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I just want to have a good time. I love the outdoors (hiking, camping, mountain biking), music(Anything from Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater to Slayer, Machine Head), movies(Shawshank, Snatch, Four Rooms), video games(Conker's, NFS, Tekken). I really dislike stupidity and living in a city I feel I am surrounded by it. Hope to move so Alaska one day so I can find my true calling and get out of this corporate grunge that most of us live in. If this sounds like you my e-mail is not blocked but can be if needed.

  • Cause and effect orgasm and menstrual cycle serious answers only please?

    I had my very first real orgasms in the last month as I am almost 40 this was huge for me as I finally felt the release and the euphoric feeling that comes with it however my last menstrual cycle was the worst one of my life I went through very extreme mood swings including severe depression and Suicidal Thoughts for the first time in my life I had to miss work because I could not stop crying to the extreme of I couldn t speak a complete sentence because I would start bawling in the middle of it. I ve had mood swings before but nothing anywhere close to the extremeness of this last cycle. Are they related? And if so why?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health2 years ago
  • How is this legal? New Movies on the internet.?

    My boss told me about a site that is like hulu bet different. For instance today movies on there included Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, The Frog Princess, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Obviously all of these movies are still in theaters how can they put them on the internet? Now I am not going to say the quality is good but regardless how is this legal? You can't even but a DVD without all the legal mumble jumble yet you can see a brand new movie for free with no jumble.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What do you have for a hobby?"?

    Ok so basically my BF thinks I need a hobby. He loves to work on his motorcycle, truck, woodworking, welding etc. I would also like to add that pretty much anything that is left after monthly expenses goes to his hobbies. Pretty much the guy is never bored but always broke.

    Me on the other hand I don’t do much. Sleeping is not a hobby yet I think I could make it one. I sometimes play video games and I lose interest within 10 or 15 minutes, no matter the game. I am not artsy, mechanically inclined, and because of a knee injury I am limited as to what I can do outside. I don’t like wasting money so the idea of having to invest in something that is not important seems ridiculous to me. However he thinks I need to do something other then clean and sleep (which is pretty much what I do when I am not working) My biggest problem is that I get bored with everything. I start a model I don’t care to finish it. I can do word puzzles and such but have never finished a book. I do read but usually it’s to kill time on a bus (I don’t drive). I have had a few things I thought might be cool like building a gas powered car/plane but the starter kit is several hundred and upgrade and extra parts makes that price even higher. I will never spend that kind of money on what I consider being a “toy” and not needed in “real” life.

    I have asked coworkers and friends that have hobbies and they like to make jewelry, crafts, clay work, cooking, sewing, stained glass, writing, soap or candle making, designs on shirts (like a printing press) and none of that interests me and most of it costs a ton of money to get supplies, tools, colors, etc. I can’t imagine spending 50 bucks or more on something I probably won’t finish and that will get stored away and eventually throw away because I needed to “try” something new.

    It boils down to the fact that when I am bored I sleep because I am really not interested in anything. I don't know what I can do that won't cost me money or VERY little money and that will keep me interested for more then a few minutes. I also am not a people person so things like volunteering at a soup kitchen are out. I could volunteer at an animal shelter except I don't drive and even the closest one on a bus would take hours of travel time.

    So I figured maybe the people on here would have a suggestions.

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Getting a massage today for my lunch hour, do you tip and how much?

    Ok first off let me state that this is part of my chiropractic adjustment. My co pay includes an adjustment and a 30 minute massage. Because this will be a "medical" massage rather then a "spa" massage do I still tip? If so how do you determine how much to tip? When you go to a spa you tip 15 to 20 percent of the cost but since my co pay is $20 I am not sure how to figure a tip or even if I should leave one. Thanks for your answers!!

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do you go about getting mental help?

    This is spawning from the guy who killed those women at the Gym. I have heard several people say that this guy knew he had issues so why didn’t he try and get help? I would like to know how exactly you go about that. Do you walk into your Primary care physician’s office and say “Hi! You know I am not doing so well today or any other day for that matter. I feel like killing women because I am rejected. Can you help?”

    I know I am biased because I don't trust doctors. I pretty much think they are all there to send their offspring to college and that has pretty much been my experience. So then the scenario for me changes to “Hi! I think you are an overpaid a§§ that needs to send you kids to school and don’t give a darn about my issues but since I have nowhere else to go I figured I would ask for your help anyway even though I really feel like you just want to put me on a lifelong drug that is going to do me more harm then good.”

    I know most of you feel like I am rambling but the reason I ask is because someone pointed out to me that my attitude and the way I feel about life is just like this guy (however I have been laid in the last decade) and I don’t own guns because of my anger issues, for obvious reasons. So really how do I get help?

    I don't feel like doctors are going to try and help me yet I feel like if I contiune on the path I am on it won't be pretty. Where do I turn?

    Just like him, I have few friends, I don't like people, and anger, rage and hatred are the emotions I feel everyday.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What to do for my 30th Birthday?

    My next birthday is my 30th and I would like to do something fun and maybe a little exotic. However I am not sure what to do. I am asking ahead in case I need to save bigger bucks.

    Here are the things I feel that you need to know to try and get the kind of suggestions I am looking for:

    I have very few friends and the ones I do have don’t no spare cash so traveling with people is out. When I say a few I mean like three so big parties are out too. I am not a girlie girl so manicures, spas and stuff like that are also out, and not to mention I don't like strangers touching me so anything that is hands on is eewww. I do love excitement, anything fast or maybe with a hint of danger is cool. But at the same time I don't drive so if I can't take a charter or a cab to it, it probably won't work. However this is where excursions come in, if I can gain access to the fun via a resort it might work. More then likely I will be alone so safety is also a concern. Also I do not like children of any sort so I would prefer that kids either be excluded or limited. I consider myself NC-17 so I am sure parents don't want me around their kids anymore then I want to be around them.

    I have been to Vegas so many times that it’s no longer fun and while I don’t mind gambling a bit, that to be the focus of the trip is just sad.

    I know that I gave limitations but I am hoping there is some single people out there that have had this issue and still managed to have a great time.

    I am looking for adults to answer so if you still are being provided for by your parents please don’t bother answering.

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • What to do for my 30th Birthday?

    My next birthday is my 30th and I would like to do something fun and maybe a little exotic. However I am not sure what to do. I am asking ahead in case I need to save bigger bucks.

    Here are the things I feel that you need to know to try and get the kind of suggestions I am looking for:

    I have very few friends and the ones I do have don’t have spare cash so traveling with people or anything that costs more then dinner is out at least with my friends, but this is not for them it's for me. When I say a few I mean like three so big parties are out too. I am not a girlie girl so manicures, spas and stuff like that are also out, and not to mention I don't like strangers touching me so anything that is hands on is eewww. I do love excitement, anything fast or maybe with a hint of danger is cool. But at the same time I don't drive so if I can't take a charter or a cab to it, it probably won't work. However this is where excursions come in, if I can gain access to the fun via a resort it might work. More then likely I will be alone so safety is also a concern. Also I do not like children of any sort so I would prefer that kids either be excluded or limited. I consider myself NC-17 so I am sure parents don't want me around their kids anymore then I want to be around them.

    I have been to Vegas so many times that it’s no longer fun and while I don’t mind gambling a bit, that to be the focus of the trip is just sad.

    I know that I gave limitations but I am hoping there is some single people out there that have had this issue and still managed to have a great time.

    I am looking for adults to answer so if you still are being provided for by your parents please don’t bother answering.

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Money pool for the baby?

    Ok so a guy's wife at my job recently had a baby. And my coworkers thought is would be wonderful to have a "baby gift card and item basket" and while I can smile and nod and say congrats, I would not want to afford nor wish to be included in this. So when my coworkers are coming to collect the gifts and such what would you suggest I say politely to say that I won't partake with this? What boggles my mind is that my coworkers know without a doubt that I do not believe in breeding and I find the idea of bringing kids in to this world as nothing less then torture, yet they want me to help support some kid I will probably never meet and would never choose to meet given the option. Now I specifically asked how to do this politely because I know how to be mean, but nice on the other hand is not my best suite.

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you do to relax?

    This question is coming up because of a discussion that I was having with a friend. He is busy all the time, if he is not working at work, he is working at something else. He edits scripts and runs role playing games (at least four that I know of), hosts dinners but anyway he is always doing something so I asked him when he relaxes and his response was that "it does relax him to edit scripts and run all the games."

    Maybe I am weird but to me relaxing is not working on anything. or as I put it to him its... I relax by taking a nap or watching a movie (usually one I have seen a zillion times so if I fall asleep it’s not a big deal, to watch a new movie I have to pay attention to it which it turn constitutes to me as more work). I can’t even relax to a video game because I am trying to reach a goal in it whether it’s beating a level, getting a score, an item or anything that makes the game move on and I can't relax to most music because I get too "into" it.

    So I was just curious what relax means to you?

    12 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Problems at work (office style job)?

    For the last six months we have had a ton or work added to our department including several huge projects. This is making things very stressful in general but here is the true issue.

    My boss has been taking our all his stress on his underlings. I know we all have bad days but months upon months of bad days is ridiculous. We have gotten to the point that we have key words that we say to each other so we know not to talk to him. I might be crazy but I thought a manager and his team were supposed to talk to one another but we are so sick of getting snapped at that we avoid him most of the time.

    You can’t talk to him about it, it really just makes things worse. Our HR department is horrible about saying whom the complaint came from which would obviously make things worse if he knew the entire team is sick of it. I have one team member that would already be gone if she thought she could get another job but with the economy the way it is that could be financial suicide. And I am right behind her, and I have worked her almost 10 years and I am at my breaking point. (For instance I over heard a conversation that he was having with another employee and I had valuable information to add to it. Before I went to tell them my stomach went to my foot and I got nervous jitters just thinking about getting my butt handed back to me for trying to help and of course he jumped at me right away with attitude but after a few minutes of feeling like a piece of crap I was able to prove that my information was valuable and helpful but again I had to talk to the other employee to make it happen because my boss won’t listen anymore) It can’t stay this way. What can me or the team do to make this situation better? Also we already know that the next six months will make the last six months look like a cake walk with all the new processes that we will be getting.

    You know its bad when the entire team wants a Valium just to approach the boss.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I go to the funeral?

    My ex passed away last Friday and the Funeral is tomorrow. We spent five years together in the relationship and at have talked to each other since. We have know each other 9 years. The family/friends and I didn't get along. I am worried that if I showed up to the funeral I could make it worst and instead of grieving there would be fighting. When my ex was drunk he did bad things (stole, abuse etc) but when we were sober it was a good relationship yet I am worried that I will be blamed for his death. (Tox report is not back yet but we are fairly sure that it will be hot) I also would not give him my new phone number because I didn't want the fighting and blaming to continue. I would still call him but it wasn't as often. I know nobody can tell me what to do but I would like opinions.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cold Sore Sufferers, any suggestions please?

    I get cold sores all the time and they are always really bad, everyone in my family can get them however I am the only person who gets them a lot, at a guess I would say 10-20 times a year where everyone else in my family might get two at most a year. If you do the math that pretty much means I have blister on my lip half the year. It’s very embarrassing not to mention it kills having a social life.

    I looked at what triggers there are and none of those apply. I am not sick, stressed, been in UV rays etc, and I keep a healthy diet etc. With as often as I get them I don’t think it has anything to do with my cycle and just as a side note I wash my hands all the time too and I have had no physical contact with anyone for a very long time, or better yet I have had at least 6 cold sores since I had any contact with anyone.

    Most of the time, I wake up with the already formed cold sore and the blisters are usually already popped when I wake up all this happens with no warning. (If there is a “tingle” stage I am asleep when it happens.) And the few times I do know that a cold sore is about to arise nothing I seem to do helps it at all. I have tried Abrevia, campho phenique, ice cubes, tooth paste, pills and any other common remedy with no avail.

    Do you know if there are any food triggers that might assist a cold sore in forming? Maybe there is somehting I can avoid.

    I would like to get a social life and needless to say most guys don't hit on girls with a big sore on thier lip.

    9 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can you please tell me the differences between these two computers?

    My sister was given a Dell Dimension 2400 computer and a Dell Dimension 3100 computer, can you please let me know the difference. One she is going to give her handicapped son and one she will donate but she wants to keep the better one for her son. Her sons likes to play simple games and puzzles. (Frog Frenzy, Thomas the train games and such) Any detail you can provide would be most helpful.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I have my tongue pierced and I was just wondering if?

    any one else had the issue of their tongue turning orange. and I don't mean it has an orange tint I mean it turns orange like AFL Crush orange. It's happened since I got it pierced years ago, it don't affect anything really except that I look like I have been sucking on orange candy all the time. I can also brush the orange off by this I mean when I brush my teeth I also brush my tongue and once I am done my tongue is the normal pinkish/reddish but within a few hours it back to orange. I am just wondering why? It's no big deal I am just curious. I will not be taking it out so don't even go there.

    10 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Why do you think women need to needlessly pamper themselves?

    I never did understand why women spend so much money on needless things. Now I know that a man can be just as guilty but really it's the endless facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, hair coloring, waxing, tinting, glossing, etc, you name it that I really just don't get. It just seems like a huge waste of money to me for little benefit. Can’t you paint your own nails? What’s wrong with living with the beauty that God naturally gave you? Don’t even get me started on lifts, tucks, or anything like Botox, which I completely disagree with unless it’s for medical reasons which there are a few but VERY few that I would deem acceptable for any change surgically to your body. The other question I have it how do you get in to this crap in the first place? My mom had three girls her Mom had three girls and we never got in to this. Now I will admit I am one of two that don't where any makeup but even for the women in my family that do where makeup it's very little, like lipstick and maybe mascara but no blush, foundation or any of the other things that make makeup such a huge expense.

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's silly to rename various things to Obama?

    In the recent weeks since the election I have read several articles about people giving the child the name Obama (or at least the middle name), I have seen several pets that have been named Obama and even a school has changed it's name to Obama Elementary. Don't you think this is a little preemptive? I mean happens if he ends up being worse then Bush? What if he can't hold up to the promises he has made, what if he turns out to be another Nixon. I am sure anyone named after Nixon hangs their head low then and now. Why would people chance a life long thing like a name to a man they really no nothing about and we really don't know yet what effect he will have on our country.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Gifts beginning with the letter G?

    My office is doing a gift exchange and the specifics were that the gift needed to start with the letter G and the it costs 15 dollars or less.

    Now the only things I came up with were

    Guinness (12 pack)

    Gin depending on the Gin would depend on bottle size

    Now it's not uncommon to have alcohol as a gift but I am drawing a blank on what else starts with G.

    I would do so bad on that game show where you have to come up with things that relate too the topic. uurrg

    22 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Read this article and let me know your opinion?

    I am basically wondering if now would be a good time to refinance my house? Maybe I am not interpreting the article correctly and would like some financial advice.

    Side note, five years ago I locked into a ~4.5 interest rate, I have not refinanced my house to date as of yet.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in prophecy? or Politics?

    According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is….

    The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of Muslim descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a massive Christ-like appeal...the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything..

    Do we recognize this description??

    Do you know how long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations?

    Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.

    Almost a four-year term of a Presidency.

    Coincidence… I think not.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama's big word of the year is "change" as we all know now lets do the math... ?

    George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine.

    A little over one year ago:

    1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;

    2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;

    3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

    4) the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 +

    5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!...

    But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR:

    1) Consumer confidence has plummeted

    2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing

    3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase)

    4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping;

    5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

    6) THE DOW is probing another low $2.5 Trillion dollars has evaporated from their Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds Investment Portfolios!





    JUST HOW MUCH MORE 'CHANGE' DO YOU THINK YOU CAN STAND? <- This is the actual question

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago