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pregnant,not pregnant,PREGNANT,CONFUSED?????!!!!!!!!!?

Ok so just a little background.About 1 month ago I went to the dr. got a hcg level test and was told I was pregnant.My levels weren't rising as they were supposed to so I was told I would miscarry.I did bleed but only for about 6 hours 1 day very,very light.A little more then spotting and way way less then a normal period.I never passed any clots or had heavy bleeding NEVER.My symptoms of pregnancy did go away but only for about 3 days,then they returned and have been getting worse.So I took another test yesterday and got a positive++!!!!!!!I have been on the pill since the whole incident and haven't had unprotected sex.What can be going on????????


Ps.I forgot I was told my hcg levels were back at zero.(3 weeks ago)

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You could have had what's called a missed miscarriage. That's when the baby stops developing but it doesn't pass through. Since the babby is still in there, your body still thinks you're pregnant so your'e still having symptoms. That's just a guess. Or you could actually still be pregnant. Either way you need to go to a doctor b/c if you are pregnant and you're taking birth control pills, you will harm the fetus. If you're not pregnant and the fetus is still inside of you, you could get a really bad infection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You got to go the GP. (Dr.) to check it again for whatever safety for your baby. Stop taking that pill for now not suppose to take any pill with out Dr. descrip. By my experience I also got some light bleeding and seems like the same symptom and was very worried..but is common it after you have sex..wrong ways. the best way the have sex during pregnant is from the back..(doggy position) ha ha ..this is a bit awkward, sorry. Well still have to check though....but I don't think so you miscarry. quite a good side to look at and it send you every week information about baby week by week. you can ask this all questions as well..get the answer there,,it really help.

  • Damsel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    A blood test is the best pregnancy test. However, if your HCG levels were back to 0 three weeks ago but you took a test yesterday, something is amiss. Pregnancy tests look for the HCG in the blood or urine--so you must have SOME if it's positive. This does sound like a question for the doc, because to my understanding it does take a few weeks (not days) for levels to reach 0. This is one of the reasons why they monitor women who they believe have had miscarriages, to make sure their numbers really do go to 0 and the body passed the embryo out on its own.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds weird but if your HCG was back at zero that means u miscarried the first time and this would be a knew pregnancy. Remember no form of birth control is a 100% so anything is possible. I would take a trip to the doctor

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is possible that you are in fact pregnant or it can be a threatened miscarriage. A threatened miscarriage is where the baby is still there but dead and not passing sorry to put it that way sad yes I have had 2 of them. Talk to your doctor and he may try to find a heart beat if you are far enough along.

  • 1 decade ago

    My doctor told me that sometime when you miscarry you wont pass clots. If you had a miscarriage it can take a little while for your body to get back to normal. If your levels were back to zero then your miscarriage was likely over. But if your getting a positive test then I dunno. But you said you didnt have unprotected sex so I am also confused, lol. Call your obgyn!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like u may be pregnant stp taking birth control u can harm the baby if ur pregeers. Confrats if u r. Good luck

    Source(s): Proud Mommy Of six month old BabyGirl and 10 weeks prego with babii 2 due 09.18.09
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes u r pregnant stop takin the pill and u will stop with the spotting but if you dont its normall to have an abnormal cycle during pregnancy most ladys have cycles the whole nine months

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've got to stop taking the pill as that can harm the baby if you are indeed pregnant!!

  • 5 years ago

    You can't possibly believe that we the common public have a better answer for this than a qualified physician.

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