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Have you seen Joe Kennedy in the Venezuelan oil commercials?

What do you think? Personally, it makes me very uncomfortable.


Aside from the fact that Chavez is a wanna-be Marxist dictator who is in bed with some pretty shady characters?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To paraphrase what someone once said, don't believe everything you read! Venezuela itself is having tons of problems that it keeps hidden from the world--poverty is rampant, scarcities galore and something like 90% of its export income comes from OIL. Chavez has changed/is changing many basic laws there in an attempt to bring people in line with his socialist beliefs. He visited Cuba frequently, once a month or more, to learn from him about how to screw over your people, your countrymen and put into practice many forms of control over people seen in communist countries. I am an American who lived in Venezuela 13 years, and when I saw how things were going, even in 1992, I wanted to leave!! Political corruption caused the current situation whereby Chavez could "swoop" in and talk up a good show and shove out the old "bad" parties. Now the monster has grabbed Venezuela's foot, leg, arm and today, (Feb. 16) with the election to give him more time to implement his policies (one interesting one?-- don't put parents' names on a child's birth certificate, just put Bolivarian Republica of Venezuela!!). As to Joe Kennedy II? He's clueless about Chavez' activities and brutal policies in Venezuela. Actually, a few months ago, Venezuela took away the oil for Americans, but when people complained, he reinstated it!! Why doesn't good ole Joe Kennedy II spend some of his considerable millions to help people, find out the actual facts, and GIVE BACK some of the money his namesake stole and robbed from people many years ago (stock market laws? bootleg whiskey? and who knows what else....). I'm sorry I've gone on so long, but this topic is close to my heart. Thank you for your great question.

    Source(s): Living in the trenches in Barinas, Barinas, Venezuela.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Kennedy is just that..a Kennedy. They are always out for themselves. If they can figure a program that helps them draw off money from the government they then become very concerned for the people. And hugging up to Chavez is another thing they will do in order to make money for themselves and to H*ll with our country.

    Source(s): Lona thinks we should keep a close eye on politicians
  • janey
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hugo Chevez is pure evil and the fact that Kennedy is, at the very least, advocating buying HIS oil is very scary indeed. Chevez is not a good man to be involved with in any way. Remember when we were on friendly terms with Bin Laden? When Russia was in Afghanistan Bin Laden was considered a freedom fighter.

    Chavez is an egomaniac and horrible when it comes to human rights with his own people. He is not to be trusted, and I can't help but wonder what Kennedy may unknowingly be advocating by buying his oil.

    Be hopeful but very, very watchful.

  • 1 decade ago This is the link for those who have not seen it yet. . . . Joe is bringing out the sad fact of some who cannot afford to heat their homes this winter......and of how Citco is the only company to reach out a helping hand ! It did not make me uncomfortable. . . but proud he is showing it how it is !

    Edit,. . . . Oh heck !. . . thanks Janey. . the light bulb went on ! I wonder how many others will first think like I did. . Just see the surface. . . .and not the mirkey waters underneath ! ! !

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The classified ads are no longer merely in ny. i do no longer see the massive deal. Venezuela helps individuals in desire, while our government would not. The U.S. has no concern bailing out great firms, yet overlook with regard to the undesirable and elderly devoid of warmth! we are all socialist now! all of us helped help the socialistic bailout. And we are no longer carried out yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does it make you uncomfortable? I think Joe is doing great things and has been all along.

  • dora
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If the part that makes you uncomfortable is his alliance with Venezuelan politicals, think you have reason to be concerned.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You gotta love the Kennedys and their slippery ways! ONLY in MASSACHUSETTS!

  • 1 decade ago

    hmmm Shudders, yep makes me uncomfortable too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree with Janey's answer.

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