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What is wrong with my wrist?

I have injured my wrist making typing rather painful. I know it's not carpal tunnel, but what could I have done? I know I need to see a doctor, but it's 12:30am here.

The pain is on the top of my wrist

right above my wrist bone and below my thumb and forefinger-if I put my thumb across my wrist right above the wrist bone, in that little crevice, that is where it hurts.

It is very achy, and it hurts to move it.

There is no visible injury and I did not fall on it or injure it at all that I remember...I did fall a few days ago, but it didn't hurt badly enough to notice if I did hit it.

Any suggestions other then go to the doctor? I've been icing it, it hurts the most when I move my thumb and forefinger.


I forgot to mention that it was not a sudden onset of pain, it hurt yesterday a bit and it's becoming increasingly worse.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    say hello to DeQuervain's tenosynovitis. i went to my dr with same EXCAT pain,. Got diagnoised with this. gave me a brace and some antiimflamtory. Just rest ur wrist ice it and relax

    Source(s): i have it
  • 1 decade ago

    The area you described a triggerpoint / nerve location.

    Read about trigger points & acupressure. Trigger points are very sore spots all over the body the size of a pea or marble.

    When you locate them press on them with a round hard object for 15-30 seconds to relieve pain.

    Washing dishes by hand works wonders too. Ice tendons after.

    Hot for muscles never tendons. Cold for tendons & muscles.

    Gently flex the wrist a few times palm downward & then backward knuckles toward hair.

    If you fell you may have a sprain or fracture even a bruised bone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Better take a closer look at all of your activities, especially if you exercise or are involved in sports on a regular basis. Unless there is swelling involved, you should not be putting ice on it. Try some muscle rub that stays warm for some time, or maybe a heating pad on low setting. The typing that you are doing is probably just aggravating it to the point of causing pain, thereby making it noticeable.

    And yes, do see a doctor if it is persistent and will not go away in another couple of days. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    appears like carpal tunnel syndrome. in the journey that your wrist hurts once you enlarge it, mutually with p.c.. up a suitcase, turn doorknob, shake palms, and so on., then you quite've have been given carpal tunnel. do not positioned warmth on it. basically ice/chilly. relax your wrist and doubtless take some discomfort drugs, if that would not help see a physician.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ur wrist is a rainbow. it makes me happy. hows ur day?

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