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What do you have for a hobby?"?

Ok so basically my BF thinks I need a hobby. He loves to work on his motorcycle, truck, woodworking, welding etc. I would also like to add that pretty much anything that is left after monthly expenses goes to his hobbies. Pretty much the guy is never bored but always broke.

Me on the other hand I don’t do much. Sleeping is not a hobby yet I think I could make it one. I sometimes play video games and I lose interest within 10 or 15 minutes, no matter the game. I am not artsy, mechanically inclined, and because of a knee injury I am limited as to what I can do outside. I don’t like wasting money so the idea of having to invest in something that is not important seems ridiculous to me. However he thinks I need to do something other then clean and sleep (which is pretty much what I do when I am not working) My biggest problem is that I get bored with everything. I start a model I don’t care to finish it. I can do word puzzles and such but have never finished a book. I do read but usually it’s to kill time on a bus (I don’t drive). I have had a few things I thought might be cool like building a gas powered car/plane but the starter kit is several hundred and upgrade and extra parts makes that price even higher. I will never spend that kind of money on what I consider being a “toy” and not needed in “real” life.

I have asked coworkers and friends that have hobbies and they like to make jewelry, crafts, clay work, cooking, sewing, stained glass, writing, soap or candle making, designs on shirts (like a printing press) and none of that interests me and most of it costs a ton of money to get supplies, tools, colors, etc. I can’t imagine spending 50 bucks or more on something I probably won’t finish and that will get stored away and eventually throw away because I needed to “try” something new.

It boils down to the fact that when I am bored I sleep because I am really not interested in anything. I don't know what I can do that won't cost me money or VERY little money and that will keep me interested for more then a few minutes. I also am not a people person so things like volunteering at a soup kitchen are out. I could volunteer at an animal shelter except I don't drive and even the closest one on a bus would take hours of travel time.

So I figured maybe the people on here would have a suggestions.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suggest doll houses. While it's true some can be very expensive, you can buy plans cheaply online and make the actual houses out of foamcore.

    Check out this book.

    they make this house out of wood, but as I said you can make it out of foamcore. I recommend it because foamcore is easier to cut and you don't need anything fancier than an X-Acto knife and a straight edge.

    Then you have the option of either buying furniture for it, for making all the furniture yourself. (That's really fun.) If you buy the house furniture that can get really expensive. However, a lot of the fun of doll houses that are hobbies and not collector doll houses, is in using what you find to create art.

    For example,

    those plastic toy fans, make great spiral staircases.

    Those cheap plastic combs with no handles (not a long black ones the ones with about three or four teeth) make excellent headbaords for beds.

    An aspirin bottle embellished with buttons and little bits of lace and spray-painted gold, can make a great antique water heater.

    A cardboard egg carton cut into pieces and make excellent stones for a path or a Castle Interior.

    Small patterned wrapping paper makes excellent wallpaper.

    felt makes good carpet.

    None of these ideas are very expensive. Some foam core board, a book of plans, and X-Acto knife are all you really need. You can spend more money on it later once you discover how much you love it. :-)

    by the way, if you want to see a realy cool dollhouse that can never be considered a toy, check out this dollhouse.

    Source(s): I've been doing dollhouses forever. And I'm thinking about writing an e-book on them for beginners.
  • 1 decade ago

    I get too bored to have just one hobby so I have a lot of them.

    Mine include crocheting, gardening and canning what I grow, a little bit of woodworking and about a dozen more activities - LOL. When I get bored with one project, I'll work on another, etc. Eventually everything I started gets finished and by keeping busy I keep my mind from growing stagnant, too.

    What you need to do is get out of the bed before you turn into a gelatinous pool of goo. Seriously, I'm wondering if you may be depressed. Two major signs of depression include lack of interest in things and sleeping too much. I'm not diagnosing you (not an MD), but it's a possibility you may want to consider. Perhaps you should schedule yourself for a good physical and mention the boredom and desire to sleep all the time to the doctor. I'm sure you and the doctor can work together to find a workable solution.

    If your boyfriend is telling you to get a hobby, take that as a major clue that he isn't too happy with you sleeping your (and his) life away...

    If you continue at this rate, it may not be much longer before "active" girls start to catch his eye. To be honest, who could blame him? How long would it be before you became annoyed with your sweetie if he were basically a "bed slug"?

    You can start out by helping your boyfriend work on his motorcycle by handing him tools or keeping track of the nuts and bolts.

    Do anything within reason that makes you happy, but you do need to get up and get your behind in gear!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, from your description, it sounds like you have depression. You work, you presumably eat, and you sleep, and away from those things you have no interests? What are you passionate about? What makes the gears in your head start working? For me, it's sewing (and knitting and embroidery and crochet and cooking and hopefully eventually soap making, but sewing is predominant) but that's obviously not for everybody. But what it comes down to is that I like to make things. I like to know how things go together. And that's part of my career, even. I've got a friend that sounds a lot like you. She tried a bunch of different things and was apathetic about all of them until she stumbled across cross-stitching. It's what she does for all her big gifts, now, she can do it while watching t.v. or spending time with other people, and it's methodical. She likes puzzles, and order, and step by step instructions, and cross stitch provides that.

    The trick is you need to figure out what drives you. Listing all of the things you don't like isn't really going to help. What do you like? What did you want to do when you were a little girl? Cooking is something that every adult living on their own has to do a little bit, and if you like to eat or try new things, it's not really a hardship to experiment in the kitchen. You don't have to spend a ton of money on it, and the results will hopefully be edible. The only other thing I can think of would be for you to get a pet. It'd give you something to do, and somebody to bond with who wouldn't talk back.

  • 1 decade ago

    For years my main hobby has been counted cross stitch it is so easy and relaxing. It doesn't cost much either but you can create some lovely designs.

    There are so many easy to learn kits on the market so if you try it and it doesn't suit you then there hasn't been a great loss financially.

    Also make greetings cards in 3D Decoupage for family and friends.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ok so you said you didnt like spending money on useless toys. i dont know if this is fun or not, its just an idea, but if i were you i would take up like sewing.

    Invest in a cheap sewing machine, get some make your own clothes and handbags kits, maybe even make like a cute blanked or something from scratch. It wouldnt be a waste of money because its a usefull skill and its productive

    also the idea of taking up several small projects and rotating seemed like a great idea for you if you have a short attention span

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Reading book and getting many information this is best method for make good hobby

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