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  • how to send email between 2 domains?

    as part of a project, I have 2 domains, both have an exchange server and DNS. I woul dlike to send email between them but can't. In both servers I can send email between clients ( can send to, and and send to but cannot send betwwen (user1@example to the DNS servers both have MX records for themselves and forward lookup tables showing the other's MX records. I can also Telnet into both servers and send email. They both are Server 2008 R2, and Exchange 2010. Any help is appreciated?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Is liquid nitrogen controlled in Canada? How about Dry Ice?

    I was watching a cooking show earlier this week, and some of the recipes called for liquid nitrogen (like dry freezing a banana). On a different show, they were putting together a Halloween party, with a punch bowl placed in a cauldron of dry ice (looked really cool). Both these shows are American, which leaves me wondering if these are "Controlled Substances" (or some other category) here in Canada, Specifically Ontario?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • need a linux challenge?

    Hello, I have done some experimenting with linux in school, and my proffesor recomended keeping/building on linux knowlege for the summer. I think the best way would be to put out a challenge for myself, but i need something that I would be able to do, not too easy, or impossible. I have set up a Certificate authority, can troubleshoot driver issues. I would like to get some games running (half-life 2 I am told with some work can be playable), and probably a file server, any other Ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • cpu at 0% windows still using 1 gig ram?

    So i have an intel i5, sapphire radeon, 8 gigs of ram tower that I built a while ago, and have recently started to optimize. I have turned off every service that I don't use, now i have the CPU usage down to 0% (with occasional spikes to 10%), but windows is still using 1.27 gigs of ram. What can I do to shrink ram usage further?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • saving the world/ epic song play list?


    I am making a saving the world playlist, and need more songs, right now i have:

    Two Steps From Hell - Archangel

    Requiem For A Tower

    1812 Overture

    Army of Me - Bjork Feat. Skunk Anansie

    any others come to mind??

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • assassins creed revelation hopes?

    Hey we are 2 weeks out from Assassins Creed Revelation, any hopes that haven't been relieved yet that you think might be in the game? I hope there is assassin missions with Desmond (*possible spoiler* if he wakes up from the coma **) using a nightstick (instead of a sword), hidden blade, throwing knives, and a modern crossbow. I also don't know if Lucy is for sure dead, that will be interesting to find out for sure. In terms of the past, I can't wait for Ezio's bombs, and all the types that go with. I'm not sure where Altair's story could go, we know from ac2 that he falls in love and has a child in one of the cities (can't remember what one, but it is the "last memory of Altair", and he didn't seem that much older than the events of ac1). Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • positive reinforcement on negative attributes?

    does anyone know if there is research on using positive reinforcement to bring out negative attributes, when all peers show positive? In an example, some dogs are all well behaved, until one starts barking at guests, if you "reward" that with a treat, could you train that "negative" behavior?

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • how do i download an entire website?

    im trying to download a website with many pages (like 150), and i know that there are tools that can download a single webpage, but im trying to dl them all, is there any program that can download them all? they all are in the same directory

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • intel 4 series express chipset, graphics memory 1852 Mb powerful enough to run a "GeForce 6600"?

    ok starcraft 2 is coming out this week and it requires a "GeForce 6600" minimum, and i cant seem to find anything that compares graphics card very well, so i am at a lost as to if my "intel 4 series express" with 1852 Mb of ram is powerful enough. does anyone know?

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • is my intel core 2 duo cpu @ 2.0 Ghz able to run something that requires "2.6 GHz Pentium® IV or equivalent"?

    might seem odd to ask, from what i can gather a dual core at a lower "Ghz" can still be more powerful, but i don't know for sure, and i don't know what the conversion would be. any help would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • has any1 found a crack for starcraft2 beta that works?

    ok, so i want it, and i haven't been gifted with a beta key, i love starcraft, and will definitely go to midnight release, but would love to enjoy beta, in the mean time. so does any1 have a way to access the beta with out a key (probably a crack)?? that is not a virus??? plz and thank you

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • im new to ubuntu (linux) and i cant even seem to get out of the door, i cant install java, or flash player?

    hi im new to the world of linux, and i cant really get very much help, becuse all the videos all require java, or flash, but when i try to download them, there is like 5 different extentions and i keep getting a "could not open" to any of these files, can anyone help??? or tell me what im doing wrong??

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • how to output a variable in java using awt.robot?

    ok so i know you can output a using "keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A)" but is there a way to output a variable?? like:

    String str= "hello";

    What would the code be to output this?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • what is the 21 character default administrator password IBM uses?

    i am looking for the 21 digit password that is used on IBM servers, looking on the internet, i found different one for different servers, but this one is for all IBM servers and will give admin user. any help?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • what program can open web pages, other than browsers?

    i know regular web browsers can access the internet and download and use web pages. but other programs like microsoft word, can open web pages, and this bypasses many blocks. im wondering if theres any other programs, that may be better but are not a web browser.

    as some people may guess, im off to school, where the internet has many blocks, if anyone has a better idea on how to bypass blocks, they would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • best way to put victory lap on resume?

    i have passed high school but am returning for another year to get better marks, at my school we call it a victory lap. What would be the best way to portray that on a resume without being negatively shown?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My computer cant use any wireless mice! plz help!?

    ok, so last week i bought myself a "super RF wireless optical mouse" and it would not work, i tried different batteries, syncing, nothing worked, so i put it in my frends computer, it worked. i tried his wireless mouse in my computer, didn't work! so i took it and my computer into my comp sci. teacher, the mouse would work for his comp. still not mine, and his wireless mouse wont work on my comp either!

    i am running vista service pack 1

    the error is a pop-up that says:

    windows needs to install driver software for your Unknown device

    Locate and install software (recommended)

    ask me later

    don't show me this message again for this device

    can anyone help? or recommend anything?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • how do i add a password to a file in c++?

    ok in c++ i can make a text file, i can edit the file a can "encrypt" and "decrypt"(change to char and do math on it), but what i would like to do is make it so someone who goes "my documents" and clicks "document2.txt" is prompted for a password.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • how would i put a password on a text file in c++?

    i am making a program to "encrypt" a text file (for school) in c++ i would like to know if its possible to put a password on such a file. and if so how.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • what xmen are canadian?

    i know wolverine and bishop are canadian, i think bandit is as well but i cant find a list anywhere. i think there was a team/ series of comic books, and that it had something to do with weapon x.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago