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Doesn't Jack Straw have more important things to deal with other than allow a criminal sleep with Jade Goody ?


My new life..... : I don't recall you complaining when prisoners weren't allowed out to go to their parents' funerals et al. I'd have more sympathy for the case if it was for going to the wedding, or going to her funeral, but the wedding night isn't important. If he hadn't attacked somebody with a golf club he would've been able to go !!!

Update 2:

Smiley : That is the sensible option, rather than a high-ranking politician having to make special dispensation for one criminal (the law should apply to all, and should not have anything to do with celebrity status). Spending the wedding night at his mother's house is the only sensible option.

Update 3:

35weeks...: Do you want all dying people to have a last wish, even if it goes against the rules/laws of their country ? Or only ignorant z-list celebrities ?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know Im going to get the thumbs down for this and I do feel incredibly sorry for Jade, because it is awful. But I dont think he should get the night off from his tag either. I know shes going to die and I understand she wants to be able to do all these nice things but she could just have got married near to Essex so he could go back to his mothers and she could have gone with him and spent the wedding night there. You cant break rules for some and not others. How many more people are out there in a similar situation to she is?? r they getting the help she is? how must they feel?

  • 1 decade ago

    if you don't have the wedding night the marriage is not proper is it....if i have understood things right if you don't do the deed you can simply get your marriage annulled but once you have done it it has to be a divorce.....

    i have heard of people being released from prison to go to funerals and hospitals to be with family and all they are doing is letting Jack spend 1 night with Jade (his bail conditions are to spend every night at his mothers house) not that she will be in any state to do anything as she does not even have the energy to walk.. i think it shows the government have a heart the poor girl is going to be dead in a couple of weeks and she's only 27 with 2 small boys do you seriously think it so bad that they are letting Jack spend 1 night with her it will be the last time they will ever spend the night together.

  • 1 decade ago

    He did that so that the government can provide some "good news" and get the public to taketheir minds off the recession.

  • 1 decade ago

    The woman's dying, and by the sounds of it doesn't have more than 2 months left to live. Let her have at least one dying wish and spend her wedding night with her husband. I'm actually glad he showed compassion. If your partner was dying and you were on tag, i doubt you'd be complaining if you were lucky enough to be let off for one night..

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  • 1 decade ago

    This so-called story just gets better and better, It's like another layer of mould on a stale peice of cheese.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you really are one sad sick idiot.

    For someone who hates Jade so much you spend a lot of time answering Qs about her.


  • 1 decade ago

    its not him its the judge or whoever saw it fit to let him off ..... i might just not pay my TV license or my council tax get locked up for a few months and ask for them to let me off and see how quick they are to say TAKE HER DOWN

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why don't you show a little bit of compassion and see why he has spent time on this case, he has a heart, obviously you don't!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The irony to this question is hillarious..

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