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Since the medical profession chooses who lives and who dies based on ability to pay?

Then why is it so horrible for anyone to pick and choose who lives and who dies in a bad car wreck or burning house based on their ability to pay to call 911 or just help if they witness it and nobody else is around to help?

Sure, hospitals have to "stabilize" people, but that's it! You can still be denied and left to die with no insurance or money.

Why is the other any worse? Why is the medical community above average Joe Citizen when it comes to deciding who lives and dies when it comes to money?

I understand the morality behind both, but do NOT understand why one group clearly with the ability to help and to stop pain and disease and whose sworn duty basically is to do so vs me walking down the street witnessing a horrendous incident and wanting to be paid to also save lives. Why is it any worse if I walk away if i don't get paid? Hospitals do it every day, many times a day. No money? Get lost.

Why shouldn't anyone else demand payment as well?


Wrong.. I have three abscessed teeth and no hospital will touch me because i have no insurance and no money. Ten years ago I nearly died because of a pancreatic infection and was turned away 8 times until I attempted suicide.

You must live outside the US because your claims are blatantly false in the US.

Update 2:

You better hope and pray you're not broke I'm the one who has to save your life in a car wreck or burning building. No money...well tough luck. Go die like us poor people are left to do.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The medical community does not choose who lives or dies.

    I work in a hospital, and even the uninsured get the best care. It is the people who choose to sue over everything who are causing big issues.

    Docs and hospitals are forced to pay huge amounts of malpractice insurance and that cost is then passed down to patients.

    Docs cant treat some patients the way they want due to malpractice concerns. This leaves some people not getting the best care, all because someone didn't get the treatment they felt they needed and decided to sue and cost the hospital large sums of money to defend themselves.

    Hospitals aren;t allowed to deny service to anyone. Your information is wrong. If a hospital or doctor denied service to someone you know, you should report them.

    I work in a US hospital. I went many years without insurance. I was never turned away. I had 2 surgeries where I had to pay out of pocket, and I was even awarded charity through the hospital because I was uninsured and very poor. I also dealt with many years of kidney stones while I was uninsured. I did not receive any government assistance.

    I am sorry to hear of the troubles you have had, and I hope that you are able to get well soon and get the aches and pains taken care of. I don't know where you are from, but it sounds like a terrible place. There are many people who want to be in healthcare for the purpose of helping people, and not for profit.

    I live in South Carolina.

  • 1 decade ago

    The ones who are allowed to make the decisions based on the ability to pay are disciples of the almighty god, PROFIT, who is really the true god of America. If a business is not PROFITABLE, that is a bad thing and they have to do things like lay offs to become that way or the business cannot exist. A business's success or failure is determined by it's PROFITABILITY. Businesses (hospitals are a business) consider it a loss if their PROFITS are not as high as they wanted and they can't make a PROFIT if they treat people without money or insurance. Sad, so awfully sad, but true nonetheless.

  • 5 years ago

    I have to disagree with the people who are in the medical profession. There is a board of surgeons,doctors, cardiologists and other caregivers who meet in a room(shut door & NOBODY other then them are allowed in that meeting) where they decide you or your loved ones fate!!! I was turned down for medical treatment four times because I didn t have insurance. The last time one of the doctors was angry at the surgeons who refused to operate because I didn t have insurance. Then the final straw is when a WELL KNOWN HOSPITAL REFUSED TO HELP MY 57 year old brother because MEDICAID WOULDN T PAY FOR HIS CONTINUED LIFE SUPPORT AND THE HEART SURGERY HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON. SO THE HOSPITAL CALLED IN HOSPICE ,SENT HIM HOME(WITHOUT FEEDER TUBE,AN I.V. TO PUT FLUIDS INTO HIS BODY) AND HOSPICE JUST KEPT RAISING THE MORPHENE AMOUNT UNTIL HE DIED!!!!!!! HE WANTED TO LIVE AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN THAT CHANCE. INSTEAD BECAUSE SOMEONE OR THE MEDICAL ADVISORY TEAM PLAYED GOD AND TOOK HIS LIFE. WHY-- BECAUSE OF MONEY!!!!!!!!

  • 5 years ago

    I picked three: three. Invisibility - You have a tendency to be shy, or an excessively eager observer. Or each. You like to grasp the whole lot that's occurring round you. Career clue: Some well careers for observers, a author, artist, or personal investigator. Sounds well to me, besides I am no longer shy

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  • 1 decade ago

    thank you independant101. thank you for defending the medical professionals and those who aspire to be.

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