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Need help with wording for Employee Performance Appraisal?

I am filling out a performance appraisal for one of my employees, and I want to tell her that sometimes the customers see her as being rude or gruff, but I don't want to offend her (because she doesn't mean to be this way, and I'm not sure she's aware that she's perceived this way)... Any suggestions of some delicate wording I could use?

4 Answers

  • Big E
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These are Behavior issues and are very difficult to deal with. It is recommended you are honest and forthright with her and give her a clear understanding what is expected of her.

    Try these...

    It is recommended she concentrate on becoming approachable by being easy to approach and talk to; spend the extra effort to put others at ease; be warm, pleasant, and gracious to others; sensitive to and patient with the interpersonal anxieties of others; build rapport with others; and becoming a good listener.

    It is recommended she continues to work on compassion and sensitivity, by genuinely caring about people; be concerned about their work and non-work problems; be available and ready to help; be sympathetic to the plight of others not as fortunate; demonstrate real empathy with joys and pains of others; and be sensitive to employee's needs.

  • lotts
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    a 750- to a million,050-observe paper in APA format that information an unique overall performance appraisal device for a human provider business enterprise. handle right here: •Determinethe components that would desire to be contemporary in an appraisal device. •what's the point of a overall performance appraisal device and how does it income the business enterprise? •Outlinethe components of reliable appraisal structures. •be certain the standards for each ingredient that would desire to be contemporary in an appraisal device

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Employee Performance Appraisal.

    I thought this was the EPA

    Envirnomental Protection Agency.



  • 1 decade ago

    You need to be the boss for god sakes. Just tell her where she excels and then state that there are some areas where improvement could be made. Then site one specific instance and have four more ready in hand for the even that she disagrees and if she does disagree use that as the fifth. If you cannot site at least four instances then revisit the concern.

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