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Watching one of those 2012 shows on History Channel - a response to galactic alignment?

So I'm watching these guys talk about the 'galactic alignment', where the Sun, Earth, and center of the galaxy will be 'perfectly aligned'. I know it's all BS, but I wanted to see just how much BS it is. So I fired up one of my star programs and set the date to 21Dec2012. Here's a screenshot:

The big white ball at the top is the Sun, and the red line through it is the ecliptic, the path the Sun will follow through the sky. The crosshair cursor near the bottom is the approximate location of Sagittarius A* (supermassive black hole, the 'center of the galaxy'.

Now, if the Earth, Sun, and the center of the galaxy are supposedly aligned, the Sun should block out Sag A* so that it's not visible. Obviously, it's not even close. Angular separation at closest approach is 6.5 degrees.

And the whole 'galactic alignment' biz goes up in smoke right there. It's just a bunch of charlatans speaking nonsense.

If you're curious, the closest approach of the Sun to the center in the year 2012 is 5 days earlier, on 16Dec. There's still 5.5 degrees of separation between them though, so nothing even close to what could be called an alignment. Plus, it's the exact same distance that the Sun approaches to alignment *every* year, meaning there's nothing special about 2012 at all.

For the closest approach (still 5.5 degrees) to occur on 21Dec, you have to go to the year 2200 or so.

Anyways, more ammo next time a galactic alignment discussion comes up.


oklatonola - I think you need to get your own facts straight. We're talking about Sag A*, not Sag A (although A* is one of the 3 main components of A). A* _is_ the supermassive black hole (or as you call it, '30 million solar black hole singularity at the center of the Milky Way galaxy') at the center.

Quote: "Among the unusual objects believed to lie at the exact center of our Galaxy is a compact, yet extremely bright source known as Sagittarius A*. Some astronomers argue that this point-like source reveals a black hole with a mass equivalent to several million Suns."


I suspect you're one of the folks who believe this doomsday scenario and are just grasping at straws against this incontrovertible that it's simply wrong. An alignment just won't happen.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're quite correct. I've been explaining that the Sun never lines up with the galactic centre in numerous answers I've given over the past several months. Your screenshot will be useful ammunition as long as you intend to leave it there.

    oklatonola has a standard answer which starts off as follows: "All that is going to happen on Dec. 21, 2012 is that the sun will line up with the center of Milky Way galaxy on the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere".

    When I pointed out that this was wrong, this is what I got in reply:

    "Oh yeah? The sun can't align with the center of the Milky on a solsitce? Prove that the Sun can't align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy on a solstice, bikenbee, I don't think you can. They Mayans knew where the center of the Milky Way was in Sagitarius, even if it is shrouded dust. Get some education, and learn some courtesy and respect for those who know more than you do."

    I think he hasn't quite shaken off some tendencies towards pseudoscience. Perhaps an apology would be too much to expect?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Galactic alignment is an invention by a bunch of crackpots in order to conjure up some sort of 'event' for 2012. Since they seem unable to provide a concise definition, we'll have to try and guess what they mean. Could it be the Sun aligning with the centre of the Milky Way galaxy? Well, no because the centre of the Milky Way is not in the plane of the Earth's orbit, so the Sun can never line up with it. Could they mean the Sun crossing the equator of the Milky Way? The Sun does a complete circuit of the sky every year and therefore appears in line with the Milky Way in June and December every year. So that can't be right. What about the once in 26,000 year alignment of the solstice point with the galactic equator? Nope, that took place in 1998. No-one noticed. All the preceding are merely line-of-sight effects as seen from the earth's perspective. An observer on Mars would see something completely different. Some of the cranks have become confused and decided that galactic alignment must be something to do with the revolution of the whole solar system around the galaxy, taking 225 million years. During this orbit, the solar system bobs up and down a few times and measurements taken from the Hipparcos satellite reveal that the solar system is currently moving away from the central plane of the galaxy and won't pass through it for another 30 million years or so. That can't be what they mean then. So we have: 1) Can't ever happen 2) Happens every year 3) Happened in 1998 or 4) Won't happen for 30 million years. Take your pick. As for pole shift, magnetic pole reversal takes thousands of years and may not start for thousands of years. There is no reason to link it with 2012. As for the Earth's rotational poles shifting suddenly, that would be a violation of the law of conservation of angular momentum and it simply ain't gonna happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the verge of the second great depression; Iranian nukes, Iran(Hezbolah/Hamas)&Israeli conflict; India&Pakistani conflict; Russia&Georgia conflict; REX 84, King Alfred Plan, FEMA coffins, FEMA camps, secret prisons, Patriot Act, tapping public phones, reading public e-mails, RFID Verichips, XMARK, Mondex, SOMARK tattoos, Operation Urban Warrior, Operation Sudden Impact, MJTF, Project Bluebeam, pretend ‘aliens’, LHC, Operation Mockingbird, Agenda 21, NESARA, entomopters, DARPA monstrosities, Iron Mountain, Denver International Airport Murals, Georgia Guidestones, Bohemian Grove, Real ID, HR 1022, vile Bush executive orders(yes they carry over!) regarding martial law and putting people into work groups, warrantless searches, end of Habeas Corpus, and the rise of a new character called 'Homegrown Terrorists' as specified in Senate Bill S.1959 which will be anyone against the North American Union and the New World Order especially Christians! 2012 prophecies from every corner of the globe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah...I tried to change my answer on the previous galactic alignment question when I checked it out for myself...

    You're right...there is no alignment nor could there ever be...and I had sense enough to know it had no significance even if there was

    But some sort of alignment DID occur on Dec 21 1997...I just can't seem to find it...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sag A is NOT at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Sag A is CLOSE to the center. There's 30 million solar black hole singularity at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Get your facts straight.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't make the mistake of dismissing the accepted scientific theories of the time of Nostradamus and other artifacts shown on the show. At the time most of that stuff was created, people thought the center of the universe was the Earth. Those so called "experts" are trying to apply modern scientific knowledge to the creations of a people who still believed that the universe revolved around us.

    Those same experts also got it wrong when they said there was no science before Alchemy. It is widely accepted that Alchemy is merely the precursor for modern Chemistry. There was science before Alchemy and there was science after Alchemy.

    Source(s): High School Chemistry and College course on the History of Technology and Science.
  • Bravo for looking into the facts yourself about this supposed alignment!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I also did this with Starry Night, and wrote it up for the Starry Night Times:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Winter solstice 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of perdition' at the mid-point of what Christians call the 7 year Tribulation (just subtract 1260 days to get the start and add 1260 days to get the end). Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan; Chilam Balam of Tizimin, Mani, Chumayel; Jaguar Prophet), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple's Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the spirit of satan himself. When will Jesus come? Only God Himself knows exactly, but very soon in "the twinkling of an eye" and like "a thief in the night". If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    >Fall of America as an economic power and other ways. The buying up and consolidation of powerful banks and corporations by the government in a pretend "bail out" power grab to kill the U.S. dollar and bring in a one world currency.

    Crash of other American banks and the nation's financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    >The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    >Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    >The fallen 'alien' agenda: Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk' & watch your local skies for the show!)

    Just in time for 2012! After decades of conditioning, billions will fall for it. Will you?

    (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)


    >Revelation 13:16-18 Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips- the coming 'answer' to the world economic crisis:

    >The start of the North American Union and true globalization..

    >Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!). Escalation of the Georgian/Russian; Israeli/Palestinian; & Indian/Pakistani conflicts.

    >Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich! (The brutal final empire foreseen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator)

    >Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    >Push to one world religion where there are "many ways to God".

    >Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    >Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


    >More world wide food shortages and famines.

    >More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    >Major spiritual awakenings.

    >Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    >Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    >Take a few minutes to listen to what this young child uncovered:


    Christians look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Saviour & Redeemer in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake of your lifetime. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

    Source(s): Everything that your pastor and your grandmother and her mother and her mother before her told you was right. You should have known this. Get saved and repent while you still can then you have nothing to fear! Read the books of Daniel and Revelation: I have given much proof and can provide even more, but I very much doubt the naysayers will do likewise...
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