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need a linux challenge?

Hello, I have done some experimenting with linux in school, and my proffesor recomended keeping/building on linux knowlege for the summer. I think the best way would be to put out a challenge for myself, but i need something that I would be able to do, not too easy, or impossible. I have set up a Certificate authority, can troubleshoot driver issues. I would like to get some games running (half-life 2 I am told with some work can be playable), and probably a file server, any other Ideas?

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Build and install the latest kernel from

    Build mplayer with support for every possible library and format

    Rewrite mencoder to work with the CUDA library on GPUs. (video transcoding)

    Help out Gnu (see link)

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