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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Does the confederate flag represent traitors to all that is decent about the United States?

I believe that those who insist on flying the confederate colors represent the worst of this country. The confederates were traitors to this country, are not those who fly that flag the same?

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No sir. The civil war was not over slavery it was about Feds imposing them selves on the states. It represents dissent in the true American spirit. Having attached to slavery does America no good at all

  • 5 years ago

    I agree that it should be done away with. But not for your reason. Just as you or I did not enslave people, or chase the jewish, or retaliate for pearl harbor, the people who fly the confederate flag today do not fly it for that reason. Often they feel the flag represents "southern pride". The problem is that the flag is linked in most minds to racism and slavery. And, the US is free. That is why they are allowed to fly what ever flag they wish. Freedom of expression, just as you are free to express your views of it on here. I do not fly this flag and I am not from the South. However, if you take away someone's right to expression, how long will it be until someone feels offended by something you say or do? Should they take away someone's car because it is the color black? Should those little indians that kids play with have been made all different colors just because an indian was offended because they were always red? Taking people's right to free expression and free speech away is not what this country was built on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not. My ancestors rode with Turner Ashby's Laurel Brigade Calvary CSA, from 1861 until the end of the civil war and they were not traitors in any way shape or form. Those who fought for the Confederacy believed that Southern rights should be equal to Northern Rights, but of course the war had many many issues and slavery was only one, which the North did not handle well and could have been resolved without conflict. However, as said there were numerous other reasons that the South felt the Northern States would not work with them to resolve. Many many of those who fought for the South were sons and grandsons of those who fought in the American Revolution, and after the civil war they and their descendants fought and worked to build America in every challenge and conflict since that time. Therefore, NO they were not traitors.

    Source(s): History and Reality
  • Pashur
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The white hate groups like the KKK used this demonic symbol as a sign of divisions of racial hate of minorities,slavery and segregation if this flag was meant for history and heritage then it was overridden by what the ungodly hates groups have done in the past and still used as a symbol of hate in bible-belt states in the South. If it is used for heritage and history then why did a group or an individual put the symbol on a Black church steps? To remind them of their past or yours who treasure it?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Confederates were guilty of treason, as defined by the Constitution. They were traitors and the Confederate flag is the flag of traitors. That is indisputable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They fought for their States. They fought for their towns. Most of all, they fought for each other.

    Both sides.

    Why not recognize Americans who fought for something they believed in?

    There are times, people, and circumstances where the old Stars and Bars are not appropriate. But most people are so ignorant of the history of those times that it is quite easy to fly other, less-recognized flags of the Confederacy.

    The war has been over for over 140 years. Isn't it about time to let go of your anger?

    Source(s): USN ret. and proud to salute the Stars and Stripes, while recognizing the historical significance of the Stars and Bars.
  • 1 decade ago

    No. Why were the confederate traitors? Because they didn't want to live under the dictatorship of Lincoln? The confederate flag is just that. A flag.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You sure have a warped view of American history. Our country was founded over a dispute of "taxation without representation," a situation that rose again in the mid-1860's, as the industrial north failed to address growing concerns of the agrarian south.

    This was a war of reluctance on both sides, and if you can't recognize that, you should do some reading.

    As for those who fly the confederate flag, they come from all types of backgrounds - from rednecks who don't know why they're doing it to people who have well-researched their ancestors and choose to honor their memory.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it is part of our History and was not all about slavery as is the misconception.. go back and read history. I'm from the south and proud of it. Sorry you see it like that but that's your right I just disagree and am not ashamed of the confederate flag.

    If it bothers you, look away. You can do that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it does not ! I live in Illinois, I lived in the south for 3 years, and have one side of my family is from the south. It is not a icon of hate and racism, the civil war wasn't started over freeing the slaves if you would read your history ! That flag is part of our history and I will fight to preserve it the same as the American flag, the people who think it is a racist symbol lack education !

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