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how do i add a password to a file in c++?

ok in c++ i can make a text file, i can edit the file a can "encrypt" and "decrypt"(change to char and do math on it), but what i would like to do is make it so someone who goes "my documents" and clicks "document2.txt" is prompted for a password.


ok noone seems to understand what i want ....(ive asked this question before) so example: when you try to open this you will see it has a pasword: i would like to do this to a text document using c++

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    C++ can encrypt the file when it creates it, but it doesn't ride along with it to decrypt it for readers.

    For that you would have to assign a specific file type (filename extension) to a new C++ application, supply that application to the reader, and register the extension with Windows on the machine using the file with that extension.

    Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That has nothing to do with the file, it would be done in the operating system, and Windows can't do it.

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