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Non-baby question that some creative mommies can help with?

I am filling out a performance appraisal for one of my employees, and I want to tell her that sometimes customers see her as being rude or gruff, but I don't want to offend her (because she doesn't mean to be this way, and I'm not sure she's aware that she's perceived this way)... Any suggestions of some delicate wording I could use?


Thanks, guys! You all gave some really helpful advice. I initially asked this in Business & Finance, but I knew that other mothers would be more understanding and polite.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try not to be too delicate or she may not get the message. The best thing you could do is give her a specific example of this behavior and then give her some tips on how she could change/improve it.

  • 1 decade ago

    stop being a b!!!! lol jk i would just tell just tell her that sometimes she comes off a little bit defensive to some people and to just watch her tone a little more when dealing with customers. sometimes u have to be stright forward or else it wont change. im dealing with crap at my office and nothing i can do about it even after 3 people complained on 1 girl. ughhh she had the nerve to ask what was the diffrence in sandels and flip flops so she knows what she can wear to work. she been here 3 years and you dont know the dress code??? sorry had to vent

  • dmg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've done a lot of performance reviews. I might say something like "Sally sometimes lacks awareness of how her actions and comments are received by some customers. She should take time to consider people's reactions when she speaks and learn to moderate her tone in response."

  • 1 decade ago

    Most performance appraisals have an area where you can say "needs improvement on.." . I would place it in that kind of area and say something like she needs to improve her customer service skills and you would be happy to help her with it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe ask her if everything is ok with her, and hope she asks why. Then you can say you've heard she is sometimes short or curt when doing her job.

    Tell her it is critical for the business' success to make the customer feel welcome, and that she needs to be a bit warmer toward them.

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