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darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What is up with Britain lately?

A bit long but I had to explain what I'm asking about.

Some support Israel's recent defensive operation, some say they should have just shut up and let Hamas bomb their civilians. Each one is entitled to his opinion, but seriously, what is up with what I see on the news during the past week?

* First, Britain announced an academic boycott on Israel[Meaning, they won't cooperate or partake in any research by Israeli scientists and academics].

* Secondly, Britain released an announcement stating we should talk to "Hamas", an organization who stated numerous times that even if peace was signed between the Palestinian authority and Israel, they wouldn't accept it since the only way for the conflict to end is by "killing every Jew in the Middle East". Nice organization to support. One of Hamas's parliament members also stated in a speech that Israel is the first and later they'll conquer the rest of Europe and America:

* And now - Britain said it will establish relationship with the Hezbollah. Ironically enough, just recently, Hezbollah's leader gave a speech in which he stated, among other things, that his organization won't have any relationship/negotiations with Israel as it wishes to destroy it(Along with its inhabitants). Is this the kind of position Britain partakes in now?

Did all those brainwashing speeches in the mosques against Israel pay off? Did some kind of Muslim lobby took over Britain?

And a bit more far-fetched - Will Britain be the first country to leave the EU and join the OIC[Organization of the Islamic Conference, aka, the Islamic Union], because according to these stances, they certainly seem to be on their way there.

I'd love to hear some opinions/thoughts, especially from British folks. Do you support these stances? Do you support terror organizations? And more importantly - have you forgotten 7/7?


Bisbas B - So according to your logic, it was a huge war crime to attack Nazi germany and killing millions since, as you stated, "how is killing 1400" justified?

And just for general knowledge - Here's a fun fact - As more and more details were revealed, it turns out much was blant lies. For example, the UN school never got bombed. More than half of the casualties are militants[While in reality they're only 0.6% of the population] and so on. As a result - Despite all the calls to put Israeli leaders for trial, no one has done that since no war crimes have been committed.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Brit, all I can do lately is yell with sheer frustration. Only today, the papers said that Al Jazeera is going to make a bid for Channel 4 TV.

    Britain has lost her backbone - I wrote about this at

    The gutless British government BANNED Dutch MP Geert Wilders - yet recently has allowed in all manner of Islamic terrorists including several Hezbollah organisers.

    Author Douglas Murray got BANNED from a debate that he was invited to CHAIR at the London School Of Economics - because Muslim students threatened to RIOT. So the LSE caved and 'disinvited' Murray.

    Britain is one of the most anti Israel countries around. The British public have, for the most part, swallowed hook, line and sinker the mad notion that the Jews just 'arrived' in Palestine in 1948 - never mind that Palestinian Jews had already BEEN living there for 3000 yrs and were ALREADY the MAJORITY in what became Israel!

    The anti Israel rallies have involved violence against Jews and the British police.

    I predict - and have been saying this for weeks - that if things don't improve, then very soon the Jewish community in Britain will shrink in a big, big way...

    Meanwhile we know that throughout the 90s, London was used as a recruiting ground for several Islamic extremist groups - and Hizbut Tahrir, a group BANNED IN SEVERAL ARAB STATES, are STILL active in Britain!

    At the weekend, a large rally in London featured British Muslims demanding Sharia Law in Britain.

    Britain - or ANGLOSTAN?

    Watch this space.

    Source(s): MICHAEL W - the very fact that you STILL insist on referring to the 'jewish race' REVEALS your true feelings. Jews are not a 'race'. You know that. Shall I presume you agree with Hitler, then? He's the one that tried to convince the world we were a separate 'race' - guess you believed him? And for you to even try and find moral equivalence between the plight of German Jewish citizens under Nazi rule, and Palestinian TERRORISTS under THEIR OWN RULE IN GAZA, is ABSURD. Israel left Gaza amid promises that terrorism would end. Instead, it INcreased. I bet you don't even give a damn how many suicide bombers get prevented from entering Israeli civilian areas, do you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRYNG POET By 'oppression' you mean the way that Israel LEFT GAZA and left an entire infrastructure FOR the Palestinians PLUS all the financial aid Israel still GIVES Gaza - despite Gazans openly STATING they wish to kill every last Jew in the REGION? Tell me - will you also be BOYCOTTING the Muslim states where women CAN'T VOTE? Where rape victims get FLOGGED IN PUBLIC? Where Christians get ARRESTED FOR OWNING A BIBLE? No? You won't be boycotting THEM?
  • 1 decade ago

    As for me, I could be in despair of our government and leaders.

    How they arrive at some of their decisions I just don't know, for example, what's the sense of boycotting academics? It doesn't make sense, but I haven't seen that item of news Al.

    If the post is still open later I may edit.


    First: boycotting academics just because they are Israeli does not make any sense.

    Secondly: Britain making such bold announcements shows that we don't know much. Hamas has not changed, nor will it. People are terribly deceived if they believe you can negotiate peace with them.

    And now: What sort of relationship is Britain trying to establish with Hezbollah? Again, I believe our leaders are deceived in this pretense. Better to work through Israel rather than Hezbollah.

    Did all those brainwashing speeches work? No, not for most of the grassroots people, but the government thinks it knows best. They're making a terrible mistake.

    A bit more far fetched: It does seem that way doesn't it? But not yet, at least not so obviously. The government is very keen on Europe, and being in Europe is doing enough damage.

    As a British folk. No, I do not support these stances, and do not support terror organisations.

    Source(s): British supporter of Israel. God bless you.
  • 1 decade ago

    When one studies Biblical Prophecy the reasons for the actions of nations and individuals is suddenly seen in a clear light. No need to ponder, just see the Bible prophecies reviewed in the headline news.

    Regarding your question, Dark Al, as to why we Brits are behaving in this strange way. How about this - a prophecy from the New Testament!

    2 Tim 3:1-5

    3 "You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad. 3 They will be hardheaded and never give in to others; they will be constant liars and troublemakers and will think nothing of immorality. They will be rough and cruel, and sneer at those who try to be good. 4 They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshiping God. 5 They will go to church, yes, but they won't really believe anything they hear. Don't be taken in by people like that." TLB

    If you want something specific for the anti Jewish attitudes then:

    Luke 21:11-12

    1 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. 12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. NKJV

    Source(s): Various translations of the Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason why Britain is starting to become like this is because the country is demographically being overtaken by radical Muslim immigrants. Britain as a democracy is trying to respect the rights of those Muslims in the country. But unfortunately they are being a little bit too culturally open to a point were it is appeasing radical Islam and letting them take control and eroding the very foundation of British democracy within itself. So yes your right, radical Muslim lobbies are taking over Britain.This is slowly transforming Britain into a Muslim country. They opened separate Sharia courts for Muslims, they started boycotting Israel for the radical Muslims. They are even starting to allow laws were non-Muslims can't enter Muslim communities in London! I have nothing against ordinary Muslims who are not radical and multiculturalism but multiculturalism does not mean allowing a culture to dominate and interfere with the livelihoods of other cultures. What Britain needs to do is to grow a backbone and stop appeasing to radical Islam and tell radical muslims that don't like British democracy to leave the country while at the same time Britain should remain open to different cultures but know when to draw the line. Also I understand the Israeli the government is not perfect and has done some wrong things but why should Israeli academics suffer for politics? What if an Israeli scientist happened to find a cure for cancer would we boycott the research just because it's in Israel? I can understand the political issues with Israel but why does ordinary Israelis who have nothing to do with the conflict that just want to make the world a better place like other University professors and researchers have to suffer?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are being invaded by Islam and blacks who hate the white population and work against us and our culture.

    I cant really add anything to the answers you have here but wish to say your right.

    Some of the contributors are stool pigeons...Islam at work in the shadows.That's how they work.

    Lupines had a good answer

    That is happening here in Britain

    They are coming up from the bottom.

    The taxi trades in the Cities

    Here it's begun now in Bournemouth,Dorset where the Taliban Taxis steal trade and show outward hate for the white population.

    They spit at the white drivers/cars and don't know the area so take people the wrong way and try and take more money than they are entitled to.They are very intimidating when with their own groups on ranks.Whites have no-go areas here now.

    I was middle of the road 10 years ago but my eyes have widened.

    Bisbas B is one of those insipid creeping Reds under the bed who wont show his face or answers/questions and tries to confuse

    Source(s): 10 years experience in the taxi trade in Bournemouth
  • 1 decade ago

    it is not britain is our gutless government

    israel is an ally and has been for years

    but since our government is so desperate to court muslim votes in many cities it is pandering to them and putting forward dangerous and foolish policies that keep them happy but endanger the world

    muslims have shown themselves as determined to shape britain's foreign policy ....the focus of this happens to be israel at the moment

    when the government capitulates and cuts israel adrift ...i think it will be the turn of the US to be demonised ....

    the government will not be re-elected ...fortunately

    but i sincerely hope their predecessors make decisions that favour the british and europe and the west

    it is a joke that immigrants from the third world are deciding our foreign policy - look at the mess their former countries are in because they make their decisions based on religion

    if this mess is allowed to continue britain will be the western equivalent of pakistan

  • The government I voted for in Canada is in full support of Israel and has stood against the tide of anti-Semitism at the UN. Please don't count the British out yet. It is not correct to refer to "Londonstan" or to believe that Europe has been conquered by Islam.

    I watched Geert Wilders' film on Youtube and my eyes are open to the problem but I will not accept the idea that the war against tyranny has been lost.

    A good boxer does not just go down and stay down. We are in a fight here aren't we?

  • 1 decade ago

    This is stage two of the Islamization of Britain. The US is in stage one where Muslims claim to be model minorities and not responsible for any of the ills of the world while they expand their population. The next step is when they become 5-10% of the population at which point the politicians become beholden to their interests and do whatever they demand.

    Stage 3 will be in a few decades - it's what happened in Bethlehem (formerly Christian majority). They ethinically cleanse the majority by brute force (see Pakistan as an example) and impose Sharia.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, and Ted Kennedy was just knighted today.

    Honestly, with respect the Israel thing, I think it's a Gordon Brown driven policy. I also think that it, as with most of Brown's initiatives, is designed to differentiate England from the US. It's their way of saying to the US that they don't approve of any of our policies--especially the ones that say we won't negotiate with terrorists. Not to worry: they'll reap what they sow.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm American. I'm just seeing alot of aggression by the Islamics to "divide and conquer" us. A united West they can't take us on but if they can get us to abandon our loyalty to each other then they've got it made. Red carpet to Europe with no ally to defend them and then onto America. I had one guy posing as a Brit in the last 24 hours but then explained to me in email (he emailed me) he was actually French (prob Muslim.) He was trying to denigrate relations between Britain and America. There are so many Muslims out there that I can't counteract their influence on Western mindsets, and since they're already in these countries acting as "friendlies" it's hard to counteract. All I keep doing is to remind our Western allies that we are at war with Islamofascism and not with each other. We're currently fighting wars on multiple fronts both foreign and domestic.

    If one wants the West to be isolated in the world that is the quickest way to do it. Turning our backs on our allies means exposing ourselves to our enemies with nobody to rely on except ourselves. If we refuse to fight them does not mean that they refuse to fight us it just means we serve ourselves up into their Islamofascist hands.

    As far as negotiating with Hezbollah or Hamas that is truly craziness. Hezbollah is taking over Lebanon and Christians used to be a majority there. There are only 1mil Christian Lebanese left with 8million scattered worldwide. Both Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, and nobody negotiates with these terrorists. It is not new to Bush/Blair campaign, Reagan/Thatcher was the first duo to fight against terrorism. We bombed the heck out of Libya and Qadaffi still limps from his emasculating battle wounds. :) Now he just talks about "taking things to international court." We really can win this, but we have to do it with our allies because now there are terrorists everywhere and they are on the move.

    Source(s): Threat Of Islam In The West Operation Enduring Freedom Dodge Afghanistan Troop Issue Reagan, Speak Softly (Defense Needs) Netanyahu on Hamas ================= Edit: See that's exactly what I'm talking about. Dear Bisbas down there is claiming to be American but they are a Muslim with no loyalty to the West.
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