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Lv 7
Teenie asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

Do you believe something is seriously wrong with Nadya Suleman (Octo-Mom)?

Did anyone hear her 911 call she made when one of her kids went missing? She kept saying over and over I'm going to kill myself, I'm going to kill myself the 911 operator had to tell her not to say that in front of her other kids. When ask just how long the boy has been missing she said about an hour.

With millions of people out of work and losing their homes here she is living free and clear. She has figured out a way to not only get over on the state she lives in but how to get hand outs from the people all around the world by playing on their sympathy. She knew having one baby wouldn't do it but 8 babies at one time plus 6 she already has she would be taken care of for the rest of her life. Look at that one family on TV they had 6 at one time Kate plus 8 i think it's called. The money is coming in so fast from that show i watch it some times and it is fun to watch. My problem with this unstable woman is she intentionally set out to deceive people. I feel sorry for her kids what do you do with a woman like her you can't let all her kids go hungry and you certainly can't let her be put out on the street so what do you do what would you do if it was up to you?


I totally agree her babies should be adopted out to couples who desperately want but can't have children of their own.Why hasn't she been investigated before now. It just goes to show you how messed up our system really is.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I definitely do think there is something wrong. She decided to have all those children all artificially. She and the doctors who did the fertilization for her must have a deal that however amount of money she can weasel from people, they'll split it in half. I mean, seriously. Also, her life's goal is to be like Angeline Jolie. Where is she getting money to get plastic surgery done to look like Angeline Jolie? Poor us. We work only for the government to give all our hard-earned money away to some ***** that can't spell and has a passel of artificially-inseminated children.

  • OMG- the woman is a nutt case...and the thing that trips me out the most is that social services is quick to remove children from good homes- based on a bump on the head because a child fell off of a bed or something...but yet- social services does nothing to stop this inadequate, mentally unstable women from taking these children home. Where is social services when you need them? She obviously has some mental issues and is not fit 2 care for the 8 children! And I think this was all a publicity stunt...i mean look at the attention shes getting...and their doing a reality tv show on her... this is madness!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She is nuts and she doesn't act responsible. No way and with nothing at all.

    No one in the world can give enough love and attention to 14 kids at the same time. And it's horrible that she has 14 kids with no father.

    It's weird to me how people are ready to support her and her craziness. I see better purpose.

    I saw families who lost everything because one child has cancer and they care and try everything possible.

    I've seen how these families lost the child to the cancer after that and were broke. I wish that people would put their attention on such case not a crazy woman who plays with people and kids and emotions.

    What would I do? I would take the kids away from her, find families (there are plenty families who cannot have babies naturally) for them to take care of and put her to the mental institution. And cure her - IF there's a chance.

  • 5 years ago

    Noo. I actual have faith that Nadya has a psychological disease, something previous her very own administration. No lady interior the best suited suggestions might go with to have 14 young ones, under age 8- and nevertheless be single with no longer alot of money. something isn't "clicking" desirable in her suggestions! i think of she desires counseling, heavily. I do think of the media would desire to take a seat down back, and comprehend that the female made this decision, for this reason it would not challenge the wide-unfold public. until she needs greater welfare funds..

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all I would never have that many children, I don't care how much I love kids. Second of all, how does a woman who has obviously had plastic surgery and vitro fertilization, but lives on welfare afford it, plus 14 kids? This woman is clearly off her rocker and does need to seek psychological help!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Octo-mom should be permanently committed to a mental institution and her children adopted out. Moreover, the physician who aided her by implanting all those embryos should lose his medical license and have all his assets seized to help pay for the consequences of that blatant act of malpractice!

  • Stan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Get this! Did you hear Denny's is making a breakfast in honor of Sulemann?

    It's called the octuplet breakfast.

    You get 8 eggs...NO sausage...and the guy sitting at the next table has to pay for it all!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    She is loonier than a loony tune. She should be the poster girl for crazy.

  • eyJude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think the media is SERIOUSLY WRONG to continue following this... omg... she is doing it for fame and money... and they are helping her!

  • 1 decade ago

    her mind is jello and will lose her kids soon

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