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Billions or Trillions which is worse?

As I read through these questions and answers I really do try to be fair and honest. But so many people say things like; Bush was so bad he spent Billions in Iraq in 6 years..

I have to wonder why those same people do not see that Obama has spent over a Trillion on nothing in less than 2 months.

Will we ever be able to see through this political fog?

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it amazes me,that people haven't seen this,and worse,its only the beginning.Obama is doing to us now,what Reagan did to the Soviet Union,and most people are calling out the people whom are trying to raise the red flag , idiots!When they start to realize the soon to triple inflation rates,taxes,and forced dependence from failed attempts to stimulate the economy(after all none of the plan does anything but expand government and power)...It will be too late.They will cry when they realize China will basically make us their *****,because we owe them more money than we have ,and if they call in the mark for the loan,we're dead.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only if you are not one of his believers now that he is the Grand Potentate of the world . The man talks so much like Hitler did to the world and is getting the same results , people following him because of what they think they hearhim say and never stopping to analyze anything , just hear and obey . If anyone thinks that billions in six years is worse than trillions in 2 months , then they really should rethink things , something the Democrats will never do , because it is so easy to follow Obama and criticize Bush as the cause of everything . Bush is in the past , right or wrong , he is gone and done as president of the USA . It's time for the people of America to start looking and planning for a future if we are ever to have one again . Nothing has ever kept us down before , but we have never had a president that favored socialism and sided wwith the Muslim Nations over everyone .

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush spent billions on Iraq, Obama has spent trillions on nothing, & the terrorists have sat back & watched it all. The holy war isn't always about picking up a weapon. I'd like to think that's what they wanted all along. Now more than ever, I'm ready to nuke the damn desert & turn it into a waste land. Turn the sand to glass, break it, & start over.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't want to see what Obama is doing to our nation. As long as they figure their is a buck in it for them, they don't care.

    Kevin A.R.T.

    is proof of what I'm talking about.

    On top of this, BO said this past June and now is doing it: He is keeping 50,000 troops in Iraq. A far cry from months earlier when he stated that he would have "all" of our troops out in just "weeks". Now, you notice none of them can remember any of this. No matter what Obama flip-flops on, they will always claim that he is just "open minded" enough to know when he's wrong to do such a thing. But up until he does such a thing, they will claim there was no need to do such a thing. In other words, uncle pork followers are just "yes men."

    Liberals are just waiting for the facts to hits them with the force of a freight train only then to hear them say, it's not my fault!

    Source(s): "Confuse a liberal: Use facts and logic!"
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  • 1 decade ago

    People are absolutely ridiculous! Bush spent billions on the war, yet the billions he spent were necessary. People often undermine the terror that so many jihadist groups can cause.

    Furthermore, Obama has wastefully blown TRILLIONS in his first two months on social programs and the most bizarre pork projects. Yeah....saving the salt harvest mouse really helps does sending birthcontrol overseas.

    If anyone is guilty of wasteful spending--it's Obama and his goody-bag of liberal spending.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully people will wake up and see what this guy is doing before he totally destroys the country.

    I think things will get bad, bad, bad. It's the most frightening thing that I've lived through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will never be possible to see through the political fog as long as we have a dishonest media who refuses to give simple facts without also relaying only those facts that support their agenda.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Trillions are worse by far, especially when wasted on what he is wasting it all on.

    We can see through all this smoke and mirrors, the problem is that THEY cannot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most can't see the Forest for the trees ,but this time next year, I betcha they will I can't wait to see the shocks on their faces. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    it's all a political agenda...partisan politics at its worst.

    trillions, and people don't care??? they will when the inflation that grips this nation makes even the simplest thing cost 5x what it used to cost.

    people don't evaluate any more, they just capitulate to the team they're on. it's not about critical thinking, it's about winning. and we're all about to lose. big.

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