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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Obama, New World Order, globalization..does anyone else think Jesus is coming soon?

I your bible people.

52 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With what I am about to say, I am sure to come off as some lose nut.

    I am not trying to frighten anyone. just saying what I believe.

    Everything I am writing can be backed up...

    I do believe that the end is about upon us...

    Panic is not an option.

    Getting on your knees is.

    But I am in no way saying anything about giving up...

    God is still on the throne and no man knows the day or hour when the end will come, although we are told that when certain things begin to happen, "Look up for your redemption draweth near."

    Just a few things that I have observed in the past few years, and information that I found fascinating......

    Even the pagan Mayan indians, the same Mayan's that wrote much of what we see in the farmer's almanac to this day. The Maya that is largely responsible for our current calender....those Maya's that had a real grasp on physics and planetary knowledge, knew that we are currently nearing an end to an age..

    These Mayan's were so accurate with our moons cycles that even today, after 1500 years they are accurate within 33 seconds!.

    Their calender ends on Dec 23rd, 2012...

    Not necesarily a predicted end of mankind, just a drastic change taking place?

    Remember, nobody knows the time, cept ONE.

    That would be one heck of a Christmas present though heh?

    Some believe that we about to experience a new dimension...

    by now some will be convinced that I have dementia!

    A day today, even though the clock shows no change,

    has sped up to the point that what used to be 24 hours is now 12 hours.

    Come on, we have all noticed this haven't we?

    How many times do we say "Where did this day go?"

    God said that in the end times, the days would be shortened, for the elect's sake.

    The sun has entered a new phase.

    Astronomers and physicists have noted many changes in the sun in the last several months, particularly alarming was the reverse polarity sunspot that happened in July of 2006. It marked the beginning of the next solar maxim cycle.

    Solar flares are routinely occurring are thousands of times stronger than in any other time in our history.

    It has also been confirmed that because of our sun,

    EVERY planet in our solar system is experiencing climate changes.

    So much for global warming!

    Our sun is now rising a few degrees off of it's steady reliable location, and changing daily!

    The earth is experiencing polar shifting, and the gravitational pull of the earth is weakening?

    Our economy is in crisis.

    The world's economy is in crisis!

    A few days ago China called for a one world currency, France also made the same request!

    It's coming folks.

    Look what the non Christian world is predicting...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know, but look up project bluebeam on youtube, I'm not religious, but I acknowledge the fact that there is a great deception in the world, and that it is leading to the false messiah, (the one christians call the anti-christ) as a means of controlling people. The new "messiah", supposedly, will say that all religions are wrong and will tell people to worship it (according to the vid).

    Source(s): Best to be prepared just in case, even Atheists. The false messiah is a possibility.
  • punch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every year for the last 2.000 years there have been people that believed Jesus was coming soon. This year is no different and next year won't be either. Jesus said he would return during his disciples lifetime. Are any of the guys still around? Oh, and who's the false prophet, you have to have the false prophet too!

  • 1 decade ago

    Are we ever -- EVER -- going to grow up and get past this right-wing religious paranoia?

    If those folks who think that misbegotten book is true would stop manipulating political realities to fall into line with their heinous biblical "prophesies," we'd all be better off.

    I have read the bible. Both the Catholic and Protestant versions. It can be interpreted hundreds of ways, and prophesy always looks good in hindsight. Anyone who takes the bible the least bit seriously needs more help than any god can give.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think he will come in about 8 to 10 years

  • none
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I always hesitate on saying yes to this question, but if not it is a sure good insight on what is to come.

    I've never, in my years, seen such idolization of any president. Just walk through Wall Mart and look at all the pictures and even videos dedicated to this man. It is scary and shows how much this world is ready for the Antichrist; not saying that Obama is, although he probably wants that title too.

  • I have read the bible and the part that sticks is that "No Man Will KNOW the Day of his coming".

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, without a doubt! We still have a long way to go though-the temple in Jerusalem has not been built yet, and the Antichrist has not came yet.

  • Pryce
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I saw yesterday in the History Channel !! something about the predicctions of Nostradamus !!

    and it says that on december of 2012 could be like the end of the worl

    =( many catastrophes are going to occur that day !!

    T.T I hope seen Jesus in that time !

    =) I really believed in him and in God

  • 1 decade ago

    Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

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