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Were Adam and Eve apes?

Here's the deal.

I've pondered this as much as most of you and I've come to this conclusion:

Human beings are as much an animal as the next living animal; bird, mouse, worm......even a tree. We ALL share the commonality of DNA but what makes us humans different is this "thing" called a soul. We ponder our existance. This has nothing to do with our brain. All animals have brains. This reaches out beyond the process of "thinking" and "processing". This reaches out to the issue of SOUL. It is in this that we come to have community with God.

Could it be that as human beings traversed the earth (Cromagnon(sp), Austrolopithicus(sp).....Homo sapiens.......) God finally said "It's time to come into RELATIONSHIP with My Creation and it was these two homo sapiens (Adam and Eve) that were pulled aside and touched by the hand of God to START pondering their existiance? There were hundreds and thousands, perhaps millions living all across the Earth and then.....WHAM! God showed up to bring us into a new condition, a condition not of sex, but of love?

Adam and Eve could have had sex with any number of other human beings that were not "complete" ; having a soul and their children would be as normal human children.

Are we not in the same place today?

We all have the capacity to love one another, but some have chosen to love with a selfless love while others chose to be selfish pigs. One kind of person has found the truth of "soul" while the other could care less. We all have the ability to be either but it is only when God shows up that things are changed.


13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So what makes a "soul?" What makes you different from everyone else? Your memories, the ability to catalogue your experiences and pass them onto others. Language provides the framework upon which to organize our existence. Language enables the soul to become coherent and allow you to not live in the here and now, but to remember the past in detail and anticipate the future. Think about it. Your earliest memories stem from the point where you were learning language.

    Humans are the speaking ape. Review our genetic heritage to "Adam" and "Eve" at

    You're spot on about the relationship. See more thoughts on this on my blog:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No Adam and Eve were humans . sadly, there is so little humanity left in the world today ... most animals takes better care of their own kind than we, the ones with 'education' do

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. That's not possible. Evolution doesn't work that way.

    The changes happen to the species as a whole (or as large groups of members of the same species branching off), not to individuals. And they aren't radical enough for that.

    Realistically, Genesis just doesn't fit scientific fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would Adam and Eve be Apes?

    We never evolved from Apes.

    Obviously people looked different in the times of Adam and Eve.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Adam was an ape and Eve was a tiger

  • 1 decade ago

    Not doing it for me. We are just the lucky ones that happened to evolve with the higher intelligence. If you call tearing up the earth a form of intelligence.

  • 1 decade ago

    the BIBLE does read 'LET US MAKE MAN AFTER OUR IMAGE.' but no where in the BIBLE does it state it's the trinity US in the websters dictionary is defined and being used as royalty.and for you that thinks there is NO such thing as SOULS YOU BETTER THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU LOOSE IT FOR REAL! SOMEONE WHO CARES!!!!!!!

    Source(s): GEN.1:26,2:18
  • eiere
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, all humans are apes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the dude that talks about the bible is probs true and i agree but no one will eva really know!

  • 1 decade ago

    they are the first evolution human from ape

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