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Lv 5
darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Am I the only one who feels that..?

Am I the only one who feels that if I hear one more time that "a group of people who intentionally targets civilians using suicide bombings or rockets and calls for an entire nation's destruction is not a terrorist group but a group of 'Freedom fighters'" and that "a country which responds to a terror attack, be it an airplane flying into a building, a bus exploding or rockets shot on the country isn't defending itself but is a 'terrorist country' which attacks innocents", I'll grab the nearest heavy object and hit that person across the face?


Paul - despite the horribly long sentence and not-so-flattering phrasing that comes with it, there's actually somewhere in there.

Update 2:

there's actually a question somewhere in there.*

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    >>> STILL MISSING an "Internationally accepted" fair and correct definition for "Terrorist" to define who is Terrorist, Then the answer will be easy.

    >>>If there is an "Internationally accepted" fair and correct definition for "Terrorist"

    to define who is Terrorist, the answer will be very easy.

    >>>A Freedom Fighter is not a terrorist.

    >>>Any person calls freedom fighters "terrorists" is a real terrorist.

    >>> SO. The First step to start should be "A fair definition of terrorism" :

    Who is a terrorist :

    A freedom fighters such as Hamas fighters in Palestine,


    Coward land occupiers , such Israeli solders occupying Palestine since 1948. Since that time they are killing children, women and old people using phosphorous and chemical weapons, and forced the natives to leave their homes and live as refugees in other countries since 1948 until now.


    Latest Israeli war on Gaza starts on 27 Dec. 2008, killing children, women and old people using phosphorous and chemical weapons.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you aren't.

    but what's even worse: the arguments of those people who hold israel responsible for the gaza war remind me one of M.A. Shapiro's examples in his essay "How to recognize an idiot during a discussion"***

    here it is in my awful english translation:

    "3. Attempt to win an argument not by logical reasons and by facts, but through the repetition of an unsubstantiated assertion

    example: two people discussing Napoleon when suddenly a third person interrupts them saying: "Napoleon, by the way, a Jew and the agent of the Mossad and his task is to establish the world supremacy of freemasons.” then let's assume that the two have steady nerves and some pedagogic skills, so they try (using authoritive sources)

    to explain to the newcomer that in the period when napoleon lived Mossad didn't exist and that Napoleon was now a jew, but a corsican. after listening to the explanation, the man leaves, but soon he reappears with the same assertions, which were disproved earlier by its collocutors.

    It is obvious from an example that this person either unable to hold in his head the reasons given against its assertions for more than a relatively short-term period or he considers that the multiple repetition of his assertion (despite the fact that it was disproved) will make it true. "

    ***my source is in russian

  • 1 decade ago

    No. You're not the only one who is more than mildly annoyed by this. I am frankly quite ticked that these people are attacking us from our own Western soil, posing as "friendlies" as Americans, British and other Western nationals while calling us "terrorists!" for defending ourselves and trying to get allies to pit against each other.

    I personally have more than a brick, as I'm sure you do too, and if one of those people show up in my neck of the woods I'll personally show them the true meaning of being a true American infidel loyal and faithful defender of the West. I'll do so without smearing my eyeliner and before they can spell Bin Laden!

  • 1 decade ago

    That's why I feel it is useless to 'dialogue'. People seem to be so, unreasonably, set in their thinking, that it sound like the old fashioned stuck gramophone record.

    I know you probably don't mean what you said, but try not to hit the wrong person. lol. A lot of people are afraid just now.

    It annoys me intensely to hear things like "freedom fighters". It is totally inappropriate. You are right.

    God bless Israel.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I too am fed up with this mad, inverted morality which tries to blame the victim of terror *for* the terror.

    If we take the most recent example of Israel, then what almost everyone overlooks is: Hamas were for years lobbing missiles into an area of Israel that was *******never under dispute*****.

    Gaza was already UNDER Palestinian control when the missile attacks ON Israel began sharply increasing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your not the only one that feels that way.

    It's funny really; people always label us Jews as pushovers and willing sheep that go to the slaughter.

    But when we actually defend ourselves we are considered terrorist and land grabbers?

    I just don't understand this at all?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Damn right they are terrorists and so are the governments that shelter them ...... likewise governments that bomb and kill their own citizens.

    State terrorism is every bit as bad as a group with an agenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    Politically correct seems so important until they blow up the ( bus, building, place ) where you or your loved ones are, and then you just want to kill the terrorists and it doesn't matter what they are called..

    I am tired of all this also..

  • If the "object" is too heavy, Ill help U! It annoys me that there are STILL people so "guilt ridden" they'd rather surrender their lives in order to appease terrorists.

    Leave Israel alone! Stop giving in to the media war, Israel.

    Are you listening Pres. Obama?!?

  • im i kinda in between i agree on some of what your saying, and kinda disagree. no matter what, any "terrorist attacks" are definitly wrong, but yea, they happen. and for people to respond so violently is also wrong. oh nooo there was a terrorist attack, lets go to war! no, they shouldve tried to work something out. and its like the terrosist attacks weren't partly the United States' fault. i mean, the two countries have had issues for a long time. the issues go back farther that just the attacks,

  • Link
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Am I the only one who feels that if I hear one more time that "a group of people who intentionally targets civilians using white phosphorous bombs, rockets, cluster bombs, and every other banned weapon in the world and aim their snipers at infants is not a terrorist group but a group of 'the most moral army in the world'" and that "a people who respond to terrorism, whether it is having their children shot at on beaches or having their mothers imprisoned indefinitely, or having their land stolen for 60 years is a 'terrorist country' which attacks innocents", I'll grab the nearest heavy object and hit that person across the face?


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