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you want to know about nice! I'm a liberal pagan 28 year old woman...I have three kids with my conservative republican husband...yep..go figure...crazy thing is it works! I try to respect everyone's views, especially religious...religion is WONDERFUL...i love it...everyone should get one! Blessed Be!

  • Looking for age appropriate books for an advanced 9 year old reader.?

    My son is currently working on the Harry Potter series and loves the books. I gave him the 4th book on last Sunday and he finished on Saturday. He really likes the HP books; he's reading the 5th one now. He's going to need a lot of books for the summer, I'm looking for suggestions.

    I am looking for age appropriate reads, preferably series that are similar to HP. He's 9 and in the 3rd grade.

    14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Kind of a stupid question about pepto bismol...?

    I need to take some pepto, but all I have is the chewable kind. I hate chewable medicine (I'm a big baby). Can I swallow them? Will they still work as well?

    I assume they would work fine, since they are still going to my stomach...but then why would they make them chewable?

    I feel stupid for asking this questions:)

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • A few questions for Muslims?

    I'm working on a project for school and would like to include answers from American Muslims.

    Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance?

    If not, why not?

    And if you do not say it, in school-now or when you were in school-were you discriminated against because you did not say it? How were you discriminated against and by whom?

    I would also like to ask, if you had any special needs during school that others did not have. Did your school accommodate you or did you have to fight for these? This can be anything from being able to pray to working in same sex groups.

    Also, can anyone recommend a website that can give me information about anything teachers need to know about Muslim students?

    Thanks for taking time to answer.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Muslims, I have a question about the Pledge of Allegiance?

    I'm working on a project for school and would like to include answers from American Muslims.

    Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance?

    If not, why not?

    And if you do not say it, in school-now or when you were in school-were you discriminated against because you did not say it? How were you discriminated against and by whom?

    I would also like to ask, if you had any special needs during school that others did not have. Did your school accommodate you or did you have to fight for these? This can be anything from being able to pray to working in same sex groups.

    Thanks for taking time to answer.

    For anyone who just wants to be a jerk, I do not require any derogatory remarks about Muslims, so I would love you to keep those to yourselves...although I can't stop you from posting them, you will be wasting my time and yours.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question about a possible cat abscess?

    My cat came from being gone for a week or two (this is normal for him) and when I picked him up he had a small squishy lump on his chest. The lump was maybe the size of a nickle. It was not warm and did not seem to bother him, there was no puncture wound or anything. I was waiting for my husband to get home to take him to the vet and get him checked out, but he took off again.

    Today he came home (it's been about a week and a half) and I took him inside to examine him and instead of a squishy lump he had what looked like what may have been an abscess that was already scabbed over.

    The area around the scab was clean and there was no redness or swelling. It was no longer full of pus, and the scab is about the size of my the pad of my pinkie finger.

    It's possible that someone who also thinks he's their cat took him to the vet and had the abscess drained. However, if I need to take him to the vet I will. I would be concerned about giving him a double dose of antibiotics if someone else is giving them to him.

    If the area stays clean and doesn't seem to bother him should I take him in next time he shows up?

    Before you ask why he doesn't have a collar, it's because he always seems to slip them off somewhere; and the ones that can't be slipped off can be dangerous.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • White cooking wine vs. sweetened white rice wine?

    So...can I substitute rice wine for cooking wine in a chicken and rice recipe?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to solve a Cryptarithmetic using excel?

    I have to solve a Cryptarithmetic problem, and I'm having trouble. It is a subtraction problem, with the possible numbers given...but I have no idea how to solve it.

    Is there any way to program something into excel to help me get the answer?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my wrist?

    I have injured my wrist making typing rather painful. I know it's not carpal tunnel, but what could I have done? I know I need to see a doctor, but it's 12:30am here.

    The pain is on the top of my wrist

    right above my wrist bone and below my thumb and forefinger-if I put my thumb across my wrist right above the wrist bone, in that little crevice, that is where it hurts.

    It is very achy, and it hurts to move it.

    There is no visible injury and I did not fall on it or injure it at all that I remember...I did fall a few days ago, but it didn't hurt badly enough to notice if I did hit it.

    Any suggestions other then go to the doctor? I've been icing it, it hurts the most when I move my thumb and forefinger.

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • At what age are opposite sex sleepovers inappropriate?

    As a mother of three boys I was shocked to find out that my 8 year old son was invited to a sleepover with girls. The sleepover was for a boys birthday party, and three girls were invited to attend. All of the girls parents declined for one reason or another so I allowed my son to go.

    I was surprised and mentioned it to my mother who said that my nephew (12) was invited to a boy/girl sleepover!

    I understand inviting girls to the pre-evening festivities, but to ask them to spend the night seems a bit odd to me.

    So where is the line drawn? My line is drawn at never, but I was curious how other parents felt about boy/girl sleepovers, and why they felt that way.


    14 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Am I being unreasonable?

    Our heater went out on Friday, we had a company come out and charge us way too much to install a part they said would fix our problem. Because it was late Friday we went ahead and had them do the work. We were worried because we have 3 kids and didn't want the pipes to freeze. So Sunday the furnace stopped working again, we called the same company and after they told us they would charge us again to come out-which we flat out told them no- they came out and "fixed" the screw that fell out (although they claim that the person who installed the furnace had put in the wrong screw...ten years ago, that just happened to fall out after they had worked on it). So it began working again.

    Sunday around 4PM it stopped working, so when someone called us back at 8 they said they would be out in the morning and they would call us.

    It's 10am now and still no call. My house is very cold and I have kids here. I want them here NOW, is this unreasonable? I'm getting angry and I'm trying very hard to be nice, but it's been three days, they start work at 8, why isn't this first priority?

    Yes, I understand that other people need heat too, but this should have been fixed Friday!

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • $50 for a pregnancy test...who are they kidding?

    I went to the Emergency room awhile back because I hurt my back. I had to have x-rays, and although I assured the doctor there was no way for me to be pregnant (my husband has a vasectomy) they insisted on a pregnancy test. Since I wasn't in much of a position to fight it I agreed.

    So I get my bill today and they charged $50 for a test. Seriously, $50 to dip a stick in pee and read the results. They use cheap strips of test paper that probably cost less then $1 each!

    My insurance covers the cost and I'm not really complaining that it was done, but I'm shocked the insurance company allows them to get away with charging so much!

    No wonder people can't afford to go to the hospital without insurance!

    Why would they charge so much?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm having problems with my heater?

    My heater (gas) has been having issues for a few weeks. Occasionally it will just start blowing out cold air instead of hot air. When the pilot light goes on all the burners don't light, one or two will, but when all of them don't light they all go out. If we reset the system then they will all light-after a few resets-then we won't have any issues for either a few days or a few hours.

    What could be the problem. I don't have the money to pay someone to come look at it right now, they are so darn expensive, even just to come out and look.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Phantom Hourglass question?

    I'm in the Ocean King temple (again) and I have to place the stones in the pedestals in a different order then it how do I do it? The pedestals show it as circle, square, triangle....but it said I have to insert them square, circle, triangle. it's not letting me put them on the pedestals so how do I make this work?

    This is for DS, I'm stuck and frustrated!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • cheap international shipping?

    I want to send a very cheap package to the Philippines, and I don't want to pay $90 for it, the package itself will weigh less then a pound and be worth less then $10 so I don't want to spend a fortune!

    Any suggestions? UPS is way too expensive!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Is there a difference between the DS and the DS lite?

    Other then size, obviously, is there a difference between the DS and the DS lite?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I want to watch a movie on my computer, what should I install?

    I'm trying to play a movie on my computer (from a disc). It says:

    Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because a compatible DVD decoder is not installed on your computer

    Is there anything I can download that doesn't cost any money?

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • My cat thinks he's a dog!?

    My cat and dog get along really well, they play and fight and they even chew on each other:) The problem is that the cat thinks he's a dog so he eats the dog food! We give our dog healthy choice by Purina. The cat always has food out for him, he shares it with my other cat, sometimes he will eat it, but if there is dog food in the bowl he goes right to it.

    How bad is it for cats to eat dog food consistently? He's a pretty healthy cat, indoor/outdoor, almost a year old and big and muscular with a lot of energy.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Scramble help, please?

    I have been trying to figure this out has to do with Harry Potter, I don't know how many words.


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Do you give your child's caregiver a Christmas gift?

    Just curious if you give your child's caregiver a Christmas present or not. What do you give them if you do give and are they your private nanny, a home daycare provider or do they work at a daycare?


    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What classes are needed for educators license in Ohio?

    I'm going a bit crazy on the ODE website trying to locate the classes that are needed in order to receive an educators license in Ohio.

    I'm currently in my masters program, my undergrad is in Social Studies and Literature. I am having a few disagreements with my school counselor and I can't find the information myself.

    I'm only looking for the education requirements for the Middle Childhood education, Social Sciences and Language Arts. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.


    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago