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Is it too early to say that the world's hopes for a less violent USA under Obama were misplaced?

10 people dead in Alabama shootings (can we expect any gun controls?)

Invasion of what Chinese call their territorial waters (the US have admitted they knew what they were doing so it can only be described as deliberate provocation). Why??


I don't understand what "punishment" there would be by restricting gun ownership

Update 2:

So the argument is that if you give everyone a gun you'll make it less likely that anyone will get shot?

Update 3:

I DO understand the Chinese territorial waters issue. The Chinese unilaterally extend their territory and the International Community disagrees. The USA vessel knowingly and deliberately provokes an incident by entering what China has declared as its ocean territory. For what good reason is my question? To show who's boss?

I agree the world, as perceived by the standards of the USA, is a violent place. But shouldn't the control of the criminal elements be left to the police, rather than to home-based vigilantes? Do you find you have regular armed visitors knocking on your door? Or is it that no-one dare come to your door, not even selling Watchtowers, because they know they'll be faced with a gun wielding inhabitant?

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    first of all gun control isn't going to stop violence. people have been killing each other for thousands of years before gunpowder was even invented! as soon as someone figured out the equation "rock to back of head = @sshole go bye bye" people have been violent! gun control doesn't stop anything because it just makes it to where law abiding citizens can't protect themselves against the criminals who will still find a way to get handguns!

    As to the comment about the Chinese navy the waters this incident occurred in have been disputed for years as to whether or not they are Chinese or in international waters. it may have been a provocation but i seriously don't think it will lead to any serious violence.

    edit: NO i'm not saying that. All i am saying is that i really don't think it will make a difference either way. if someone is desperate enough to kill someone they will do it whether they have access to a gun or not. but that theory has been tested in a small town in nebraska before. the place had a high crime rate so the city council made it illegal to leave your home without a gun! their crime rate went from 23% to a big fat 0!

    and yes crime should be handled by the police! IF THEY GET THERE IN TIME to do anything other than fill out a report and turn your body over to the coroner! and no it doesn't happen that often and may never happen to you in your lifetime, but it only takes one time and one shot to kill you or someone you love!

    violence is never the answer and should always be used as a last resort, but when someone breaks into your home with a gun and the nearest cop is over ten minutes away what are you going to do?

    the simple fact is that all gun control laws will do is take away law abiding citizens' right to protect themselves under the second amendment of the constitution.

    Source(s): guns don't kill people, husbands who come home early DO
  • 1 decade ago

    I am going to only address the gun issue since I don't have the patience to try and make you understand the China waters issue.

    I will put it very simply.

    Gun ownership is a RIGHT. It is in our constitution. That should be enough, but just in case it isn't i'll throw in some logic that i think you'll understand if you try.

    If you restrict legal gun ownership, the only ones with guns will be criminals. Criminals, by definition don't care about the law.

    Now, if you; a law abiding citizen, were to be aggressively attacked in some way, or someone came in to your home to do harm to you by someone with a gun; how would you protect yourself or your family? Tell them very politely to leave you alone? Whether you want to admit it or not, guns DO allow ppl. to keep themselves and families safer.

    Do you think making guns illegal will make guns go away? Be realistic please.

    Also, did you think Obama would wave his magic hands and turn the world into this nonviolent Utopia?!

    The fact is all he is doing is making America appear weak. THAT is why other nations will all start to "test" us to see what they can get away with. This is the way it has always been. Another fact is, this is NOT a nonviolent world. It is in fact...a violent world, Again, whetther you like it or not. Obama perceived weakness is an invitation for trouble.

    Like with Carter and the Iranian hostage situation. They knew he was weak. And he was.

    The FIRST day of Reagan's presidency they released the hostages. Reagan was not, nor did he appear weak. They knew they wouldn't get away with that crap with him. With Carter those hostages would still be there, that is if he hadn't "bargained" ALL of America's assets for their return.

    Appearances, as much as reality mean alot in foreign politics.

    Diplomacy only works if you have force to back it up OR if you are prepared to use that force. That is very important. Otherwise it is just wastefull blabber. In addition, not all countries fell like "talking".

    Hitler USED diplomacy to his advantage by taking advantage of Neville Chamberlain's naivite. He got what was agreed on.....and then he went right on taking everything else he wanted. All Neville did was make it easier for him.

  • A little early yet, but he has stated he wants to invade Pakistan.

    Leave gun control up to the states, after all it's not the gun that is responsible for the killing. Why punish the law abiding citizen for the bad behavior of a few criminals.

    The dispute as of yesterday was the US was in international waters.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People didn't REALLY listen to Obama when he spoke. They only heard what they wanted to here. I knew nothing would change when I heard his interview on 60minutes during the campaign. AS to why, we sent a "military": ship into Chinese waters. Spying is normal, at least it wasn't a spy plane. We sent spies in their coutrny and they catch ours, They send spies to our countries, and we accidentally prosecute the wrong people over and over again. What is annoying is that press makes such an obnoxious deal about it. We should be mad China does not like being spied on. I admit they are overly protective, relative to us, but then again China culturally tend to be over zealous on these issues.

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  • Oscar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I could care less about the world's hopes for a less violent USA. They hope to conquer and or kill us. How do I know? They have said so in no uncertain terms, repeatedly and loudly. And I for one believe they mean what they say.

    That cheering in the streets at the murders of 9/11 just makes me all warm and fuzzy toward them. Don't it you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Your comment lacks coherence.

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