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  • Worship.. fools gold?

    Most of you are started off with God-lite and when you didn't behave what happened? toys!

    What is this you say? Santa's not real?

    Well then I'll buy the original formula, God-regular, but alas, just like God-lite God-regular tastes flat too..

    Fools gold!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Like old movies w/o commercials?

    I do and HATE with a passion the sites that hijack the movies with BS commercials worse than TV or make you fill out BS forms or download some nonsense toolbar or join some crap membership or any other nonsense so go to and tell me what you think other than being kind of darkish

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Feed mosquito larvae to goldfish?

    I've been feeding my goldfish mosquito larvae for several years and they keep the pond (about 150 gallons) nice and mosquito free. Does anyone else do this? I gather up small containers of water in the backyard full of larvae to feed to them.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Since the medical profession chooses who lives and who dies based on ability to pay?

    Then why is it so horrible for anyone to pick and choose who lives and who dies in a bad car wreck or burning house based on their ability to pay to call 911 or just help if they witness it and nobody else is around to help?

    Sure, hospitals have to "stabilize" people, but that's it! You can still be denied and left to die with no insurance or money.

    Why is the other any worse? Why is the medical community above average Joe Citizen when it comes to deciding who lives and dies when it comes to money?

    I understand the morality behind both, but do NOT understand why one group clearly with the ability to help and to stop pain and disease and whose sworn duty basically is to do so vs me walking down the street witnessing a horrendous incident and wanting to be paid to also save lives. Why is it any worse if I walk away if i don't get paid? Hospitals do it every day, many times a day. No money? Get lost.

    Why shouldn't anyone else demand payment as well?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • If you are denied health care?

    should you also demand payment when you see someone in a burning building or witness a bad car wreck before doing anything? Pay up or there any real difference?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Kenmore (Whirlpool) electric washing machine motor quit?

    Is this a motor which the brushes can easily be replaced or is it one which needs replaced? The motor did work, but just quit. I've tried repair forums, but they play games with registration or want fees I don't have.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Will you help get dihydrogen monoxide banned from our cities?

    Dihydrogen monoxide is a potential killer and is in every city on the planet. In fact dihydrogen monoxide is directly responsible for every hurricane that has ever occurred on this planet and yet governments refuse to act to eradicate this silent menace!

    Your own government, local, state and federal is engaged in it's use as is nearly every business. Nearly every city and town on earth has vast underground networks of pipes pumping this substance into our homes and we even willingly pay for the honor of this potential death ray of liquid that can be extremely toxic if inhaled in sufficient quantities. Vast profits have been made from it and even wars have been fought to protect others from squandering it!

    Some little known facts:

    Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

    * as an industrial solvent and coolant.

    * in nuclear power plants.

    * in the production of styrofoam.

    * as a fire retardant.

    * in many forms of cruel animal research.

    * in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.

    * as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

    *every restaurant known uses this substance as food additives and to even wash the dishes you eat off of.

    Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.

    Even public swimming pools are full of this silent killer and sudden impact with it can cause irreversible conditions, broken bones, very sore skin and yes, even death!

    Even though it is well known that every human today has vast quantities stored within our cells sudden withdraw will cause certain death within a few short weeks!

    Your children are at great risk if not properly educated about its very real dangers so if you won't help yourself at the very least help eradicate this silent killer to save the children!

    PLEASE! For the LOVE OF GOD! Stop the distribution and get banned dihydrogen monoxide before it's to late!

    Then again, it could be nothing. ;)

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Ever been to a real wake?

    where people celebrate another persons passing? I have..several.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • So you think all the rich people are packing up, huh?

    Hide your heads! All the rich people are going to fold their tents and leave dodge. There's no more wealth here and all us welfare suckers are sucking it ALL down. They'll never invest in us ever again and even if the markets pick back up (and they will) they'll still run somewhere else. My question is WHERE? Where are they going? China? Japan? Europe?

    Are they all going to simply give up on the idea of being filthy rich? Oh, no..They are going to just bury all their loot in the back yard! Oh dread..

    I have some bad news.. The rich aren't going anywhere. They LOVE being rich and they ONLY way they can get rich is off your back and my back. The ONLY way they can remain rich is off my back and your back.

    Prices are still going to go up through the roof, but our wages won't. Median income in the past 40 years went up a whopping 10 THOUSAND bucks, but the price of the average car..think about that one.. Do you think a new car cost only 10 THOUSAND less in 1967? Did the price of a new house cost 10 THOUSAND less in 1967? In 1967 you could go to Denny's and buy a hamburger for about 50 cents, get service, coffee served piping hot and relax for about a buck plus a 20 cent tip. That same hamburger at Denny's is now around $7.50, coffee there is around $2.00 and the tip? At 15% it's around $1.50. That comes to around $10..without fries. Has your income even come close to keeping up with buying a new house, new car and going out to eat at Denny's a few times a month? Denny's is only an example and merely middle of the road and sure, plenty of you won't go there, but so what?

    The point is the rich aren't going to fold up their tents, aren't closing down their only source of income simply because they have to pay a few bucks more in tax. They'll do as they ALWAYS have..screw you and me and keep on crying all the way to the bank.

    The plan now? Just give some of it back to us because my friendly average American's, WE EARNED IT.. NOT THEM!

    They aren't going anywhere..they're going to keep up the lie and you'll keep biting because to many of you like the good old fashioned screwing...but they just quit giving out the Vaseline. Ouch!

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If you woke up to discover you were suddenly invisible what would you do?

    Would you use the sudden power for good or evil? Feed the "poor" or just feed your own greed? Or just put some clothes on because it's to cold out?

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • republiCONs do you watch football, baseball or basketball?

    Do you like safe streets with cops on the beat? Guards in prisons?

    All of these groups have something in common. They all have strong unions so why do you favor them so much?

    Could it be they don't really produce any worthwhile product? Cops and guards perform a needed service and athletes entertain us so why do you partake and pay them so well if they really don't produce anything? So you DO support unions after all, but just the ones you like.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Unbelievable..the next Republican nominee, Enzyte Bob?

    Bobby Jindal won't cut it and they know that so now they're resorting to Enzyte Bob...

    Here's the evidence:

    just scroll down to my answer and see the thumbs down.. LOL

    What's his platform? I can get a big penis with a pill? Well, if the condom fits...

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is the defrost timer located in a whirlpool?

    I have a late model whirlpool refrigerator with freezer on top. It has the split glass shelves, clear plastics, wide door shelves, etc. It has a filtered water tap on the top left of the fridge part. I need to find the defrost timer, but so far it seems hidden. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are you tired of out of control volcano testing equipment spending?

    Where's the outrage? Who's going to pay for all that equipment? Those lazy scientists should have to get jobs to pay for their own test equipment if they want to protect cities and towns from lava flows and exploding mountains.

    I can't begin to tell you the times I've seen scientists buying that junk with food stamps at Walmart. MY HARD EARNED taxes pay for that stuff! For the love of God when will it ever end?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you folks ever think of getting a new record?

    It seems every other question anymore on here is the same old, worn out record we've been hearing since FDR. The debt it going to strangle our kids in debt. Well, I have to tell you I heard all that back in the 60s as a kid, heard it while i was raising my kids and now hear it while my grand kids are growing up. Now finally the great times of you all living HIGH on the hog, hell WAY ABOVE the hog and the markets are going through a major correction and people have to come back to reality and the government is forced to pump in billions to bail us ALL out of the mess has come to an end. Now the only people who seem to be to blame are the poorest people in the country, most of who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and magically they alone crashed the entire global economy down on your shoulders. Wow.. It must be rough to carry that kind of weight on your shoulders with what, $15 an hour maybe? Do you honestly not understand that the US economy and those of most of the world aren't really funded in full by taxes? Taxes are the pocket change of governments. It's the stuff they buy congress's bubblegum with in all comparison. The vast majority of US revenue comes from treasury bills sold globally and as far as I know most people on welfare of all the petty things to gripe about don't happen to own nor trade in treasury bills. If welfare was water and our economy was every ocean on every planet on the galaxy then welfare would account for about 4 drops, but oh how easy it is to beat that poor 4 drops and punish it for your own greed.

    Shame on you....sad, pathetic creatures.. If you REALLY believe in God and the words of Jesus Christ then you will surely rot in hell for your greed.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • GOPERS are you ready to be hiphoppers and 1 armed midgets?

    That's right..Your beloved, favorite man of color or should i say your favorite token black man Michael Steele is now prepared to take you into the hiphop generation even if it means your next nominee will be a one armed midget.

    This ought to be insulting, interesting, entertaining and nauseating all one one hilarious package.

    Good luck with that.

    Yeah, I know. It's a CNN site, all left wing communists, socialists and run by the ghost of Stalin and all, but he still said all this gibberish.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Democrats want socialism and communism so bad then pray tell why?

    Why didn't we install it 30 years ago when we controlled both houses for 40 years plus before Hollywood came to town with Reagan? I mean, why wait till now?

    Lest you be reminded it was Democrats who fought hard against it in the cold war, but let's not let facts get in the way of realistic reasoning. By God what we need are good old fashioned emotional knee jerk politics in this country. What say you?..Oh...Obama is Stalin in black face.. Sure he is.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What will happen if one of the major team franchises goes under?

    Since many banks are failing it shouldn't be to surprising if one of the major franchise teams (baseball, football, hockey, etc) goes under as well and if so what then happens in such an occurrence? Does another city pick them up? Does the fed bail them out? Do they simply cease to exist? Anyone have any ideas? It probably won't, but what if?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Is there another YA type site anywhere?

    In the past week i have probably spent a few hours writing long answers only to get that crappy "oops were unavailable" page over and over and over and over and I'm flat out sick of it. I've written to YA to absolutely no avail. I don't even get an answer back so I'm looking for an alternative. Anyone know of one?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • WTF? Should banks be allowed to gouge the public this way? Hell NO!?

    For hundreds of thousands of workers losing their jobs during the recession, there's a new twist to their financial pain: Even as they're collecting unemployment benefits, they're paying bank fees just to get access to their money.

    Thirty states have struck such deals with banks that include Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., JP Morgan Chase and US Bancorp, an Associated Press review of the agreements found. All the programs carry fees, and in several states the unemployed have no choice but to use the debit cards. Some banks even charge overdraft fees of up to $20 — even though they could decline charges for more than what's on the card.

    "It's a racket. It's a scam," said Rachel Davis, a 38-year-old dental technician from St. Louis who was laid off in October. Davis was given a MasterCard issued through Central Bank of Jefferson City and recently paid $6 to make two $40 withdrawals.

    Here's the rest of the story. Think we get burned enough yet? And before you start spouting off about sucking off the public titts go suck an egg.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago