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So you think all the rich people are packing up, huh?

Hide your heads! All the rich people are going to fold their tents and leave dodge. There's no more wealth here and all us welfare suckers are sucking it ALL down. They'll never invest in us ever again and even if the markets pick back up (and they will) they'll still run somewhere else. My question is WHERE? Where are they going? China? Japan? Europe?

Are they all going to simply give up on the idea of being filthy rich? Oh, no..They are going to just bury all their loot in the back yard! Oh dread..

I have some bad news.. The rich aren't going anywhere. They LOVE being rich and they ONLY way they can get rich is off your back and my back. The ONLY way they can remain rich is off my back and your back.

Prices are still going to go up through the roof, but our wages won't. Median income in the past 40 years went up a whopping 10 THOUSAND bucks, but the price of the average car..think about that one.. Do you think a new car cost only 10 THOUSAND less in 1967? Did the price of a new house cost 10 THOUSAND less in 1967? In 1967 you could go to Denny's and buy a hamburger for about 50 cents, get service, coffee served piping hot and relax for about a buck plus a 20 cent tip. That same hamburger at Denny's is now around $7.50, coffee there is around $2.00 and the tip? At 15% it's around $1.50. That comes to around $10..without fries. Has your income even come close to keeping up with buying a new house, new car and going out to eat at Denny's a few times a month? Denny's is only an example and merely middle of the road and sure, plenty of you won't go there, but so what?

The point is the rich aren't going to fold up their tents, aren't closing down their only source of income simply because they have to pay a few bucks more in tax. They'll do as they ALWAYS have..screw you and me and keep on crying all the way to the bank.

The plan now? Just give some of it back to us because my friendly average American's, WE EARNED IT.. NOT THEM!

They aren't going anywhere..they're going to keep up the lie and you'll keep biting because to many of you like the good old fashioned screwing...but they just quit giving out the Vaseline. Ouch!


First, I'm not talking about the people who make under a half million a year.. I'm talking about the filthy rich who live with millions upon billions then pretend they simply can't afford "it". people think all small business owners have 20k. HA! Go down the average road where you see small muffler shops, tattoo parlors, mom and pop thrift stores and on and on. These people don't start out on EZ street., never have, never will.

I'm working on a documentary examining the average small business like that and so far the vast majority start with WELL under $100,000 and most never make it to the 250k level, but they keep our economy oiled with their sweat...not the fat cats.

Update 2:

edit the 20k to 250k

Art, right you are.. I live in a 11 X 14 shed..I'm perfectly content...who NEEDS billions to live on? Not one single solitary human on the face of the earth.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suppose doctors are screwing you too? Or maybe scientists, therapists (which some people here desperately need), and researchers looking to cure disease. What about the engineers who build your bridges, your power plants, your computers, and bring you clean water? They all make enough you'd call them rich. Don't you think attacks on success and innovation discourage people from getting into these desperately needed industries?

    Source(s): I'm an evil, rich, alternative energy engineer. I should be ashamed...
  • 1 decade ago

    There is a vile disease in America and the world and it's called the "More-disease". Problem being with the "More-disease" is that "More" is never enough and it appears to be incurable. It is a malignancy on the health and well-being of America and everyone suffers save those who actually have the disease. Seems to me that in light of this epidemic that some drastic measures need to be enacted to preserve the health of our society. Since it is an incurable affliction, perhaps "culling" measures could be instituted to prevent further infestation of the general populace. Since they have already set themselves apart from the main body of society, identification and isolation are not necessary. Now all we have to do is figure the best means of containing and thinning their numbers to reduce the incredible harm they inflict on the populace at large.

    Source(s): Anyone who thinks this is a radical opinion/idea had better have an annual income of over 7 or 8 figures, otherwise your just deluding yourself. To the majority of the super-wealthy, you and I are just financial "soylent-green" and a food source to feed their "More-disease".
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If you are talking about a carb mix screw, you need to go to a shop. There are metal covers on the screws, and you can break the bottom plate of the carb if you remove them wrong. The screws are there to protect the general public from adjusting a carb wrong and then putting more emissions in the air.

  • 1 decade ago

    Prices are going up because the government prints serious amounts of money every year and then doles it out to whoever is politically connected.

    Wages do not rise as fast, not so much because of greed but simple economics. It takes time to feel the full impact of inflation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    actually, most millionaires are self-made

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