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Please help..... Moisturiser issues.... What can I do....?

I have been using this Moisturiser from that Simple range for about a week now.

And ever since I have used this, I have had loads of spots and irritated skin, where it just feels a little dry and flaky.

It's made especially for sensitive skin, apparently, but its ruined my skin and made my face look nasty...

What kind of things would help to get my skin back to normal again??

Before I was using this No 7 Moisturiser which I got for Christmas in a Gift set thing. And because it ran out I decided to buy a new moisturiser and try that Simple one.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like you're alergic to it - you need to stop using it straight away. You say you have sensitive skin (just lik eme) therefore it is sensible of you to go for products that are designed especialy for sensitive skin. However, through my personal experience with moisturisers, i have found that there isn't really that must of a diference between these, and normal moisturisers...

    i used to get itchy rashes that pi8mpled up to look like spots, every time i used them, n i had to go to doctors to get anti-itch cream to sooth my skin. But now i have no problems at all because i have found the right product that work for me - u need to do this too.

    You need to consider all the posibilities though - could it really be the moisturiser tht is making your skin like this? does it have different effects on different parts of the body? e.g. your legs...and i must advise you not to apply the moisturiser(or anything else) straight after shving is this is one of the main causes of irritation on the skin.

    Other possible causes could be change in diet, activity, sleep patterns, menstural cycle, even th eweather (do you have hayfever?) have you come in contact with any animals lately?. Personaly, i don't think it will be any of thes - as like you say, it is most likely to be this new moisturiser you've been using.

    If your skin is like mine (cos i am alergic tomost things) i suggest you could try these... ... i use this every time i get out of the shower, but this i do not use on my face, but its a great moisturiser for the rest of th ebody. i use it on my joints (e.g. elbows , ankles, knees, hips etc..) and it makes the skin feel really healthy, soft, smooth and hydrated. (i have had no problems at all and used it for years, but the reason why i dont use it on my face is because THIS (>) is what i use for my face .......) - it makes my face feel nice and soft, and i have had hardly any spots since i hve been using it. i cant promise you that this will be the perfect product for YOUR skin (becuase every1s skin is different) but it certainly works for mee, n i have sensitive skin too, yet i haven't had any problems at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah, I have skin that tends to react like that even to sensitive products sometimes. If the NO 7 moisturiser was alright on your skin then I would go back to using that if you can, and your skin should soon return to normal.

    If not, perhaps just washing it just with water and not really moisturising for a few days would be a good idea, just to calm the irritation and give your skin a break from chemicals for a few days. You could look up home remedies online as well, there are usually plenty of free suggestions.

    Also, try and drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrated which will help the body heal such irritations faster, and prevent dry skin.

    There's a possibility it may not be the moisturiser at all (though it seems likely it is), but if it persists and doesn't appear to go away quite soon after you stop using the simple moisturiser, I would suggest getting it checked by a doctor or dermatologist.

    Anyway, I'm sure it will clear away before you know it. There's no reason why it shouldn't if it's down to the moisturiser.

    I wish you luck; take care! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have resonably dry skin, i would reccommend a gel,which locks in moisture. Try Tea Tree Oil mattifying moistruiser from The Body Shop and also try a rich night cream, Vitamin E Night cream from The Body Shop works amazingly, I use them both and it works wonders on skin

  • emma m
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    if you are not sure of your skin type or which type of product to use - then dont guess. go to the counter in boots or dept. store and ask for a skin analysis - it should not cost you anything and then ask for some samples to try and if they suit your skin go back and buy them. or better still go to a beauty salon as they will be beauty therapists as opposed to technicians on the counter - but either is better than using the wrong creams.

    good quality products, whilst more expensive last longer and will do the job you want and need form them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Stop using it immediately If your skin is really dry you could use vaseline. You should probably go back to the moisturiser you was using or maybe oil of olay is always a good one and had lots of different brands.

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