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Atheist, Muslim's, Sinner's, Homo-Sexuals --?

I'm a Christian... and I just wanted to say I know we don't agree on much -- just thought you should know that.. yes.. many people are hypocritical even Christian's..but (who isn't). The bible is hard to understand (I know this) I read it dailly just about. We can disagree without the hate (and it's hard).... but for what it's worth God changed my life.. and seriously... I LOVE YOU ALL :) !! Is this ok ??

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Love is always the best option. Love your enemy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so if i say this is ok and i don't care what you believe, will you remember that the next time someone posts a question denying god? i personally don't know one way or the other, but it bothers me to see atheists and christians at each other all the time. i got on answers so i could find some insight into why my dad died, and neither side is winning me over here. despite what they believe, christians are the most hateful people i have ever met. rather than try to understand where i am coming from to help me, all they do is say that's how god wanted it. i am so tired of hearing that excuse. i just wish everyone would get along and just let people believe what they want.

    Source(s): agnostic
  • 1 decade ago

    "The bible is hard to understand" - It may just be me, but I detect a level of what could be (maybe even unintentional) condescension. I find with a little effort, there is nothing too difficult to understand about the bible, especially with how there are versions that interpret it into plain everyday English.

    I don't feel hate for anyone, but the idea that people are Atheist because "we just don't understand", is absolutely simplistic, to put it lightly. I understand why people need to have God in their lives. I understand why the Bible contradicts scientific fact. I understand a lot of things, including the Bible - because I not only can read, I can comprehend what I just read.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you love atheists, why do you condemn our health research because it opposes your own personal beliefs?

    If you love muslims, why do you attack their land and steal their oil?

    If you love sinners, why do you separate them and make sure they feel isolated from the non-sinners?

    If you love hom*sexuals than why do you give them less rights than you give yourself?

    If you find the bible is hard to understand, please remember that it was written nearly 2000 years ago in another tongue by politically motivated government officials, sexist and bigoted that they were, and should be taken with more than a grain of salt in modern times. I find it hard to understand how people can worship a book.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Whatever gets you though the night, friend.

    Just for the record: Don't you think a book meant to be a moral guide, or a "history" of a specific time, or a focus for an entire belief system should be less obscure? And easy for everyone to understand? Obscurity only tells me you have something to hide. Just a thought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is not hard to understand. How ironic the atheist can understand the bible more than a christian! Not surprising at all though..and how did God change your life? Please explain..he's been a no show for lots of years now..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well you sound pretty damn sure of yourself dont you


    you know... we could be wrong but so could you...

    your basing your religon on a book and church who asks you for money and spends it to make your church look better and not the poor...

    i believe something answers our prayers...

    but seriously...dude... if im a good human being

    i can get into any religon! oh and btw... you said sinners...

    you dissed your self homie hahahahahhaha wow ignorance

    Source(s): thinking for myself
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, spread the love. I'm an atheist and have no problem with that. Right back at you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I respect the fact that your belief in a god has changed your life. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    See..this post is why I can't take Christians condescending,prejudiced and separatist...everything Christians claim they are not. I do not seek acceptance from Christians...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    But I do understand the Bible! And believe me it is NOTHING you would expect from an all-knowing being. NOTHING.

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