and I at night. We never intended to start having him sleep with us but he had night terrors and after spending many sleepless nights getting him back to sleep, we just started having him sleep with us.

He is "thriving" according to his doctor. He's happy, well-adjusted, and although he has his moments, he is well-behaved(everybody agrees). This is our only issue and he is getting too big(and our bed too small). We have tried several times to get him back in his bed but he won't stay there at night(only naptime).

So what do you all think is "too old" for a child to still sleep with his parents? And does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about doind it?

11 Answers

  • Jen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He´s ready just about now. It´s good you´re thinking about him sleeping on his own bed because many parents leave their children to sleep in with them for years and years! Until 8 years old! I know!!!

    The transition won´t be easy, you need to understand your toddler likes sleeping with you two and if the reason he´s sleeping with you was for fear, he obviously feels very safe and comfortable with you guys. So him sleeping on his own bed, in his own room, by himself, will be quite scary, strange and uncomfortable for him at first. But he is ready right now because the older he gets, the harder it will be for all of you.

    I suggest you first get his new bed (if you don´t have it), buy it with him present and be very excited about it. "This is where you´ll sleep, how exciting!" If you already have it, show it to him with the same excitement. Explain to him that he will be sleeping there (this can be done on the morning of his first night sleeping there). You can re decorate his room a bit with him helping you, so he can be involved. He´ll feel important and make a huge deal about it. Like it´s going to be a great thing to do.

    You can even get him a new pijama of his favorite character. These are just tips to help him understand this is important and big.

    On his first night, you and your husband can put him to bed, do all the rituals you do every night, brush his teeth, read him a book, etc. Explain to him he´s a big boy and needs to sleep on his own now. And now the hard part begins, because once you leave that room, he´ll start crying hysterically, but you can´t go back in just yet. In fact, he might run out the door, but you need to put him back. This will take a lot of effort on your part and understanding that you´re not the bad ones, that you´re good parents and this is normal for all kids to go through. You probably wne thru it yourselves. It´ll take a couple of days, but no matter how hard he cries, he needs to sleep there because once he does, he´ll understand it´s ok, and you´ll feel much better too.

    I hope it helps and good luck with that.

  • 5 years ago


  • ...
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm mean! I think too old is the day the baby is born. I only allowed it last winter when we lost our power for a week and in the house it was below 30 degrees...I didn't want anyone freezing to death, other than that, my kids have always slept in their own beds. If they have bad dreams I get up with them, calm them down put them back in their beds and stay with them for 15 minutes. If they are not sleeping after 15 minutes I leave (they have of course calmed down by this time). They know that, they know after so long I'm going to leave, whether they are sleeping or not. Maybe in the future when you get him back in his bed instead of bringing him in your bed, you should try something similiar.

    As for breaking the habit you need to do it sisters kids still sleep with's a crowded bed, her, her husband and her 13 y/o, 9y/o, and 1 y/o share a queen sized bed with their 2 dogs....her kids will not sleep alone.

    I've heard of people who slowly move their child a little futher away each night until he is able to sleep in his own bed. Like having him sleep on the floor, then the next night a few feet closer to the door, then at the bedroom door, then in the hall (the hall may take a whiile depending on how long your hallway is), then in is room, then eventaully in his own bed. If you wake up and he's back in your bed, pick him up and put him in his appropriate sleeping spot for the night. Or you could just go cold turkey if you think he coud handle that. Explain big boys sleep n their own beds, and approach it that way. Maybe it is time to redecorate his room and let him pick out his bedding to make it something he would like to sleep in...could cost some money, but it might be worth it. I got my boys--- who were into cars--racecar beds, they love them and sleep in them every night. They make a firetruck bed (it's really cool) and my friend got one or her son and he immediatley quit sleeping in her bed--didn't want anything to do with being her his parent's bed---and made the transition right then!

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I think your son is old enough to be sleeping in his own bed. Personally, i don't' think any age child or baby should be sleeping in the same bed as the parents, except on rare/special occasions.

    As for how to get your son to sleep on his own, maybe you could try easing him into the new situation. Get him used to his bed by using it for daytime naps or just reading in it together. Then at night, sit with him until he falls asleep and then go to your own bed. If he wakes up or tries to come sleep with you, patiently take him back to his bed and stay with him until he falls asleep. It may take time, but eventually he will get used to it and become independent. It might also help to have a night-light and perhaps a security item, such as a favorite (soft) toy or blanket he can sleep with.

    Good luck!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think "too old" is a personal choice, but I would try to get him in his own bed. In the end it will be better for all of you. Have you tried making a big deal about it being his big boy bed? Maybe get him some new sheets With his favorite character on them. Or just plain old bribe him with a toy! Unfortunately you will probably have a couple of rough nights with a lot of crying but I think it would give your son self confidence and independence to sleep in his own room. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From day one. I have no problem with a newborn in mom & dad’s room, but never in the bed. It just starts a bad habit that’s hard on everyone to break.

    It’s not just your son who you should be concerned about. It’s probably a little hard to, uh, get “quality time” with your husband with a toddler in between you.

    Be diligent. Every time you give in and let him come back, you reinforce that he just has to push back and you'll give in. You might have a few rough nights, but you have to keep taking him back to his room as often as needed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, you shouldn't of ever let him get in that habit. It is a hard one to break. You just need to put your foot down and tell him to sleep in his own bed, and if he fusses, let him fuss. Honestly it gets to the point where they KNOW that you feel bad if they say they're scared, so they just say it even if they aren't scared. Don't feel bad telling him he needs to just go back to bed, nothing is out to get him.

    But I will say it is okay to let it slide and let him sleep with you guys every once in a while still.

    Source(s): I slept with my parents constantly until I was about 6. And even now I am 16 and pregnant and still love to sleep with my mom.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    About twelve hours.

    That said, I can see why yours has come in with you. Have you tried a halfway house, such as his mattress on the floor next to your bed?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    at 5 months old

  • 1 decade ago

    My child never slept with me, I think your kid should be in his own bed!

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