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has any1 found a crack for starcraft2 beta that works?

ok, so i want it, and i haven't been gifted with a beta key, i love starcraft, and will definitely go to midnight release, but would love to enjoy beta, in the mean time. so does any1 have a way to access the beta with out a key (probably a crack)?? that is not a virus??? plz and thank you


@ L L CooL,

That is a keylogger style virus,

don't try to get it, it does not work

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sry no....

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    hi Laula, i'm 9w 1d and due on 9th December so virtually same time as you! i'm looking first trimester difficult being at artwork too, completely knackered for all time! i don't have a run of the mill activity however, i'm a common college instructor and that i like it, whether the toddlers could desire to be wandering what the hell's befell to me - some days i'm an entire crabby cow for no reason and that i save disappearing off to the rest room leaving my college room assistant in value (she does not understand the two so is probs wandering why i've got became right into a weirdo too!) i could choose to be a stay at homestead mum yet me and my companion could no longer arise with the money for our loan without my salary yet i'm hoping to activity-share and artwork area time - we will get via someway!! besides - solid success!! won't or no longer it is so solid as quickly as we've massive bumps and everybody at artwork is conscious of and is conscious our loopy behaviour! And that final day of artwork till now we bypass off to have our babies - that'll be sheer bliss! i'm no longer able to attend the two, you have have been given me all excited now lol!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes there is but I can't download it either. I found it on youtube. I'm not sure if it is or if it isn't a virus. Check it out here If you download it please attached it to somewhere else so I can download it.

    Kind Regards


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