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Cold Sore Sufferers, any suggestions please?

I get cold sores all the time and they are always really bad, everyone in my family can get them however I am the only person who gets them a lot, at a guess I would say 10-20 times a year where everyone else in my family might get two at most a year. If you do the math that pretty much means I have blister on my lip half the year. It’s very embarrassing not to mention it kills having a social life.

I looked at what triggers there are and none of those apply. I am not sick, stressed, been in UV rays etc, and I keep a healthy diet etc. With as often as I get them I don’t think it has anything to do with my cycle and just as a side note I wash my hands all the time too and I have had no physical contact with anyone for a very long time, or better yet I have had at least 6 cold sores since I had any contact with anyone.

Most of the time, I wake up with the already formed cold sore and the blisters are usually already popped when I wake up all this happens with no warning. (If there is a “tingle” stage I am asleep when it happens.) And the few times I do know that a cold sore is about to arise nothing I seem to do helps it at all. I have tried Abrevia, campho phenique, ice cubes, tooth paste, pills and any other common remedy with no avail.

Do you know if there are any food triggers that might assist a cold sore in forming? Maybe there is somehting I can avoid.

I would like to get a social life and needless to say most guys don't hit on girls with a big sore on thier lip.


I would like to add that I take Valtrex and it does nothing as far as I can tell. I can ask for the topical next time I am at the doc.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once you get the virus you risk outbreaks for the rest of your life , as the virus does not leave the body, but they occur less frequently after the age of 35.

    When you feel a tingle or irritation before the outbreak use Zovirax or Vectavir. The cream will reduce the severity of the outbreak. Viruses thrive on a low immune system caused by , tiredness, stress or other illnesses.

    An inbalance of amino acids Lysine and arginine is thought to be a contributing factor in herpes virus outbreaks. Foods which contain high levels of Lysine include most vegetables, legumes, fish, turkey and chicken. Patients should take 1000mg of Lysine supplements 3 times a day during an outbreak.

    Vitamin B complex is also known to help with cold sores as this vitamin supports the nervous system where viruses hide out. Hope this info helps you.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Herpes Cure Program :
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): I Cured My Herpes :
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): BREAKTHROUGH in Herpes Research
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  • 5 years ago

    Cure Cold Sores

    or Herpes Simplex Type I Naturally?

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to a doctor and get a prescription for Valtrex, take one when you start to get a cold sore, it will get rid of it quick... Also ask for a prescription for Zovirex to put on it topically. BTW a dentist can also prescribe these meds

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, go to the doc and get some Acyclovir. That's the only thing that will really help at this point. That, and use sunscreen on your lips daily just as a precaution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately the virus lives in the nerves forever.So every time your immune system is weak you will have an outbreak.So far zovirak is the best treatment if you use it right when you feel the first ich.

    Source(s): I had cold sores.Biologist and science teacher
  • 1 decade ago

    I know it sounds crazy, but there's a face mask that is made my Queen Helene. It's called Mint Julep mask and it draws impurities out of your skin. I put it on when I get one, and it makes it huge for a day or two but it goes away like 4 days quicker.

    Source(s): Personal Experience.
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