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$50 for a pregnancy test...who are they kidding?

I went to the Emergency room awhile back because I hurt my back. I had to have x-rays, and although I assured the doctor there was no way for me to be pregnant (my husband has a vasectomy) they insisted on a pregnancy test. Since I wasn't in much of a position to fight it I agreed.

So I get my bill today and they charged $50 for a test. Seriously, $50 to dip a stick in pee and read the results. They use cheap strips of test paper that probably cost less then $1 each!

My insurance covers the cost and I'm not really complaining that it was done, but I'm shocked the insurance company allows them to get away with charging so much!

No wonder people can't afford to go to the hospital without insurance!

Why would they charge so much?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like price gouging. It's kind of like how Starbucks charges $5 for a coffee that costs less than $1 to make. They know they can get the money for it, so they do it.

  • Suzie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I work with hospitals buying supplies for them and most of it comes from trying to cover the hospital insurance costs against malpractice suits and things like that. The cost of the insurance is then passed on to the patients through things like a $50 pee test.

    The products themselves don't cost much but everything in a hospital has a cost... for instance: A hospital charges about $1000 for the use of a surgery theater for one hour because it has to be booked so another surgery doesn't conflict. It's how they try to operate while making a profit to stay open. Universal healthcare may alleviate some of these problems but will most likely cause others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG!! that is the most outrageous thing i have ever heard! Note to self if i ever don't have insurance i will definately not be going to the hospital. I can't believe they are allowed to charge so much its not like they did a blood test or anything. Wow outrageous i'm pretty shocked by this = 0

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I suppose its a "medical" thing, they charge more. Most places charge for convince, rather than how much it actually costs. Fast food, for example. It costs an arm and a leg to eat out daily, compared to spending a little weekly and getting what you need for the week.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL! My insurance usually sends me a breakdown of what they pay "labs" and it is never what they charge! So... :) but yes that is crazy when you can go to the dollar store and get one for a buck! LOL they charge so much cause they can! Plain and simple... I mean how else would the docs make the big bucks!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hospitals always do this. they will mark up Advil that cost them .2 cents a pill to $20.00 a pill. It is ridiculous. But you can go and talk to the hospital administrator and explain the situation, she might feel bad and help you.

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): Worked in hospital admitting for a year
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah i agree with ur first answer....the cost of living is going up like crazy

  • bc they are gay they charged me $620 just too look at my throat ya i know good thing i had medicate!!

    and no Medicine involved!!

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