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Follow up Questions on the Trinity, also JWs, Mormons, Catholics, and Christians in general.?

Anthony B has brought it to my attention that there is not always agreement on the use of the word Trinity.;_ylt=Av39_...

So without the use of this word I'm going to ask an old question.

There are two ideas that Christians generally subscribe to regarding the character of God.

Idea 1: The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are the same people.

Idea 2: The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are separate individuals but they have the same powers and perfections and so they are all God.

To your knowledge which religions falls in each category.

What do the (insert Catholic, Mormon, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal, JW, Born Again, whatever...) believe? Idea 1 or 2? or something different.


SJC read the question there are biblical arguements for both, for instance if Jesus and the Father are not two different individuals in the acts when Steven is stoned how did He see two people; Christ standing on the right hand of (meaning next to) God. But If you read the question you would know that this isn't a question about which is right and why it's about who believes what.

Update 2:

Okay JWs for 3.

Pentacostles for... 1?

Update 3:

Okay Catholics for 1, Mormons for 2 (thanks for reading the question guys), and I am officially totally confused as to what Pentacostals believe.

Update 4:

amber the Cathic, could you clarify for me, what is the difference between what you have explained the Catholics believe and the Mormons believe.

Update 5: am I to understand that Trinity means that the Father and Son are the same person and not the same person simultaneously?

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The Trinity means that:

    The Father is God

    Son is God

    Holy spirit is God

    Father is not the Son or Holy Spirit

    Son is not the Father or Holy Spirit

    Holy Spirit is not the Son or the Father

    However, they are one God, coequal and coeternal.

    This is the believe of all mainline Christians. Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Orthodox. etc.

    Many Christians believe that those who don't accept the trinity aren't true Christians.

    Jehovah's Witness and Mormons are not Trinitarian: Mormons believe in the Godhead: Father Son and Holy Spirit made up of three distinct beings who are "one in purpose" but not in being. JWs believe there is one God, and Jesus is created and His Son and the Holy Spirit is His active force.

    Some people believe that God has 3 roles: Father Son and Holy Spirit, and are not distinct persons. (Modalism)

    Some pentecostals, called Oneness pentecostals believe similarly to modalism. Most Pentacostals however, are Trinitarian.

    There are many other views too, such as Arianism

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Your choices regarding trinity do not correspond to the most commonly held view of that doctrine. You should have "idea 3 - the common doctrine of trinity" in which

    the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are 3 separate people, yet at the same time are one indivisible God.

    Your ideas of trinity appear to be those of someone unfamiliar with the doctrine. To the best of my knowledge, nearly every Christian sect adopts the (very brief) definition of trinity that I gave above. I can state with certainty that this is the view of Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches, and I believe it is also the doctrine of the "traditional" Protestant churches (Anglicans, Lutherans, Calvinists, etc.) I also know for a fact that Jehovah's Witnesses do not subscribe to the doctrine of trinity. They claim that only the Father is God, that Jesus is a lesser being (though above all others), and that the Holy Spirit is "God's active force" and not a person at all.

    BTW - Catholics definitely do NOT believe in "1". Here's the official stance. Look at 253 and after

    The wording used here is unfortunately not the simplest, but essentially they are saying what I said above. They believe there are 3 separate persons, but one God - and that each of those persons is that one God. God is not divisible (253), but the undivided God does exist as three separate persons (254)


  • Jehovah's Witnesses believe neither idea 1 or 2

    Both are Trinitarian beliefs that Jesus is God (in some way)

    I've spoken with many Trinitarians & there are many different views on the Trinity but all believe that God (or a part of God) came down to the earth in the form of Jesus.

    We as Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity belief as it has pagan roots & is not a biblical teaching. Jesus never claimed to be God. He is God's Son.

    They are separate individuals

    These links will explain our beliefs about Jesus & his Father Jehovah....

    Please check the scriptures cited with your own copy of the bible


    The holy spirit is not a person ... it's God's active force.

    Jehovah uses this to accomplish his will

  • 5 years ago

    For all of the people that thinks mormons arent christian. YOu need to get a reality check or go to the church. we Believe in Jesus Christ , Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost. We are christians. umm yeah about the girls whos friends or family was killed by mormons.. reality check umm what about the baptist or the other churches dont some of their members kill too. It was wrong on the persons behalf but not the mormons. We do not teach to kill. That is one of the worst sins besides denieing the Holy Ghost. Yes Mormons are Christians. We have the bible and we have the book of mormon. The book of mormam is just another testmanent of Christ Mormons are Christians!!!!!!!!!!1111

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty sure that Catholics, Lutherans and some Baptists believe that God and Christ are one person.

    LDS, possibly JW's, some Baptists believe that they're separate. Not sure about the others, but since most of them are break-offs from the Catholics, I'd probably guess that they believe in the Trinity (God and Christ as one person.) Not positive, though.

  • One God in three divine Persons. If you get three dolls the same, what you say about one you say about the other. Jesus said when you see Me you see the Father. In John's Gospel, when Philip said to him, show me the Father that is all we need: note the sad tone in the answer of Our Lord: I have been with you all of the time and yet you do not know Me Philip. I said when you see Me you see the Father so why do you ask Me to show you the Father, do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? Remember the prayer of Our Lord in this same Gospel, that they may be one as We are One. And the words in the letter: God the Father, the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are One. This shows you something of the concept of the Blessed Trinity. One God in three divine Persons. Each being the same, loving with the same Heart, having the same Will, having the same thoughts, totally One. To understand how something is, when it goes above human language that can explain it in its fullness, is where the mystery element comes in. This is as close as it can be described in human terms. It is in Scripture. And as Jesus said ' we know that everything in scripture is true forever'.

    Source(s): Sacred Scripture
  • Debs
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't know why they believe in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit as 3 in 1 or 3 as separate. Does it make any sense to anyone that Christians believe differently. I thought Jesus said his followers must ALL be in agreement. The only way I understand it is there is only ONE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) believes that they are seperate individuals:

    Articles of Faith:

    1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

    all three together is commonly known as "The Godhead"

  • 1 decade ago

    God is ONE. <Galatians 3:20> (NOT 3!) If 3 are God, how can God be 1 as the Bible says?

    In Christ dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead. <Colossians 2:8-9>

    EDIT: To understand what the right hand of God means, please read Mark 14:62.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with SJC.The Bible says,One lord,one faith,one baptism.And trinitarians have yet to say what the name of the Father,Son and Holy Ghost are.

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