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Lv 4
bill asked in Social SciencePsychology · 10 years ago

positive reinforcement on negative attributes?

does anyone know if there is research on using positive reinforcement to bring out negative attributes, when all peers show positive? In an example, some dogs are all well behaved, until one starts barking at guests, if you "reward" that with a treat, could you train that "negative" behavior?

4 Answers

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course, that's why each generation of teenagers seems a little worse than the last.

  • rawl
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    do no longer reprimand in any respect. It does not help and could likely make it worse. No, there does not could desire to be purely one individual potty practise the canines. whilst he is going exterior, supply him a lot of compliment and treats, and he will associate that with going exterior. Please do no longer punish your canines, it extremely does not help, and could in basic terms make him bypass interior once you're no longer around and is familiar with of he can ruin out with it. look up "useful reinforcement" or "operant conditioning". that is via a procedures the superb, maximum functional and maximum humane form of educating.

  • 10 years ago

    In operant conditioning, positive reinforcement simply means presentation of a stimulus in order to increase behavior.... Any behavior can be shaped up or increased. For example...stealing. If you steal one time, and get what you want, that behavior will will continue to steal. Stealing is positively reinforced by access to tangible items.

    Also, if students "curse" to gain access to attention, their cursing behavior will increase or maintain to continue to gain access to attention. Therefore, the student's "cursing behavior" is positively reinforced by access to social attention.

    Do not confuse the words "positive" and "negative" in operant conditioning to how we typically use it in the english language to refer to good and bad. In operant conditiong, positive means presentation of stimulus and negative means removal of a stimulus...

  • Angie
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    i suppose so. think about illegal dog fights, those dogs are trained to be malicious. or think about spoiled kids. if yelling and screaming gives them a new toy the first time they do it, they are going to try it again.

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