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Lv 4
Lucy asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Question for military men and women that served in Iraq only!!!?

Do you think you were sent to Iraq for a just cause since it was reported that there was Weapons of Mass destruction there? Do you feel that the death/injuries of your buddies were in vain??


I am an Army spouse I know the your sacrfices to this country.

Update 2:

I agree that Saddum was not a nice person. However if we went into every country that treated their citizens wrong we would be in almost every country in Africa, Korea,China and South America.

Update 3:

In my opinion, we only put military personnel into harms way as the very last resort.

That is the opinion and I want to thank each of you for protecting my right to have my freedom of speech!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I don't think that we went to war solely because of the possibility that Iraq had WMD. We went to Iraq for several strategic reasons. First, we had a deteriorating strategic position in the Middle East. Many countries that were housing American troops were moving to push them out (i.e. Saudi Arabia and Oman). This led to the need for somewhere for the US to be able to project its sphere of influence in the region. A newly democratic Arab nation would hopefully serve as a pillar of stability in Southwest Asia.

    I think the Bush Administration assumed Iraq had WMD because they had had them in the past (they used them against Iran in a previous war). The link to terrorism was definitely false and more of an effort to use fear as a means to garner public support for the war. I don't think anyone high up the food chain in the Administration really believed that Iraq had ties to Al-Qaeda, but they certainly did not try to disprove those ties by making insinuations.

    I don't necessarily agree with the rationale to go to war in Iraq, but there certainly can be an argument for doing so. If Iraq turns out to be a stable secular government (although it certainly could be argued that they were a stable, secular government before the American invasion b/c the Baathist movement was a secular movement) in the Middle East, then their sacrifices might not be in vain. Especially considering all the troubles in the Levant.

    Source(s): Former enlisted USAF
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I volunteered for deployment and it wasn't because of reported WMD's. It was because I wanted to be with my brothers. I believe that if we leave before Iraq has a stable government and security force (army, police, etc,) that their deaths will have been in vain. As well as the thousands of Iraqi's who've died for their freedom.

    Whether or not "you" agree w/ why we went in; the choice was made to go in. We can't just quit. Soldiers don't quit.

    Source(s): US Army 2002-2008, Combat Wounded, Medically Retired
  • 1 decade ago

    Let's not forget a few facts;

    Saddam used nerve gas against the Kurds and Iranians, therefore, he had them at one time.

    He refused to cooperate with inspectors and just show them the areas they wanted to see. Why, if there was nothing to see?

    The WMD argument aside, he was a tyrannical lunatic who dealt with his citizens with midnight disappearances, torture, rape and murder.

    BTW, since the Islamic radicals have been attacking Soldiers in Iraq (Armed men and women capable of defending themselves, and equipped for the job), there hasn't been an attack on the USA.

    No war is a good thing, but this one isn't as pointless as some people like to make it out to be.

    Source(s): 6 years Army, 21 years Guard & still at it
  • 1 decade ago

    No, i definitely think that we are overseas for good reasons. it sucks, yes, but the iraqi people are not free people and its sad. Yes i think that we came to iraq on the start for oil, no not weapons or mass destruction, but now i don't really think that its a good time to pull out.

    Source(s): US army
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The war I fought in was clearly just and right. Nothing like this one.

    Source(s): Served in iraq during the FIRST gulf war.
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