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question for people with infants and toddlers?

my 3 month old son seems very fascinated by my 2 1/2 year old daughter. He's always smiling when she is near him, and he laughs at everything she does! I think it's adorable! Do your infants have the same reaction to your toddlers?

also my daughter loves to help me when my son cries, for example she'll give him his pacifier or ask to hold his bottle while he eats. Do your toddlers like to help you out too?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes!!! i think it is just so adorable....i remember when my now 9 month old first smiled at my other kids....when she was about 4 months old, she started crying one morning ready for her bottle, my 6 yr old(was 5 then) is my early riser heard her crying and made her a bottle climbed into her crib, changed her diaper, her outfit, fed her, burped her and layed her back down and climbed out of the crib....i woke up a few moments later...the baby was sleeping soundly and happily...i asked heather(my 6 yr old) how sarah got changed, and it was soo cute...she looked at me and said "mommy, i changed sarahs diaper,her outfit, made her a bottle and fed her, and layed her back down" i of course was not very happy about what she had done even if it was cute, i sat down and explained to her that she cant do that again because she could have hurt sarah climbing into the crib or something else could have went wrong and then what would happen?? and heather said ok mom and i asked her how much formula did she use and she told me the right amount of formula and water (she has watched me make a million bottles so she knew how to make them) the she told me she burped her and everything to and i told her that she did a good job but reminded her of the dangers of her handling all that.........anyways, ever since then, my 4 yr old and my 2 yr old also like to help out....they will bring me diapers and wipes and stuff when they see me pick her up without me even having to ask them to, and they love holding her, sometimes i let heather help me make a bottle or change the diaper, she also will change my 2 yr olds diapers, and she is really good at it for being 6....i dont even ask her to, she just pays attention, she knows if i'm getting ready to change sarah that its about time for katie(my 2 yr old) to be changed also, so while i'm changing sarah, she will lay katie down and change her before i can...she tries to beat me, she is very persistent about helping me with the girls....she tries to be so grown up, i'm constantly telling her to stop, cause i want her to be able to enjoy being a kid while she can....i dont want her to grow up yet....but it does let me know i'm doing something 4 yr old son loves to tickle sarah and play with her (i love it cause sarah loves it and she just lays there and giggles)and sometimes when they dont see me watching, i hear and watch them talk to her, hold her hand and rub her really is very cute how kids and babies react to each other when their so little....its as if they really do have some kind of kid and baby language that only they can hear....its very fascinating,,,,,

    Source(s): mother of 4....ages 6,4,2, and 9 months
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, I think any infant or small child could be traumatised by the loud noises in a movie theater playing any sort of film.... and it's not recommended that children under 2 get any sort of 'screen time' at all so it really shouldn't be an issue to begin with. And, there's a difference between 'letting' your babies watch such movies and 'forcing' them to. Forcing your child to go without dinner is abusive, but letting them choose not to eat it cause they say they aren't hungry or don't want what's being served is perfectly acceptable. However, watching horror movies at home, I strongly doubt that infants would be much affected by it. To start out with, their optical nerves haven't developed fully, so they wouldn't be 'seeing' any of the scary images as it were, mostly blurs and shapes and colors. Second of all, they're too young to process what's going on in the films - to them, everything from a 'scary' scene in a Disney movie to Friday the 13th is going to look the same (a dark-colored, ominous-sounding mess, essentially). In addition, their attention spans are very short, so again, a scary scene from Lion King a scary scene from a horror movie aren't going to be differentiated. So, while an infant shouldn't be 'watching' TV at all, I see no problem in them being in the same room as an adult watching a horror film. Toddlers, as I mentioned before, also shouldn't be watching TV in general, and almost definitely shouldn't be watching horror films. However, unlike infants, they're more aware of what's going on, but what they find scary might be what adults think a toddler woudl find fun - a person in a crayola crayon costume, ronald mcdonald, and a newborn lamb are among the various inexplicable things that terrified me or my siblings or friends as toddlers. So, parents should just make sure to watch TV with their children in general at that age, and turn the channel if the child becomes uncomfortable. Perhaps the most important thing to emphasise at that age, regardless of what the children are watching, is that TV is all pretend... perhaps, ironically, that's why I was only ever scared of things in real life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Girl yes! I have a 2 year daughter old and a 4 yr old son. When my daughter was born my son was always making her smile, and laugh. It was the most adorable thing.

    As my son got older he became such a huge helper! At first he was a little jealous, but soon after he realized she was here to stay, he was such a big boy.

    It is so adorable how siblings are so fascinated by each other. Just wait till they git a little older, my kids are so great together, they look after each other and everything!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My boys do the same thing. I have a 2 year old and he's always trying to help with my 8 month old. If he hears him crying hell get the pacifier and try to give it to him, or hell say "NO STOP" if he sees that he's crawling were he's not supposed to go or putting things in his mouth. I just love it when he makes my 8 month old laugh. I think its adorable.

    Source(s): Mommy of a 2 year old and 8 month old
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my eldest is 2 on friday and my youngest was 10 weeks yesterday.

    my toddler always tries to put the dummy in my baby's mouth he helps to burp him, he cant help feed because my baby is breastfed, but im sure he would if he could. he loves cuddling and kissing too.

    My baby is obsessed with my toddler, the very first time he smiled was at his big brother, he watches him wherever he goes. if my toddler leaves the room or goes out of my baby's vision he just looks so lost as if "where did my toy go?"

    Source(s): mummy to Blake nearly 2 and christian 10 weeks
  • 1 decade ago


    When my son Ashton was born my daughter was like his second mommy! Some days I could feel so stressed. She would bring down a duvet and some pillows and bring Ash down and she'd put in his pacifier and rock him to sleep!

    Source(s): Mommy of 2, 1 angel and triplets on the way!
  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is almost 3, and my son is 6 months old. He absolutely adores her and she adores him as well. She gets on the floor with him and tries to "show him how to crawl", it is so cute. Some days they fight though, he likes her toys more than his own, and she thinks he is going to take them forever lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 14 month old girl adores other toddlers and babies. She always has done. She copies other children, kisses them, cuddles them. Its lovely. Can't wait to give her a brother or sister!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My 6 months old always laughs or smiles at her 2 older sisters. Babies seem to like older kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    I only have one baby. He is 9 months old but he loves our dog. Everything that dog does is funny to him. Be it barking, walking by, or just laying in front of him it always gets a giggle.

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