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marie s asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

I'm cheating on my husband?

Not with another person, but with food. It's taking away from the quality of energy I put forth toward my family. My husband and two little girls could have a better mother and wife if I would just stop eating so much!! What can I do? I've tried low carb, and also IF but somehow I always get thrown off track by something or someone. Even when my mind is focused it never fails, I end up right back where I am right now again. : (

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand what you are saying and it makes me feel sad because it's obvious how much you love your family, how guilty you feel, and almost how powerless you feel, too. Please don't beat up on yourself so much, it won't help solve the problem- you may just end up eating more to comfort yourself because you feel like a failure or feel like it is hopeless, anyway.

    Obviously you are eating for a reason that has nothing to do with hunger. The food is giving you something (comfort, an escape, eating out of boredom, as a reward, etc.) that you are not getting elsewhere in your life. This isn't really about the food. Try to find other ways to give yourself the same positive reward or feeling in another way. Besides, something new may provide a useful distraction from eating. And get the bad food out of your house! Overeating is a crime of opportunity- if it isn't there, you can't eat it. It isn't really about willpower, it's about removing the temptation. It also may not hurt to try therapy or a support group. Lots of eating serves as a band-aid; it covers up the underlying reasons why you are choosing to overeat in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with Mark... I used to eat for comfort and its all MIND OVER MATTER. I took a nutrition class at the college and did a project where I tracked everything I ate and entered it into a computer seeing it on paper really hit home for me. I tried weight watchers twice, it works,but for me I gained the weight back. I did South Beach 4 years ago and have kept 25lbs off. I allow for holidays and special occasions but once I gain a couple pounds I'm back on. I have retrained my thinking with food. I keep healthy snacks and make healthy low carb choices and if I do eat carbs its whole wheat or fruit (natural carbs). I tend to eat more sugar free or low sugar desserts to. It takes time, but you can do it. Also, daily exercise helps. Pick something you like, you don't have to run a marathon, unless you want to. Walk, yoga, pilates etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's ALL mental, you have to challenge yourself to stop.

    Your eating pattern should be healthy, it's not a diet but a way of life.

    It seems that you have a problem or something has happened in which you blame yourself, it's not as big of a deal as it sounds, you just have to find the will to want to change your ways...if you want it bad enough you will get it.

  • 1 decade ago

    try cheating with another person. u'll begin wanting to look better for the new lover and eventually achieve the ideal weight you desperately want to attain. of course u'll lose ur husand and kids when u get caught. but hey, u already have it set in ur mind u cant do it for them anyway, right?

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