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Lv 618,815 points


Favorite Answers23%

Serious about living for Jesus. Mother of two grown children. Two grandkids...and counting. Married over 35 years...and counting. Sunday School teacher for over 16 years. Member of CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association), Habitat for Humanity, Curves, TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and SparkPeople ( Crochets, knits, draws, paints, sings, and enjoys funny movies. Avon representative (http://www.avonrepresentative/sswaney <*)))><

  • Has Yahoo/Answers eliminated the ability to make our own avatars?

    I wanted to change my Yahoo avatar & tried to go to the page where they had all the choices (hair, clothes, backgrounds, etc.) and it's all gone! It was replaced with choosing my own picture, or choosing one of their supplied background pictures. HOW RUDE! I liked choosing seasonal avatars, dressing up my model in various kinds of clothes & hair styles. Why has this feature been removed? And how do we get it back? <*)))><

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Why is my SD card not opening?

    I have a SanDisk 1 GB disk for my Panasonic digital camera that has several pictures that I want to download onto my computer. When I put the card into my computer earlier today, it only showed about 40 pictures, out of the 136 that I have on that card. The 40 pictures showed up on my computer screen, which I checked off to download onto my computer. But the other pictures showed up as a blue box & no picture. So I downloaded the 40 that I could see & closed the program. Later today, I put the disk back into the computer, to see if I could check the blue boxes & download those onto my computer & the disk wouldn't open at all. I even took another picture, so see if that would allow it to open, but nothing happened. How do I get to these photos on this card? <*)))><

    3 AnswersCameras10 years ago
  • Why does she keep losing her connection?

    I have a friend, who's on my cell phone's family plan & she's changed 3 phones in 6 months & still has dropped calls on a regular basis, sometimes several times in one phone call. She has U.S. Cellular as her carrier & we all live in a rural area. The nearest tower is less than a half mile away, but that doesn't seem to matter sometimes...she even gets dropped within sight of the tower! Her first phone was an old one of mine (Nokia). The second one was an LG. I can't remember what the last one was, but it had just come in the day before she got it, so it's really new (got it 2 months ago). This is frustrating for the both of us, as she can even be in my house & get a dropped call. I rarely ever get a dropped call. I've read somewhere that if you have too many fillings in your mouth, that it can interfere with your cell phone. Don't know if this is true, but that's the only thing I can think of that might be a possibility. She doesn't use a Bluetooth or headset, doesn't have texting & the battery is always charged. I've had to let her use my phone sometimes when she was dropped more than a few times on one call. She never got dropped while using my phone. I've considered taking her phone & giving her mine (switching numbers) to see how that works, as I'm out of options. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd really be interested in hearing them. Thanks. <*)))><

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Do you still think that Arizona is being too harsh?

    Not living in Arizona, I have to rely on the news for all my information. I don't personally know anyone who lives there either. So when I heard about Arizona's new immigration law, I had questions. I heard both sides of the issue, and still didn't know what alternatives would be better than what they've come up with. Then I started hearing news stories of people who actually live near the border. Stories of lawlessness, terror in neighborhoods, and people afraid to leave their homes for more than a few hours. I heard of "coyotes", people who are paid to lead illegals into this country. I heard about drug lords who "own" certain trails into this country & receive payment for the privilege of walking on these trails. Then I saw a two news stories from a TV news station IN Arizona...a very credible source I'd say. So I've included the links to these two stories for your education. This isn't FOX News or CNN. This is network news. I've stated this because I've seen many people slam certain networks just because of who they are. I've always said that if you want the true story, you have to go to those who are there & are experiencing what's really happening. I urge you all to view these news stories before continuing to judge Arizona for their new law. If we lived where this was happening, how would we feel? Having lived on the south side of Chicago during the late 60's, I KNOW what it is to live in fear. We have to protect our citizens, putting their safety first, 'cause if we don't, who will? Check it out...

    Arizona Border

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -


    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard about this bill now in congress?

    Click on the following link, and read this bill. It's about our government creating a volunteer corp. Read the whole thing before commenting, as being fully informed makes for a more intelligent exchange. Some of you may already know what this is about, so feel free to say what's on your mind. <*)))><


    18 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Would Pres. Chavez's plan work in the U.S.?

    I've been doing a lot of reading recently, after hearing that President Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela, was considering having government run restaurants in his country. I've read about him taking over certain companies & industries in his country, all under the guise of taking care of "the people". Isn't that how it starts? It's always "for the good of the people". But is it really? My question is, would President Chavez's plan to have government own everything work here? Where would a country that was established on free enterprise end up? What if what's happening in Venezuela happens here? Read the following links before answering. Fore-warned is fore-armed. Please, only serious answers. I'm not trying to stir up trouble...just want to hear other people's views in a respectful way. Thank you. <*)))><,2933,504466,00.html

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Are there any Republicans in Illinois government?

    I recently got a posting from someone on Y/A, and wanted to know how true it is:


    Copied the following from a friend and thought I'd pass it on. This is obviously an old forward, as Mr. Obama is no longer representing Illinois. After reading that there are no Republicans in Illinois, I wondered how that happened, as I thought each state had to have a representative from both parties. Since I don't live in Illiniois, I can't gripe about it, but thought bringing it to the attention of someone who does live there might bring some insight into this. What's your thoughts?

    Chicago....Who Runs it?

    Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin

    Representative: Jesse Jackson, Jr.

    Illinois Governor: Rod Blogojevich (arrested)

    Illinois House leader: Mike Madigan

    Illinois Attorney General: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

    Chicago Mayor: Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley)

    The leadership in Illinois ? All Democrats.

    Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .

    Body count in the last six months: 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago 221 killed in IraqState pension fund - $44 Billion in debt, worst in the country.

    Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax - 10.25% highest in country. (Look it up).

    Chicago school system - rated one of the worst in the country.

    Of course, they're all blaming each other. They can't blame Republicans because there aren't any.

    This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he's going to '"fix" Washington politics for us?


    All of this was part of the posting I received, but I'm mainly concerned with the claim that there are no Republicans in Illinois government. If that's true, how can the people be properly represented? I'd like to know from other Illinois people if this is true of your state government and what you think about this posting. <*)))><

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard about Mr. Obama's grandma's funeral?

    Has he decided to postpone his grandma's funeral due to it happening during a very busy time for him, or did they already have a quiet ceremony? <*)))><

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do you make dew drops on silk flowers?

    I am creating all the flower arrangements for an upcoming wedding. I would like to make the bride's bouquet more special than the rest, and want to make the white roses look like they have dew or rain drops on the petals. I've tried gel glue and clear tub caulk (which doesn't bead up too well), and haven't found anything that looks like the ones in the store. Does anyone know what to use to get this effect? I'm considering using clear glue from a hot glue gun, but am concerned it might damage the flower. Has anyone tried this? Would appreciate your help, if you've successfully done this. Thanks! <*)))><

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Does it take up hard drive space when you store too many e-mails in your inbox or folders?

    I've got lots of saved stuff in folders I've created on my e-mail page and just wondered if it would slow down my computer by keeping them there, or if deleting them will free up more space on my hard drive. Please, only serious answers. I'm still kind of in the dark about a lot of computer stuff. Thank you. <*)))><

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what kind of paint can be painted on glass windows to block out all light?

    I want to paint my bedroom windows to block out all light. The curtains I made still allow light around the edges. I want to make it completely dark in my bedroom, even in the middle of the day (my husband sleeps during the day). What kind of paint and what color would do the job? I can't use shutters, as condensation will build up, and mold will start to grow on the window sashes. I really need to find out if there's a paint I can use that won't peel, blister or crack from being exposed to the sun (window faces east). Thank you for any help you can give. <*)))><

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How can I adjust the color of Windows Media Player?

    Whenever I play a video through Windows Media Player, the picture is too dark to view properly. Is there a way to adjust the color so that it's bright enough to see? Serious help only please. Thank you. <*)))><

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I hide outgoing e-mail addresses so that it reads as undisclosed recipients?

    I get these e-mails from other people that hide all the people they send their forward to, and it reads to undisclosed recipients. I only know how to put people in blind copy, but I have to send one to myself in order to receive it. I've asked Yahoo and they couldn't give me the answer I needed. Do I have to go through Outlook to do this? Please give complete answers, as I'm not really great at computer-eeze. <*)))><

    5 AnswersInternet2 decades ago
  • Why aren't the Canadians illegally crossing the borders in order to work in America?

    I am not being bigoted or nasty with my question. It was just a thought. With so many illegal Mexicans crossing the American border, I just had to wonder why there aren't thousands of Canadians doing the same thing. Maybe it's because life in Canada is better than in Mexico. Or, maybe they are and we don't know about it! Just stirring the pot & seeing what you all think. Time to get on your soapbox and let everyone know what's on your mind. <*)))><

    20 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • How do I make my whole avatar appear?

    I did all these cool background things on my avatar, but it only appears from the neck up. Is there a way to make the whole picture show? <*)))><

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Where can you find the lyrics to contemporary Christian songs?

    I need a site where I can see the lyrics to several contemporary Christian songs. I have music to a lot of the songs, but no words. Sometimes it's hard to hear what the words are and I like to sing along correctly. Please help. <*)))><

    8 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • How can I get our friendship back the way it used to be?

    A couple years ago, I borrowed money from my friend to buy something. She told me to pay her whenever I could afford to, no hurry. While helping her move, last year, she told me to forget the money in trade for helping her so much. A few months later, she lost her job. Not many months later, she started not speaking to me. When I asked her why, she wouldn't tell me. But I heard from others it was because I never paid her back the money I borrowed. We finally met, with witnesses, and she was very angry at me, calling me a liar, cheat and almost a thief. Though there were others who heard her tell me to forget it, they wouldn't come forward. I've paid her back now, and she still won't talk to me, even though she agreed that if I paid it back, everything would be done. We used to be really close, but now she won't even let her kids talk to me. I've asked her many times to forgive me & wanting to know what else I can do, but she doesn't want to be my friend. Please help. <*)))><

    5 AnswersFriends2 decades ago
  • Is this phrase in the Bible?

    "God helps those who help themselves". I'd always heard that phrase when I was little, and it sounded so right. So, I did some checking...yes, I do know the answer. Okay guys, this is my first question on here. I've answered many of your questions, honestly and respectfully, so I would appreciate the same consideration. I just want to see what many people believe is actually in the Bible. Many people treat the Bible like some mysterious book that no one can really understand. It IS understandable, and it IS relevant to us today & very helpful. So, let's hear what you think.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago