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What can I do about my puppy? (Not really a puppy)?

Okay, she really isn't a puppy, she's a few years old, but just as I call my eight year old cat 'my wittle kitten', I call her a puppy.

Anyway, I love her to bits, but my dad likes to keep her tied up because she's really hyper. I'd like to spend more time playing with her, but I'm not the most athletic person and she wears me out. And she's been getting thin lately. I told my mother, and she said that it's not that we don't feed her (I know we do, and I always sneak her something) but it just because she's so full of energy and runs around so much.

Anyway, what I'm asking is: What can I do to spend more time with her that doesn't involve me doubling over and gasping for breath?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Playing fetch with her taking her for lots of walks. A tired dog is a happy dog. A tired dog is much, much less hyper. Get the whole family involved. Playing tug, hide and seek games where she has to find a treat or ball under something else etc.

    There are special sticks that you can buy that helps you throw a tennis ball a lot farther than you normally would be able to throw it. That will help to burn off more of her energy and not yours.

    Running Rally or Agility would involve more effort on your part but down the line, might be worth it for you.

    Source(s): Animal care worker
  • 1 decade ago

    Your dog is hyper because she is tied up. How would like to live your life in your bathroom? Would that be fun? Nice and roomy, aye? This is about the same thing but at least you would have protection from the heat, wind, rain and cold.

    It is actually ILLEGAL in some states to keep a dog chained up and I for one certainly hope that other states get with the program and do the same thing.

    It doesn't take an athlete to walk a dog, play fetch with a dog, play ball, etc.

    If your dog is becoming thin, there IS a reason. Could be something as simple as worms or something much more serious. A trip to the vet is in order.

    Right now your dog is living a miserable life. Dogs are very social creatures and want to be with someone. It's a shame that out of laziness your father has decided to tie the dog up.

    I know that you love your dog...but you and your family aren't treating it like you love it. The best thing for this dog would probably be to go to a home where it will live inside and have a happy life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obedience training will get her brain engaged, which should help tire her out.

    Take her for walks - you are fit enough to walk, aren't you? Take her for as long a walk as you can manage, every day at least once a day. You might even find you can walk a little further each time, thus helping you both out.

    Lastly, buy a can of tennis balls. I don't care how out-of-shape a person is, they can still throw a tennis ball. This is why we have the game of fetch. I love fetch. Fetch was invented for non-athletic people with athletic dogs. Dogs love fetch, and the best part about fetch is that you don't have to run around getting tired - The dog does all the running for you.

    Oh, if your dog is loosing weight without cause -- Get her to a vet. Pronto.

  • 1 decade ago

    She's hyper because she is tied up and because she is not properly trained. Think about being locked up all day in a small room then being given the chance to get out, you would run around too.

    Dogs are pack animals and as such want to be with their pack. Since there are no other dogs in the family the humans are the other members of the dogs pack (in the dogs mind) and the dogs is being kept separated from the members of its pack. Dogs are social animals and thrive on companionship and do not do well when separated. Take her to obedience school and train her and teach her to behave. And bring her in so she is a member of the family.

    As far as her getting thin there is a reason for it and it is not that she is hyper. Get her to the vet.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I never used to be that athletic either. I lived with my parents and my dane had a huge yard to run in and my parents' dogs to play with. When I moved out into an apartment, we had to do SOMETHING. I GOT athletic. I was doing the same as you for the first couple of weeks, doubled over, muscle cramps, etc. It sucks, but you get used to it. The good news is that I can now run 2 miles before getting tired and my dog loves it and is getting good exercise 2x a day, despite out small apartment!

    As far as the thinness goes, like the others, I would take her to a vet. On a chain, not getting enough exercise would usually cause weight gain- not loss.

  • 1 decade ago

    if she is staying tied up and she is losing weight, something is very wrong with her health wise and you need to get her to the vet.

    no dog should have to live outside, especially tied up! how would you like to be tied to something outside all the time? i understand that it is your parents and so you dont have much say, but you dont have to run wild with her to give her exercise. even walking at a normal pace around your yard (even a small yard) until she seems to be calm, or you can throw a ball or frisbee and play fetch, you pretty much just stand there for that lol. anyway, if you are concerned, you need to take it upon yourself to give her the attention she needs. its obvious your parents do not care. get her to the vet, then make sure she is fed the correct amount and is exercised daily. a good rule is to exercise the dog until they are panting, 3 times a day. it really does not take long to do that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obedience training. If she's getting thin while being tied up, she's not getting exercised enough, and something else is wrong. She needs to see a vet. She's not running around much when she's tied up. Being tied up and hyper is not good exercise.

    Take her to a dog park on a daily basis for an hour or so if you have one in your area.

  • 1 decade ago

    Walking! It's not to hard on Animal or human! Walk her around your neighborhood or local park. Also dog parks are GREAT if you have one close by. If you don't have a dog park it is possibly to talk to your local Parks and Recreation department about that! I just got a new one in my town.

    You can also hire people to walk your dog. My grandmother who has a dog recently became unable to walk her dog on a regular basis. She pays the young neighbor girl to walk her once a day.

    You could also send her to obedience training. This will train her to be more obedient and not be so hyper even though she may want to be!

  • insane
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    does she know how to fetch.

    all you have to do is stand there or even sit and throw the ball or stick and she brings it back to you.

    do you have a dog park near you? you could take her there and she can run and play with the other dog while you sit and talk with the other dog owners. i am sure they would take over playing with her if you get winded, and they might have some more ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    take her to the park and bring a ball,or a frizbe. she will get plenty of exercize and she will get to spend time with you. you can also take her to a dog park.

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