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Sandylynn asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Would Pres. Chavez's plan work in the U.S.?

I've been doing a lot of reading recently, after hearing that President Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela, was considering having government run restaurants in his country. I've read about him taking over certain companies & industries in his country, all under the guise of taking care of "the people". Isn't that how it starts? It's always "for the good of the people". But is it really? My question is, would President Chavez's plan to have government own everything work here? Where would a country that was established on free enterprise end up? What if what's happening in Venezuela happens here? Read the following links before answering. Fore-warned is fore-armed. Please, only serious answers. I'm not trying to stir up trouble...just want to hear other people's views in a respectful way. Thank you. <*)))><,2933,504466,00.html


Lots of great answers. It was very hard for me to choose just one. Thanks to all who have replied. I really enjoy it when I see intelligence in what I'm reading. Thanks again. <*)))><

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not convinced that Chavez has a concrete plan - he has a few good ideas, but I don't believe his "new socialism" plan has clear substance or a clear direction. That, combined with his cracking down on the press when they're critical of him, his cult of personality, and his failure to build a political base, suggest that he's not serious about either socialism or about learning to fix some of the excesses it has shown in the past.

    As an American socialist, I find Chavez interesting, but not inspiring. He may be able to do some good through some of his plans, but the problems with his rule will harm his society in the long run.

    As for applying them to the United States, I don't think it's possible because he doesn't have a plan. Any attempts to apply socialism here should be based on a solid set of goals, at least a sketch of a plan to reach them that includes ideas about the transition, a commitment to a free press and personal liberties, and a party base that has numerous intellectuals who are comfortable with debate and disagreement both with each other and people outside the party. Any system that relies on one man is going to have problems if that man dies, and is prone to absorb the personality faults of that man.

  • 1 decade ago

    The stories you cite, highlight the need for a free media. The masses can be manipulated by a lack of objective information. I wouldn't mind some balance for the conservative blowhards that crowd the AM airwaves, but that is another issue.

    As for Chavez' plans being applied here, I don't think it would work at all. Despite a large population of ignorant people, everyone here believes in the American Dream. I don't think tough times will kill that dream.

    However, I recall arguing during the height of the ridiculous argument or slogan "drill here, drill now," that we should nationalize our oil reserves. The oil companies could get a stipend to drill and refine OUR oil, but that would actually increase supply and we would affect the price and avoid the manipulation that is a hallmark of that industry. I only apply that to oil, because it is in our territorial waters, not someones property, so we own it collectively.

    As for taking productive business into custody to be owned and run by the government? It will never happen. It is only happening now, because the greedy management, left unchecked by the previous administration, drove the banking industry into dust. Now they suck at the teet of our tax breast, and we get some ownership stake in return. Not as well negotiated on our behalf by government officials as by Warren Buffett, but, what can we really expect, right?

    We aren't becoming Venezuela.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see only one difference between Chavez and Obama. The media in Venezuela is trying to wake up the people. Here in America the media is putting us to sleep.

    Anyone going against Obama is ripped apart by a media. A media that hasn't told the truth since Walter Cronkite told America we could not win the war in Vietnam after the Tet Offensive. A battle that wiped out the Viet Cong and 90% of the North Vietnam Military. Shameful isn't the word of our media. A more fitting word is treason.

  • canam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The people of America are much better informed. They see whats happening with the push towards socialism and gov. run businesses such as the banks, and a backlash has started. Chavez also has made it possible for him to run the country indefinately. I heard rumors that Obama wanted to change the constitution so he could do the same here. It seems Obama has alot in common with Chavez.

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  • John
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Of course it would not work. Every time a government says it wants to "take care of the people," what it means is that it wants to totally control the people. It has been this way throughout history.

  • 1 decade ago

    I honestly dont know if I can be respectful and answer this question. Big Government is just that - "they want to do what THEY think is best for you". The problem is you don't know what their concerns are. Most of them ARE NOT held to the same rules and regulations as the rest of America. They don't want to let you make your own decision about HEALTHCARE, MEDICATION, CHILD CARE. They want to help you by making all your decisions for you.

    My reply is NO - that never works. Everyone has a different purpose to be on this planet and everyone is made different. Which means if you get a group of over 5 people together they will not agree on what is best for the whole group. You can come up with a BIG OVERVEIW of laws that work for most people in most circumstances but the small stuff cannot be written in stone.

    As for government take over - I hate to be the infomer that its already here in America. I can't goto a natural medical doctor because insurance descriminates against them. They have put natural farmers out of business to grow their crops scientificly. THEY don't care about the chemical imbalances in people or the diseases that it causes - because they are worried about overpolpulation.

    Everyone is worried about fat people because they are fat - most of them are fat due to chemical imbalances - which not only cause them to be overweight - but get diabetes, breast cancer, ect. No one wants to talk about why the same people who are over our phamacudicals are over our food. THEY should not be allowed to put all those chemicals in our food and dairy is the worst one. If you are not buying organic you should for your childs sake especially milk & eggs.

    Well I can rant on this subject ALL DAY but I wont - lol. I saw first hand how the medical industry when I had my first and only baby. Bottom line is that the ELITE like to be just that - they see no trouble taking your money. In America it seems that they offer us an illusion of freedom while stealing us blind in other ways. What really upsets me is how they do this to the poor by taking all their money for the healthcare stuff and then giving them the poorest care possible. Anyone who sees through their scam is quickly dealt with in severest mannor possible and then covered up.

    I wish this were a movie script I was talking about it but I have had a couple run ins already and know people who have experienced this first hand. So please take my word for it.

    I would love to send you a source but this is highly public and I dont want them shut down. If you do want to google SPLENDA and then goto a blog site of the dieters who have used this. Do not drink diet sodas and dont let your kids drink them - its a nurotoxin and very bad for your brain.

    I hope this answers your question - No unless the leaders are under the same rules and regulations as the rest of us their plans will not help anyone. Yes they are just trying to take over which is what anyone who SEEKS to be a ruler wants. I do not agree with the bailout. our system would have worked it just needed time. The big greedy industrys fell but new smaller more honest ones would have popped up in their place. Why give a crook more money for being a crook? It does not make common sence.

    As for Fanny Mae & Freddie Mac - they were making so much money with payoffs they did not care about the houseing market are the ramifications. Despite what the media claimed Mr. Bush did warn them along with many other people in congress but the people getting pay offs did not want to hear it. The problem was they sold homes to people who could not afford it - so trying to help these people make mortagages they couldn't pay to begin with is a JOKE. Sorry but if you can't afford a home lets get them into somewhere they can afford and give the homes to people who can afford them. That was all that needed to be done for that problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly, there are enough dumb people in the US to be blind to Chavez's power struggle and support him. Hopefully, there are enough people here that won't allow it to happen. And hopefully, Venezuelans can be freed of that dictator soon.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If by "work" you mean spread deprivation and empower the central authority, then yes, it would work here. It works like that everywhere and every time it's tried.

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