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Jan M
Lv 5
Jan M asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Dad quit his high paying job and now is not paying child support?

I don't know what to do here, I'm angry and I need some other peoples perspectives on this. My son's dad has always been pretty good about making his support payments, he is a journeyman Ironworker and so made a lot of money ($60,000 +) and our agreement is for $546 per month which was set by the support tables for Alberta (where he lives) now in September he decided to quit his job and try to become a cabinet maker so even though it was going to be harder for my family I allowed him to reduce his payment to $350 per month based on the table amounts for what he would be making at the new job. I'm on Mat leave (receiving Employment Insurance) and my partner has gotten laid off and Employment Insurance is paying for him to go back to school so money is pretty tight right now as EI will only give him the amount we need to pay our essential bills not including car insurance or student loans or any debt minus what I'm receiving on mat leave and what I'm supposed to get for childsupport. Now my ex has run out of work and got a $14 an hour job and has stopped paying child support.He hasn't payed January yet and February is 13 days late. He wont answer the phone when I or my son call him and he screams and swears at me about how he shouldn't be paying and that the money he sends shouldn't be included in our family income. I don't know what to do part of me thinks I should just go to Family Mantenace Enforcment and they can go after him for the money (and pull his licence, wreck his credit or put him in jail if he doesn't pay) but the other part of me understands that money is tight for him too but I'm the one who is worried about keeping a roof over my kid's heads and food in the house while my line of credit and visa bill just keep getting bigger. It seems all he's worried about is himself and he can't even be bothered to talk to his son or visit or anything. I don't want to make a decision out of anger. What would you do?


Ok maybe I need to Clarify the whole Mat leave situation. I'm in BC - Canada and we get 1 year paid Mat leave, I cannot do back to my job untill the period is up because I have forfieted my contracts for 1 year and someone else has them untill then. My partner is already in the apprenticeship program and if he was to quit it and find a job (hard since all but 1 factory in our town is shut down) we would have to pay back all of the tuition and costs that EI has given him and he would still be an untrained worker.

- And the person who said the money is supposed to just be for my son - his medical coverage, prescritions, physio, school fees and transportation are barely covered by the $350 never mind food and clothing or any of his activities or anything.

Update 2:

Compassion - He's not paying anything that's the problem. He is chosing to not take the $30 hour job and instead work for $14 and he doesn't want to pay any support. If he was at least paying something towards the care of his son I wouldn't be mad, even if he wasn't paying but was being an active part of his life I wouldn't be so mad but right now he's just ignoring his existance. And I'm not about to put my newborn in care so I can work for $8 an hour which would be less then my maternity benifits.

He didn't get laid off, he could go back to iron working romorrow and make $30 an hour the current economic climate (which isn't as bad in Alberta as it is in other places) has nothing to do with his finacial issues.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would go to Family Maintenance Enforcement (I guess that's the equivalent of Support Enforcement). He NEEDS to pay - whether he likes it or not.

    Is he capable of going back to the Journeyman work? If so, he needs to do that ASAP.

    My ex was making 80,000 a year and we had a court ordered agreement to pay me $600 a month (the court wanted him to pay $800 - but I did not NEED that much money a month). Well, he quit that job and decided to work as a mechanic making $50 a day. He took me to court to get the amount lowered. The judge asked him why he quit his previous job to work at his current job. His response? B/c I'm happy.

    The judge laughed and told him she could care less if he's happy. If he is capable of making 80,000 a year - he needs to seek employment that will earn him that amount or close to it. Instead of lowering the amount, she raised it to $900 a month. I laughed because he shot himself in the foot.

    Research the laws for your area, possibly contact a family lawyer. You deserve SOMETHING.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I just would like to tell you to wait it out for a little while longer:

    times are tough for just about everyone right now, as you and your family know. But remember, they are probably tough for your ex as well. Your partner got laid off, maybe your ex has too. Nothing, not even employment or child support, is guaranteed right now.

    Don't report him just yet. Try to get a straight answer from him first. Ask him if he's been laid off, or if there is another arrangement that would be easier (such as 4 smaller payments a month, instead of 1 or 2 big ones).

    If he doesn't want to discuss it with you, or continues not to pay, then think about pursuing it officially.

    One thing I would like to stress, not specifically towards you, but to all parents who receive child support: Just as things change in your life, imagine that they may also be changing in the life of your exes as well!


    Something else to think about, now that I saw your newest comments:

    Is the non-custodial parent ALWAYS to have that $30/hour job, or is he not free to pursue a different career, perhaps a more stable one, or one that he enjoys more? I know that the custodial parent would be, no questions asked. Just food for thought.

    Again, I urge you to give it a little more time. If he has chosen to work WHILE going to school, it shows that he is responsible, but his paycut is taking it's toll on his bills, I am sure, and it's only been 6 weeks. Maybe he is trying to get his ducks in a row ?????

    Source(s): wife of a man who has to pay through the nose, NO MATTER WHAT, child support.
  • In all honesty if you worried about keeping a roof over your kids head then get off maternity leave and get back to work and have your partner get a job instead of being on EI. me personally i dint see why he was paying you so much in the first place, and the child support money he is paying you for his son should be used for his son only and not on your other kids. Yes you can go get enforcement on him but they can only take a certain amount out of his check and it might only be 100- 200 a month from his check if he is only making 14 an hour. I would say get off EI and do what you need to do for you family, because even if you do go for enforcment there is still no garentte you will get your money.

    here's what i think about your edit. you can get another job if your that bad off, i know about laws but i also know that if you need another job you can get one. and as for the medical problems thats what insurance pays for. im sorry thats just my honest opinion. My mother only paid my father 200 a month and that was enough to take care of me and it wasnt that long ago.

    THATS why i said go get enforcment on him, i was just telling you your not gonna get much and your probably not gonna get anything for a while. It takes a long time before you start getting your money. Im not saying he shouldnt be paying child support, he should be. About the fact that he is now working a 14 hour job instead of a 30 if thats what he wants then he has the right to do that, you cant just make him work a higher paying job because you want more money. thats all im saying. he needs to pay but your probably not gonna get the money right away. And im sure you can get a higher paying job then 8 dollars an hour. All i know if it was my family and we where about to lose a roof over our heads i would be out working my butt off no matter what. honesty.

  • 1 decade ago

    It almost sounds like your expecting that money to keep your family afloat, not as child support. Although he does need to be supporting your child, it's not his fault you and your hubby aren't working and are ringing up your Visa Bill. Go to the FME, but seeing he's making $14/hour, the support is going to be much, much less than $350. Maybe your partner needs to go out and get a night job to pay for the insurance and credit card.

  • <3
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You need to go to court and get a set child support. All I know is that if he is making $14 a hour and ran out of work how do you expect him to pay you $350 a month? You have to look at his income still. Your best bet would be go to court though.

  • Ashley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If he hasn't paid child support then you have to do what you have to do, I understand money is tight, it is for a lot of people right now but he is still responsible for paying child support.

    If my ex didn't pay, I would go to Family Mantenace and let them deal with him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, money is tight but your child still has to eat right? Forget that, he would be paying SOMETHING..I'd be at Family Maintenance Enforcement in a minute....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    since he QUIT his job i would enforce that he paid. that was a choice, its not like he got fired

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