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Lv 4

My computer cant use any wireless mice! plz help!?

ok, so last week i bought myself a "super RF wireless optical mouse" and it would not work, i tried different batteries, syncing, nothing worked, so i put it in my frends computer, it worked. i tried his wireless mouse in my computer, didn't work! so i took it and my computer into my comp sci. teacher, the mouse would work for his comp. still not mine, and his wireless mouse wont work on my comp either!

i am running vista service pack 1

the error is a pop-up that says:

windows needs to install driver software for your Unknown device

Locate and install software (recommended)

ask me later

don't show me this message again for this device

can anyone help? or recommend anything?


the website didn't have any drivers i needed, and no the mouse didn't come with any software..

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Locate and install software (recommended)

    did your mouse come with software on a disc?

    if no then the next step is to let windows go on line and find a driver

  • 1 decade ago

    get the offical drivers for your mouse and then when it prompts you click locate and install software

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