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Why can't we........?

Bring the Tibetan people, and their culture to America? I just read about the damage the Chinese society has caused these people and I wonder why we cannot offer these people safe haven in America. We have huge swaths of deeply isolated and mountainous regions in the Rockies that would be perfect to accommodate their culture. They are a very self sufficient people, and certainly are too proud to take anything from our society without returning something of equal value.

What I would like to know, as an American, if we are so powerful,and so right, and so much more civilized, and more free, and more advanced than anyone else on Earth, then why can't we help these people that are currently living in conditions that have been quoted as being "hell on Earth". Clearly the Chinese do not want them there, and clearly the Tibetans do not want to be ruled by them.

Are we so ignorant and ego-maniacal, that we cannot offer a legitimately oppressed culture safehaven in the United States. Obama has said that he is about hope and change. Does that hope and change stop at the border or do we have any intention at all of sharing or spreading freedom to all those who wish it, or do you think we should have just tore down the statue of liberty on the day of 9/11/01?

Every day we lose more and more of our freedoms, while the rest of the world looks to us for hope and change. Pretty soon, we will be the ones needing safehaven, and you know what the world will tell us? I won't say it here, I think you all know. There is no reason why we cannot open some of our unused land to those who are capable and willing to make use of that land to preserve their culture. Perhaps the Tibetans could teach us a thing or two about self-reliance and respect for nature as well. Seems like a fair trade to me. What about the rest of you? I look forward to some of your answers.


I will only warn you all once. This is a serious problem. Peaceful people are getting slaughtered here. This isn't a civil war, or insurgency, or revolution. This isn't armed freedom fighters making a mess of Chinese society. This is a slaughter of pacifist civilians. No different than if an American street gang with Uzis or AK-47's overran a community church and killed all the priests, because they just don't like what they are saying. So if you cannot present your answers within the guidelines for this site and show some respect, be advised that although I almost never report anyone's answers, I WILL report you if you violate the yahoo answers terms on this question.

Update 2:

Thanks Puma for your answer, I hardly think that China could afford to go to war with the US, particularly since we are so far away from China. The fuel alone would likely bankrupt them. I think they would let them go if they simply fled to a neighboring country, and then were evacuated by UN troops. But I respect your opinion.

Update 3:

I also understand that they may not want to come, however I do not think that they are a foolish people. I think that if they knew they were welcome, and had the means to get here, and were sure that they would be able to preserve their privacy and culture in a similar environment, they would be grateful for the chance. I admit that is an assuption however.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think I agree with Puma here. These are deeply spiritual people who have probably given deeply spiritual meanings to their land. Helping them where they are would probably be the best solution. The problem is the United States economy is now tied very closely with the Chinese. It's sad, but in this country money has a huge weight on decisions made. The offering of safe haven should apply to them if they are refugees, but admittedly I do not know too much about the laws pertaining to refugees. I like the idea though I doubt they would accept it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not American. I do think that Tibetans want to remain in what is after all their own country. They are not getting the support, or enough support from world governments, which would be immeasurably greater if there was oil, gold or other precious reserves there.

    Yes, this is a serious problem and it is a demonstration to the rest of the world that tut tutting from afar doesn't change anything. It also demonstrates that trying to be non violent in a violent world may be a valiant practice and to be admired, but it isn't getting the recognition that it deserves, apparently it is not helping towards resolution of the problem. I do not know of an answer. Boycotting goods made in China may be one way of putting pressure on the Chinese but they are known to react badly to such pressure and too many in the west are only too happy to purchase goods at the lowest price, even if that means supporting a regime of which they do not approve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We can't because they don't want to come here. They want to live where they are. You're making a lot of assumptions here, most of them ethnocentric and short-sighted.

    A better solution would be to aid them where they are, not help them run away, which the Chinese government would hardly allow in the first place. Trying to force the issue would just lead to war with a significant world power that would be messy at best.

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