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do these things help Republicans or hurt them?

1. preaching to people about abortion

2. telling hunters and gun owners Dems will take gun rights

3. coming across like there is a pro-American part of the country

4 belittling people for using government assistance

5. using guilt by association (bill ayers) (rev. wright)

6.chanting USA<USA<USA<USA this seems scary to alot of people

7. copy cating Obama/Jindal Hillary/Palin ect...

8. they list goes on but this would be a good start

there don't say I didn't try and help you guy's!!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you THINK it hurts, youve got another think coming.

    "telling hunters and gun owners Dems will take gun rights"

    Comprehensive Gun Control: Democrats Fight The Right To Bear Arms

    Get ready for comprehensive gun control. Another House Resolution designed to further erode your 2nd amendment rights is being introduced by Democratic Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois.

    "coming across like there is a pro-American part of the country"

    Because we are.

    "chanting USA<USA<USA<USA this seems scary to alot of people"

    Those who would be scared by that, we dont want their support. What are we supposed to do? Shut up and not show love and pride for our country?

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you already have a position with your question, I'm not sure my answer will mean anything to you...but let's take each point by itself. BTW, I'm a libertarian, so I'm not speaking for the party...just my own opinion.

    1. Abortion - If you believe abortion is wrong (as in the killing of a child), then, of course, you would speak out against it. Calling it "preaching" is already biasing the question, so I assume you don't agree with the Republicans on this one. On the other hand, Dems speak about about equality and diversity because those are principles they believe in strongly. (Dem Equivalent - Gay Rights) BTW, I agree with gay rights, but it's really just folks speaking about about what they believe in.

    2. Gun ownership - I'm sure that you are not denying the fact that the Dems do want more gun control laws (and, in turn, more guns banned) than the Republicans. So, the Republicans say this because it is true and many folks believe it is wrong. Pretty simple to understand. (Dem Equivalent - US Patriot Act is gonna take away all your privacy rights)

    3. Pro-America - Well, you and I would agree that there is more "pro-US" rhetoric among Republicans than is probably justified. However, there is a very small minority of the country that seems to be anti-US. I'm not talking about the "let's change the US" crowd...they just want to improve on what exists. I'm talking about those who never find good in the US and seem to always blame us for all the wrongs in the world. But let's agree, Republicans could do a lot less with the "I'm more patriotic than you" talk. (Dem Equivalent - Pro-Diversity Americans..."if you believe in immigration control, English first, or are against affirmative action then you are anti-diversity".)

    4. I'd need to know what you consider "belittling". If you mean that some Republicans criticize abuses of government assistance and believe that there is too much government assistance....well, yeah, that's what they believe. I don't call that belittling. If you are referring to the small handful of idiots that say anyone on government assistance is lazy and cheating, well, every party has it's fools. But you can't paint the entire party because of the extremist. (Dem Equivalent - Belittling Christians...again, only done by a small group on the left, but seems to be growing).

    5. Guilt by Association - So are you implying that who you hang out with and call your friend or spiritual leader says NOTHING about you? Interesting. Of course, you can't blame President Obama for the actions of others, but you can judge his character by who he associates with. This was a lesson most of us learned from our parents when we were young. (Dem Equivalent - Larry Kroon and John Hagee...two pastors that the left used to paint McCain and Palin as questionable candidates through guilt by association.)

    6. USA - Really? Are you kidding me? I hear chanting at baseball games, rallies at the capitol and almost anywhere people are gathered. I had no idea that chanting the name of your country was a bad thing...apologies to all the countries represented at the Olympics. (Dem Equivalent - "Obama - Obama - Obama")

    7. Copy cating - Again, really? You believe that Bobby Jindal, who has a longer career of public service than Barrack Obama, is just a Republican act to copycat Barrack Obama? Wow, those forward thinking Republicans started quite early planning for that one! What a safe position you are in to criticize the Republicans for not valuing diversity...and if they do represent diversity, you simply say it is tokenism or copycat behavior. Well done, you clearly understand political strategy. (Dem Equivalent - Come on, to give you an example would be to do what I just criticized. If the Dems chose someone to represent them, I will assume the person was the best candidate they could find. Period.)

    8. A Good Start - Okay, I will give you credit for using some solid political rhetoric...but that's all it is, If this is a good start, then I'm not too worried about my neighborhood Republicans. BTW, thanks for the "help".


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1 core value

    2 there is reason to be concerned


    4 it is no longer asst when you are on it for ten years, it is a way of life

    5 really? would you hang out with a confessed bomber and cop killer?

    6 you should not be scared to be proud


    and not once did a dem say we want to win the iraq war.many dems said it was lost and even now that the surge has worked and the war has been won aside from bringing troops home and some training, obama still did not give credit to bush for the plan that is allowing obama and the Usa to get out of iraq. you should ask these questions from a rep point of view with a little rewording and see what you get.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hurt. Many, if not all, of the things you listed above show how out of touch, hypocritical, and slimy the republican party is.

    1. I don't exactly know when the evangelicals dug their hooks in the GOP, but the party wasn't always rampantly "pro-life" (which is meaningless)

    2. Wouldn't you use this scare tactic if you were them? Fear produces votes.

    3. In their minds I am sure there is. Disregarding the fact that our military and financial centers are located in major cities like NYC, Boston, DC, Chicago and LA. But the only people in those towns are snooty liberals, so it's okay if they're wiped off the map.

    4. It's part of being a "fiscal conservative". You've earned that place in life. To say anyone that needs help is lazy and worthless. This, of course, is a deeply Christian value for these folks.

    5. Another scare tactic.

    6. False patriotism. Remember the flag waving after 9/11. Well, that died down rather quickly, did it not?

    7. I don't know exactly what you mean by this, but I am assuming you mean they are trying to include other ethnicities in the party with the sole reason for garnering more votes.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    their approval rating is 20-something % right now, they lost the election to a black guy! more people registered as first time democratic voters than ever.

    most of their efforts have been wildly counterproductive.

  • 1 decade ago

    the simple fact that you felt the need to repost this already deleted rant seems to indicate that you give undeservedly high value to your own poorly-constructed opinions...

    ...and "no" I don't believe this need serves anyone, regardless of ideology.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why are you concerned about republicans? you libs have all the power. the destruction of amerika is your fault.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's what they believe in. Schlock and inner-city carrion is what

    democrats believe in.

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