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aCeRBic asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

How would you grade Obama's First 50 days?

** Obama is on track to spend more money than any person in the history of the planet.

** Obama and Pelosi's stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet.

** Obama and democrats have already saddled America's children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them.

** He's lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud.

** He's promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury.

** He's insulted America's greatest ally, Great Britain.

** He's reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic.

** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria

** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo.

** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain.

** Obama's VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan.

** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban.

** The Obama stock market had its worst January in 113 years.

** The stock market had its worst February since 1933.

** The Dow has dropped faster under Obama than any other new president in 90 years.

** Obama's budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, and adds more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined.

** Obama managed to spend more than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

** Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.

** Cap & trade was introduced that will cost America 4 million jobs and cost Americans at least $700 per family per year.

** Team Obama announced easing restrictions with communist Cuba.

** Meanwhile, democrats further restricted free trade with ally Colombia.

** Obama signed legislation to fund foreign abortions.

** Obama signed legislation to fund embryonic stem cell research.

** Democrats already banned offshore drilling.

** Democrats scrapped oil and gas leases in Utah for energy development.

** Obama's party permanently banned drilling in ANWR

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    G- - (is there such a thing?)

    The stimulus bill is anything but stimulus. He quotes Keynes about his fiscal policies. But I think Keynes' ghost would haunt him for using his economic principles to bankrupt a country. Economics is all about proper allocation of limited resources. US can't afford right now to be a socialistic country. Even if Bush had a 700B debt, Obama is SPENDING 20,000,000,000,000.00 (TRILLION) dollars in just one year. That's more than BUSH spent in his 8 years of presidency. Tax increases, even Whoopi Goldberg complained about the tax increases coming her way. And she's a big OBAMA supporter. US is not down in the ditch yet, but the way the president is doing his creating more problems than solving it. As for GITMO, if they can conspire to bomb the World Trade Center and other deadly activities, I don't doubt they can break out of prison in mainland and create havoc there. As for abortion, a lot of countries don't like abortion because it is against their religious belief. Politicians for abortion say that abortion is safer than being pregnant. HELL! Pregnancy is the safest and most natural thing in the world. Even wild animals without hospitals and medicine bring to life amazing creatures. And they argue that pregnancy is dangerous. Those are bullshit arguments. They ban off shore drilling because they prefer to destroy other countries rather than their own. As for Britain being ally, as far as I can remember US-Brit relationships are good. It has been good since US broke off with Britain in the 1700's. Britain has often called US it's brother. You would be ungrateful if you think otherwise. When Obama says it doesn't look into the movement of the market, he should look. Because markets react almost immediately to economic and policies impose by the present administration. A slight political mishap can affect the market immediately. Every single economist would know this.

  • 1 decade ago

    It took Jimmy Carter's dim witted flunkies until the end of May, 1977 to convince me that they were at best hopelessly inept mixed with corrupt to the point of depravity! Barack Obama's crew has succeeded in convincing me that they have beaten the Carter gang's record by all of 136 days! And yes, I am holding the President accountable for "Dingy Harry" , "Ninny Nancy" , and the whole of the US Congress! That is the price for having the Presidency, the US Senate, and the US House of Representatives all ruled by one party! (I'm using RULED in that last sentence, because they are acting as an Imperial Body; NOT that of a government acting on behalf of a self governing Free People!)

    In short , F-

  • 1 decade ago

    ** You are a so called conservative who loves taxes.

    ** Wars are a waste of money, buying things the country needs is not.

    ** Only idiots think peace should not be sought with foes.

    ** The stock market was already in the bear market and the same thing would have happened if any other president were there.

    ** I doubt he will quadruple the deficit, are you counting Bush's 700 billion when you say quadruple?

  • He better step it up as a REAL president if he wants a passing grade from me. I don't like him being in office, because I don't like a LOT of his ideas. Not saying McCain was any/much better... but I really don't like Obama.

    A lot of people have called me racist for my opinion on wanting him out of office. However, I'm not racist, I simply think we could have done a whole lot better in elections. Black, white, asian, hispanic, male, female...I don't care what they are in office, so long as their not stupid about things, and ARE a president! Don't go making promises you won't or can't keep. And don't do things that take away so much freedom. We're not communists here..and we don't believe in that! Otherwise we'd be in China or somewhere else where there is communism!

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  • 1 decade ago

    This does not seem to be a question. Bush actually started the ball of destruction rolling and then he gave it a huge push right before Obama came into office. YOU know that.. I know that.. We all know that... It really did not matter who won the election, either one was screwed.

  • jed
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    WOW I think you said it all. So i agree with you. If he has done anything it would be getting part of americas hopes up. but then its all crashing down. or so it seems. If he has done anything right I don't know what it is. I am impressed with what you have up there!!

  • 1 decade ago

    doing a awful job. F-

    Now Americans are stuck with his BAD change

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not at all comfortable with his policies and will do everything in my power to see to it that we elect more conservatives in the next election. We need to reinstate a more balanced congress and senate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its been 50 days . . . this guy is not the friggin messiah. But here i'll try to respond to your points.

    *** yep, however noone other than roosevelt came into power with the economy in such a bad shape. That was what 80 years ago? Don't agree with the spending but I can see why.

    ***See first answer.

    *** We were already in 2 trillion in debt to foreign nations.

    Get your head out your butt, we saddled them with debt 20 years ago. Your paying for your parents debt now.

    ***Wow dismissing politicians that think they are above the law and doing things behind closed doors. What a horrible characteristic to have.

    ***See last answer.

    ***Great Britian hasn't been an ally since we broke away from her in the 1700s

    ***The missile defense system was part of the last administations defense plans. Instead of building a multi-billion dollar project he opted to open negotiations up to have peace between the nations.

    ***Meeting with our enemies to settle differences. New concept we'll see if it works.

    ***Closing GITMO. I'm wish-washy with this one because I support torture if it means saving lives. What i don't support is being hypocritical about it and saying we don't torture when everyone knows we do.

    ***True that guy should have been executed if we could have proven his guilt.

    ***Soldiers are going to die in Afghanistan?!?! Your kidding right?? Oh please tell me that won't happen in war so I can naively feel better about our reason for being over there.

    ***Meeting with our enemies to settle differences. New concept we'll see if it works





    ***True. However the difference is where its spent. Should mention that. Its not forcefully occupying a foreign nation, but rebuilding the intrastructure of the US.

    ***False. Too much of an exaggeration to seriously respond too.

    ***False. Too much of an exaggeration to seriously respond too.

    ***Meeting with our enemies to settle differences. New concept we'll see if it works.

    ***True. If they don't clean up their problems with the illegal imports of drugs to this country it will get worse.

    ***huh?? I'll have to get back to you on this

    ***True. Seperation of Church and State can I have it?

    ***True. Let's try and look for alternative fuel sources instead of depleting limited resources. After all we don't want to burden our children with a fuel crisis do we?

    ***See last answer

    ***See last answer

  • 1 decade ago

    He's a failure . Those Obama-bots are in love with the idiot , and they probably don't know one thing about him except his skin color .

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