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A question for Christians.?

I have from time to time asked questions and answered questions on the Christian Religion. I have never been disrespectful, rude, or racist, in asking questions yet i get called all manner of things. told i'm stupid and such like. my belief is and correct me if i'm wrong that the Christian Religion has always preached understanding, tolerance, and compassion. my Question is why do Christians not practise what they preach. IE a little tolerance, understanding, and compassion in their daily lives. because it seems to me your the ones being rude, and disrespectful. unyet i get called a bad person. i think it's all a bit hypocritical. what do you think.


I asked this question because a lot of christians i've talked to seem to think that you cannot really be a good person unless you are a christian. i would like to think i've over the years shown more understanding compassion and tolerance, than a lot of christians i know. for me it is something that comes from within not something that is inposed from some outside beief.

Update 2:

I'd like to thank all those that have as yet answered this question so far. in that it's good to see there are at least some good people on this site. and no i would never tar everyone with the same brush so to speak. i myself have two beautiful daughters. one is a christian, the other is an atheist. and respect both their beliefs equally.

31 Answers

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I agree with you in many respects and would like to take this time to apologize for those who claim to be Christian yet do not show that they are in their actions here. Please accept my apology and feel that what you have said does make a difference in my opinion. I also do my best not to attack others in my comments here. However, I am a Christian. Have a great week.

    Thank You,



    Several good comments here.

    Tory, That was beautiful!!

    China Doll is always so POSITIVE.



    Source(s): LOVE I F E . . .
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is a bit hypocritical of a Christian to be rude to our brothers and sisters; whether that brother/sister be a believer or not.

    I posted a reply on a similar question either yesterday or the day before.

    But as all other religions we do have feelings too, I think sometimes we forget ourselves and strike out in defense. Not that it makes it right, but I believe us Christians constantly feel that we are being attacked and have to defend ourselves for our beliefs.

    We are all only human and we do makes mistakes. I can honestly say I myself have been embarrassed by some questions/answers posted by those who claim to be a true Christian (and it's not just one posting it's postings from certain ones that seem to seek out the questions that they can show their "evil" side.)

    As far as myself, I have been trying to avoid questions that would show a side of me that I would rather keep from anyone.

    If I am one of the posters from one of your past questions, I do apologize for any rudeness I might have shown; that is not how I want to come across or even how I am suppose to be in the eyes of the Lord. Not saying that in the future I won't slip and fall but I am doing my best to try to avoid such situations.

    Source(s): Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am Christian & trying to understand the bible , I ask questions on this site about the bible , sometimes I get rude answers by some claiming to be Christian also , so I understand how you feel .

    Unfortunately it appears to be quite normal on this site but I do get far more respectful answers than rude ones.

    Please do not tar us all with the same brush , their are really nice people on this site from all faiths too

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. I am a Mormon and find it very disheartening to see the rude comments about my religion and even our underwear! It seems to me that to be a Christian requires more than just having a set way of perceiving what Christ and the Godhead is like. To me, to be a Christian is to live as Christ has taught us to. To be kind, respectful, and to try to lead others to Christ by our thoughtful actions and words.

    Don't be discouraged about the behavior of some so called Christians on this site. You and I both know that they are not Christians in the heart. Jesus himself told us that by their fruits ye shall know them. How true. On this forum a person is unknown and unseen. What they may not say to you face to face, comes out in their words here on YA. What is truly in their heart for once is not hidden.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Funny how everyone picks up on the persons in any group that give all the wrong impressions of what a group is all about. As a Christian I have learned to discern the true from the pretender or in today's phraseology the "wanna be's.

    When you are attacked for your Christian beliefs take it as a compliment that you are doing your job and getting to Satan. Praise for a job well done is the norm but for following Christ being attacked for your commitment is excellent. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians simply follow He who is Perfection. If we're honest, we can see our obvious defects, but when God bids us be perfect as Christ is perfect, He means it. When Christians draw a hard line and raise impossibly high standards that God has set, it is because that is what we are called to.

    Christians who are honest with themselves are extremely merciful of our and others efforts to conform to the image of Christ. But there are two ways the Christian can err - either by being too strict and legalistic which is an overemphasis of TRUTH upon self and/or others and being too forgiving and tolerant of sin which is an over-application of grace or forgiveness.

    The correct balance of these is to hate the sin which destroys the man and love the sinner. Of course, when Christians pronounce God's impossibly high standards, people outside think that Christians are judging them. That is hardly the truth, for it is really God who judges them already. For we are all judged and condemned in our sins and rebellion before we come to Christ.

    So, I ask you to research the matter and find out what the truth really is. Having discovered the truth, simply submit yourself to your findings.

  • 1 decade ago

    the truth is that you get ill-tempered and ill-mannered users from all walks of life. good manners have nothing to do with religion; understanding and tolerance come with education and a little widening of one's horizons; the capacity to feel compassion and empathy towards our fellows is also not merely the preserve of the religious (despite the fact that some might like to think that's the case) and the same goes for morality. kindness (and all of its by-products) is something we ALL have the potential for.

    these accusations fly back and forth and back only perpetuates the bad feeling between us. if only we could just rise above it... i have a feeling it's really not all that hard :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As we draw closer to the end one of the things Jesus said would happen.

    Mat 24:12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.

    Jesus also said about this time

    Mat 24:23-25

    23 “Then if anyone says to YOU, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned YOU.

    Not all saying they are Christian really are or they have a distorted view of how a Christian should act .

    It is sad this has happened to you but it is a sign of the times we live in .Not all Christians will treat you this way.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It might very well be a level of maturity which sets Christians apart. It is the intention of our religion to be tolerant, understanding and compassionate. As humans we fail at times to be God-like in our actions. I hope the immatures don't prevent you from developing a relationship with the Lord. God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well look im a christian and sometimes I get fustrated when a an athiest says thing like o your god isnt real and your living in fantasy and so on and what happens is we all of a sudden put this guard up because yes we do teach that but at the end of the day we will NOT allow atheist to insult god or our lady we will just not allow it

    However your obviously not one of them athiests who runs around dictating and telling us what to believe and so I can only say sorry on behalf of the christian community who wrongly judged ya ,but you need to remember that even christians comit sin and so if they did something to offend you then I would take it like water off a ducks back.

    Christians do not like people telling them what to believe thats why were called chriastians..we already have our faith and believe in the one god almighty.

    Source(s): Personal experiences
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